


《冰雪奇缘》于2013年上映。这是一部电脑动画电影,属于音乐奇幻类。这个故事讲的是两个姐妹,埃尔莎、安娜和埃尔莎拥有将物体变成冰的神奇力量。主人公从她固有的问题中走出来,变得强大起来。这与之前的迪斯尼公主电影不同。在故事情节安娜爱上了她的白马王子,后来发现他是操纵狂(Stover 29)。还有人批评迪士尼公主是如何爱上故事情节中完全陌生的人的。这是一个有趣的偏离,也是社会的反映。


Disney princess are the exclusive princess who have been developed form the fairytale princesses. They wait for their prince to come to rescue them from their situation. The historical projection of the princess in the movie is that they are beautiful and wait for someone to help them from their issues. Once they meet their so called prince charming, they live happily ever after. This has been the key theme in all of the Disney movies created by the company. In the movie Frozen, there is a deviation in the story line from the original rhetoric of the Disney princess.

Frozen movies was released in 2013. It was a computer animated film that falls under the musical fantasy genre. This story is about two sisters, Elsa and Anna and Elsa has magical powers of turning objects into ice. The main protagonist moves forward from her inherent issues and becomes empowered. This is a different narrative from the previous Disney princess movies. In the story line Anna falls in love with her prince Charming and later finds out that he is manipulative (Stover 29). There is also criticism of how the Disney princess fall in love with complete strangers in the story line. This is an interesting deviation and also a reflection of the societies.



另一种战略是广泛的差异化战略,允许公司通过属性和特性的整合来产生竞争优势。这些特性反过来又使产品和服务完全不同于竞争对手,购买者认为值得购买和有价值(Lynch, 2012)。成本领先战略也可以被公司使用。这种通用的战略旨在为特定的质量水平带来低成本的工业生产者。因为公司注重高质量,低成本不适用,所以这种策略不合适。最适合Wolseley的策略是市场开发策略,它允许公司在一个狭窄的领域进行市场开发,通过这个领域的措施可以达到成本效益或差异化。

关键是公司的需求要通过整个it市场的发展得到更好的服务。使用这种策略的组织通常会获得更高程度的客户忠诚度,而这反过来又会使客户对公司更加忠诚(Morschett et al . 2015)。随着市场发展的不断缩小,那些追求有针对性的战略的组织的交易量就会越来越小,因此讨价还价的能力也就越来越小。该战略提供了更高程度的客户忠诚度,这种根深蒂固的客户忠诚度导致其他组织失去直接竞争的积极性(Lynch, 2012)。


Another strategy is broad differentiation strategy that allows companies to produce an edge competitively through attributes and features incorporation. These features in turn allow to set the product and services completely apart from the competitors in several ways that buyers regard worth paying for and valuable(Lynch, 2012). Cost leadership strategy can also be used by the company. This generic strategy seeks to bring low cost industry producer for a specific quality level. As the company focuses on higher quality, and lower costs do not apply and therefore this strategy is not suitable. The best strategy that seems to be most suitable for Wolseley is market developmentstrategy that allows a company to market developmenton a narrowed segment and across that segment measures can be achieved either for cost benefit or differentiation.

The key is that the company’s needs be serviced better through entire market developmenton it. An organization that uses this strategy often enjoys customer loyalty of higher degree and this in turn leads towards entrenching customer loyalty towards the company (Morschett et al 2015). As there is narrowed market developmentin the market, organizations that pursue a focused strategy have low volumes and henceforth less power of bargaining. The strategy offers customer loyalty of higher degree and this entrenched customer loyalty leads towards demotivating other organizations from directly competing (Lynch, 2012).




















对市场的研究可以被认为是确保沃尔玛成功地认识到顾客的主要需求而不是他们可能需要的东西的关键。有两种主要的研究设计可以在这种情况下采用,这是次要的和主要的研究设计。对于这一特殊目的,初步研究将具有重大意义,因为结果将更加准确(Hair and Lukas, 2014)。选择这一研究设计的主要原因是,它将有助于减少与新推出的产品相关联的风险,但它可能不会完全消除风险。这也可以被认为对确定研究是否已经完成具有重要意义。本研究设计有许多工具可用于市场研究,如焦点小组,观察,电话调查和邮件问卷。


沃尔玛可以考虑使用调查,因为有许多不同形式的选择,而且相当便宜。然而,可能存在与参与研究的参与者反应率低有关的问题。另一方面,这个设计可能涉及到对偏倚的脆弱性(Hair, 2015)。购物中心的拦截可以被认为是一种方便的到达顾客的方式,但是被调查者在提及可能敏感的问题时可能表现出不情愿。此外,研究将不会使用在线调查,因为它是好的-承认一些消费者可能没有适当的舒适在进行网上活动与另一个相比,并不是每个家庭都有同样的可及性。此外,在线研究可能不能确保每条指令都被被调查者仔细阅读,从而避免了快速行动的倾向。


Research of market can be considered crucial for ensuring that Wal-Mart is successful in recognizing what are the main wants of the customer and not what is thought they might require. There are two main types of research designs that can be adopted in this context which are secondary and primary research designs. For this particular purpose, primary research will be of huge significance as the results will be more accurate (Hair and Lukas, 2014). The key reason for selection of this research design is that it will be helpful in reducing the risks in association with a newly introduced product, but it may not end up taking away the risk completely. This can also be considered significant for ascertaining if there has been completion of the research. This research design has a number of tools available for the purpose of market research such as focus groups, observation, phone surveys and mail questionnaires.

