


另一种战略是广泛的差异化战略,允许公司通过属性和特性的整合来产生竞争优势。这些特性反过来又使产品和服务完全不同于竞争对手,购买者认为值得购买和有价值(Lynch, 2012)。成本领先战略也可以被公司使用。这种通用的战略旨在为特定的质量水平带来低成本的工业生产者。因为公司注重高质量,低成本不适用,所以这种策略不合适。最适合Wolseley的策略是市场开发策略,它允许公司在一个狭窄的领域进行市场开发,通过这个领域的措施可以达到成本效益或差异化。

关键是公司的需求要通过整个it市场的发展得到更好的服务。使用这种策略的组织通常会获得更高程度的客户忠诚度,而这反过来又会使客户对公司更加忠诚(Morschett et al . 2015)。随着市场发展的不断缩小,那些追求有针对性的战略的组织的交易量就会越来越小,因此讨价还价的能力也就越来越小。该战略提供了更高程度的客户忠诚度,这种根深蒂固的客户忠诚度导致其他组织失去直接竞争的积极性(Lynch, 2012)。


Another strategy is broad differentiation strategy that allows companies to produce an edge competitively through attributes and features incorporation. These features in turn allow to set the product and services completely apart from the competitors in several ways that buyers regard worth paying for and valuable(Lynch, 2012). Cost leadership strategy can also be used by the company. This generic strategy seeks to bring low cost industry producer for a specific quality level. As the company focuses on higher quality, and lower costs do not apply and therefore this strategy is not suitable. The best strategy that seems to be most suitable for Wolseley is market developmentstrategy that allows a company to market developmenton a narrowed segment and across that segment measures can be achieved either for cost benefit or differentiation.

The key is that the company’s needs be serviced better through entire market developmenton it. An organization that uses this strategy often enjoys customer loyalty of higher degree and this in turn leads towards entrenching customer loyalty towards the company (Morschett et al 2015). As there is narrowed market developmentin the market, organizations that pursue a focused strategy have low volumes and henceforth less power of bargaining. The strategy offers customer loyalty of higher degree and this entrenched customer loyalty leads towards demotivating other organizations from directly competing (Lynch, 2012).