




他或她将使用公共可比性的操作指标和估值倍数来确定私人公司的适当估值倍数。要有效地比较可比的公司,你必须了解它们的市盈率为何不同。为什么一家公司的预计EV / EBITDA多个可能低于同行可能包括预计增长放缓,利润率下降,或更高的风险,等。尽管增长等指标,利润率和风险不明确的输入EV / EBITDA计算,他们在股权价值是隐式的,这是一个行列式的电动汽车。


What is comparable company analysis? What are the benefits of using comparable company analysis?Comparable company analysis involves the comparison of operating metrics and valuation multiples for public companies in a peer group (the comparable “universe”) to those of a target company. Peers may be grouped based on any number of criteria, such as industry focus, company size, or growth characteristics. Comparable company analysis has application in M&A advisory, fairness opinions, restructuring, IPOs and follow-on offerings, and share repurchases. Consider an IPO of a private company that does not have a public market valuation. To determine how public markets might value the company, an investment banker will establish the comparables universe, which may consist of one or more peer groups.

He or she will use the operating metrics and valuation multiples of the public comparables to determine an appropriate valuation multiple for the private company. To compare comparable companies effectively, you must understand why their multiples are different. Reasons why one company’s projected EV/EBITDA multiple might be lower than that of a peer could include slower projected growth, declining margins, or higher risk, etc. Although metrics such as growth, margins, and risk are not explicit inputs to the EV/EBITDA calculation, they are implicit in equity value, which is a determinant of EV.