




由于Zopa为员工或客户提供了如此重要的意义,他们不时地寻求审视公司(Casu et al., 2015)。佐帕加入了他们,要么作为借款人,要么作为贷款集团。然而,越来越多的客户加入公司的关键原因是他们发现公司为他们提供的利率是最低的。系统还为出借人和借款人提供了最高的安全性(Milne et al., 2016)。该公司还利用英国零售银行使用的Equifax提供的类似信用评级对借款人的信用评分进行了评估,贷款机构和服务只向达到A -阴性或B -阴性评级的借款人提供。这就确保了钱是给可靠的借款人的。


The company stood for possible agreement zone which is a concept from theory of businesses. It has a reference to overlapping between bottom line of a person and top line of another person. Within such a practice, the approach led towards underpinning negotiations over the key kinds of services and products (Milne et al., 2016). The Zopa idea was born from research in the market conducted through the founding team of a company which depicted that there was a potential free former market required to be tapped within the industry of retail financial services. Free-formers were given the status of individually employed, based on project or workers working as freelancers with no standard employment in the full time. Their incomes and living styles, consequently was not regular even though they still were assessed as worthy of credit.

Due to such significance provided to the people or customers at Zopa, they sought to look at the company every now and then (Casu et al., 2015). Zopa was joined by them either as borrowers or as lending groups. However, the key reason for more and more customers joining the company was that they found the company provides them with the lowest rates of interest. Also, the system provided lenders and the borrowers with maximum security (Milne et al., 2016). The company also assessed the borrower’s credit scores using the similar credit ratings based on Equifax as used through retail banks in UK as well as lenders and services were offered only to the borrowers achieving rating of either A negative or B negative. This ensured that the money is given to reliable borrowers.