Wal-Mart can consider the use of survey as there are options for a number of different forms and are considerably inexpensive as well. However, there might be issues related to the low rates of response from the participants involved for the research. On the other hand, this design might involve the vulnerability towards biasness (Hair, 2015). Intercepts of mall can be considered as a convenient way of reaching the customer, yet the respondents may show reluctance in referring to questions that may be sensitive. In addition, the research will not be using online survey as it is well- acknowledges that some of the consumers may not have appropriate comfort in conducting online activities in comparison with the other, and not each and every household will be having accessibility of the same. Also, the online research may not ensure that each and every instruction is read carefully by the respondent, and hence avoiding the tendency of quick move.





由于Zopa为员工或客户提供了如此重要的意义,他们不时地寻求审视公司(Casu et al., 2015)。佐帕加入了他们,要么作为借款人,要么作为贷款集团。然而,越来越多的客户加入公司的关键原因是他们发现公司为他们提供的利率是最低的。系统还为出借人和借款人提供了最高的安全性(Milne et al., 2016)。该公司还利用英国零售银行使用的Equifax提供的类似信用评级对借款人的信用评分进行了评估,贷款机构和服务只向达到A -阴性或B -阴性评级的借款人提供。这就确保了钱是给可靠的借款人的。


The company stood for possible agreement zone which is a concept from theory of businesses. It has a reference to overlapping between bottom line of a person and top line of another person. Within such a practice, the approach led towards underpinning negotiations over the key kinds of services and products (Milne et al., 2016). The Zopa idea was born from research in the market conducted through the founding team of a company which depicted that there was a potential free former market required to be tapped within the industry of retail financial services. Free-formers were given the status of individually employed, based on project or workers working as freelancers with no standard employment in the full time. Their incomes and living styles, consequently was not regular even though they still were assessed as worthy of credit.

Due to such significance provided to the people or customers at Zopa, they sought to look at the company every now and then (Casu et al., 2015). Zopa was joined by them either as borrowers or as lending groups. However, the key reason for more and more customers joining the company was that they found the company provides them with the lowest rates of interest. Also, the system provided lenders and the borrowers with maximum security (Milne et al., 2016). The company also assessed the borrower’s credit scores using the similar credit ratings based on Equifax as used through retail banks in UK as well as lenders and services were offered only to the borrowers achieving rating of either A negative or B negative. This ensured that the money is given to reliable borrowers.







硕士论文是攻读硕士学位研究生所撰写的论文。它应能反映出作者广泛而深入地掌握专业基础知识,具有独立进行科研的能力,对所研究的题目有新的独立见解,论文具有一定的深度和较好的科学价值。硕士学位论文要注意在基础学科或应用学科中选择有价值的课题,硕士学位论文工作一般在硕士生完成培养计划所规定的课程学习后开始,一般应包括文献阅读、开题报告、拟定并实施工作计划、研究调查、实验研究、理论分析和文字总结等工作环节。硕士学位论文在论文题目确定后,用于论文工作的时间一般不应少于一年半。 Ø








他或她将使用公共可比性的操作指标和估值倍数来确定私人公司的适当估值倍数。要有效地比较可比的公司,你必须了解它们的市盈率为何不同。为什么一家公司的预计EV / EBITDA多个可能低于同行可能包括预计增长放缓,利润率下降,或更高的风险,等。尽管增长等指标,利润率和风险不明确的输入EV / EBITDA计算,他们在股权价值是隐式的,这是一个行列式的电动汽车。


What is comparable company analysis? What are the benefits of using comparable company analysis?Comparable company analysis involves the comparison of operating metrics and valuation multiples for public companies in a peer group (the comparable “universe”) to those of a target company. Peers may be grouped based on any number of criteria, such as industry focus, company size, or growth characteristics. Comparable company analysis has application in M&A advisory, fairness opinions, restructuring, IPOs and follow-on offerings, and share repurchases. Consider an IPO of a private company that does not have a public market valuation. To determine how public markets might value the company, an investment banker will establish the comparables universe, which may consist of one or more peer groups.

He or she will use the operating metrics and valuation multiples of the public comparables to determine an appropriate valuation multiple for the private company. To compare comparable companies effectively, you must understand why their multiples are different. Reasons why one company’s projected EV/EBITDA multiple might be lower than that of a peer could include slower projected growth, declining margins, or higher risk, etc. Although metrics such as growth, margins, and risk are not explicit inputs to the EV/EBITDA calculation, they are implicit in equity value, which is a determinant of EV.





这是因为在第二次世界大战后,联合国试图将世界团结在一起。在世界上195个主权国家中,约有193个国家是它的成员,并已同意它提出的包括《世界人权宣言》在内的所有宪章。必须指出,这些国家最初认为,由于不同的环境和信仰,人权可以是领土或文化上受到限制的东西。它所包含的文化只能提供给它的成员。人权可能与这种做法、文化和领土差异有关(Gunderson, Henkin & Said, 1980)。不同国家的领导人和世界上著名的思想家认为,这样的宪章对于统一是非常必要的。它是为了确保这些人权作为一个整体被接受为一个普遍的概念,不受文化或国家的限制。


In order to argue on the point whether human rights are a universal concept or not, one needs to first understand what is meant by the term human rights. As per the United Nations, to which 193 sovereign states are members, and have signed the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. It has given a ‘universal’ status already and are something which every human being is entitled to by virtue of being a human being. Thus, the rights which every human would get, for example the right to live, the right to save one’s life, and all basic and fundamental rights are known as human rights (“Tharoor: Are Human Rights Universal? – World Policy Journal – World Policy Institute | World Policy Institute”, 2016). When talking about the human rights, the role of the United Nations has to be mentioned.

This is because the United Nations, after the Second World War has tried to bring the world together. Out of 195 sovereign countries in the world, about 193 countries are its members and have agreed to the all the charters proposed by it which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It has to be pointed out that the countries initially thought that human rights could be something that could be territorially or culturally restricted owing to the different circumstances and beliefs. The cultures that would incorporate it can only provide for it to its members. Human rights could pertain to this practise, cultures and territorial differences (Gunderson, Henkin & Said, 1980). The leaders and the eminent thinkers of the world belonging to different countries thought that such a charter was more than necessary to bring in uniformity. It was to make sure that those human rights as a whole is accepted as a universal concept, and is not restricted within cultures or countries.



技术驱动教育学,教育学驱动。这种联系之所以存在,是因为即使是一种简单的写作教育学,也总是涉及到一种技术。所以一个的发展带动另一个,反之亦然。即使在数字学习时代到来之前,高等教育中的技术仍然具有重要的应用价值。然而,数字连接加速了技术的发展。混合学习、灵活学习和e-collaborative learning技术改进了教育学(Sappey, & Relf, 2010)。在高等教育中继续使用技术,必然需要了解当前的技术。这篇研究论文关注的是如何对当前的技术进行分类,以及这些分类如何服务于特定的目的。




Technologies drive pedagogy and is driven by pedagogy. This connection exists because even a simple pedagogy of writing was always involved with a technology. So the development of one drove the other, and vice versa. Technology in higher education held significance in use, even before the entry of the digital learning age. However, it was digital connectivity which accelerated technology developments. Blended learning, flexible learning and e-collaborative learning technologies have improved pedagogy (Sappey, & Relf, 2010).The continued use of technologies in higher education entails the necessarily to understand current technologies. This research essay focuses on how current technologies can be categorized and how these categories serve specific purposes.

A comparative analysis is drawn out to look at the overlaps and based on comparison, recommendations can be made for their future development. The research is limited in time, and hence does not make use of the primary research data collection methods. Primarily research would have been more helpful in considering teacher and student perspectives on technology reliably. However, these issues have been addressed by making use of reliable peer reviewed journal articles for the research. Data has been collected from these articles and have been critically discussed. The research analyzes and critically discusses the use of Virtual reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and E-Learning technology in higher education. The research is conducted as two major blocks of discussion. The first, discusses the effect of technology on teaching and the second compares and evaluates the technology.







Frank taunted Andrew and Andrew retaliated by attacking Frank. As a response Frank attacked him back causing Andrew to be killed. In this premise, Frank was bleeding when he attacked Andrew. Many of the case laws explain the notions of provocation. It could be argued that Frank was under extreme provocation. These might lead to the jury to acquit Frank of killing Andrew and convict him under manslaughter. This will be considered on a case by case ordinary person clause. The second factor is the common law element of excessive self-defense.

The jury needs to be convinced that Frank assumed Andrew to cause him more physical assault. Ultimately, the case falls upon the mind state of Frank. His actions need to be warranted. His state of mind and the reason for his particular action of killing Andrew needs to be determined in detail. The Jury could make a case that would favour Frank. To conclude, Frank needs to prove his state of mind to the jury in order to make a case determination. It would depend on how Frank is able to prove to the jury that his actions were not premediated and the exact causal effect to gain a reduced sentence or even acquittal.