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这是整个游戏的战略元素。当电子生成的轨迹球在慢动作精确地穿越想象线的飞行轨迹时,人群对最终的结果做出了重要的反应。这种关于悬念、策略和技巧的叙述,可以被看作是为电视观众精心制作的,为了掩盖一个镜头,通过多次重播,吸引专家评论的注意力,以展示心理、技术和运动技能。在某种程度上,“鹰眼”帮助揭示了与特定镜头或场景相关的潜在真相,在真正的比赛环境中再次释放动作,并恢复游戏(Bissell, 2004)。这可以被定义为纯粹的戏剧,在纯戏剧中,技术进步的意义丰富的现场文本迅速被观众所接受,并被用来丰富观看的乐趣。

虽然体育游戏在多个媒体渠道上不断蓬勃发展,但电视仍然是传播和消费体育相关信息和娱乐的主要渠道。电视观众可以考虑订购特殊的事件,为每一次观看付费,观看带有体育专门内容的频道(Buraimo & Simmons, 2008)。整个比赛对我来说是一个巨大的体验,因为我能够看到在电视上观看比赛和在体育场现场观看比赛之间的主要区别,在整个气氛中。龙骑兵直到下半场才开始得分,他们的进攻仍然很糟糕。在比赛的后半段,他们面临着很多的困难,要获得真正的流畅感和节奏,尽管上半场有三次尝试被取消。


There was a strategic element about the overall game. As the flight path generated electronically for the tracks of ball across the line of imagination in slow motion precision, the crowd gave significant reaction to the final result. This narrative of suspense, strategy and skill can be seen as extremely crafted for the viewer on television with a number of replays in order to cover up one shot and attention of expert commentary drawn to the psychological, technical and athletic skills being displayed. At one point, Hawk- eye helps in revealing the underlying truth related to a specific shot or a scene, there is releasing of action again within the real setting of the competition and there is resuming of the game (Bissell, 2004). This can be identified as pure theatre, under which there is enrichment of live text with the significance of technical advancement that has been embraced by audiences rapidly and this is used for the enrichment of spectatorial pleasure.

Even though sports games have been continuously flourishing over several channels of media, television can be identified as the prime channel to broadcast and consumer information and entertainment related to sports. Viewers of television can consider ordering special events by paying for every view and watching channels with specialized content of sports (Buraimo & Simmons, 2008). The entire game can be considered as a huge experience for me as I was able to see the major difference between watching the game on TV and live while visiting the stadium, in context with the entire atmosphere. The Dragoons had not been scoring any points until the second half of the game as they continued with their woes of attacking. They faced a lot of struggle in getting any real flow or rhythm in the second half of the game, even though there had been disallowance of three tries in the first half session of the game.




女性在一个自我客观化程度很高的文化中生存时,会更加焦虑(Fredrickson and Roberts, 1997)。在这样的社会里,女性会一直焦虑不安,因为她们会担心自己的外表,担心自己会受到怎样的评价,担心潜在的尴尬感,担心暴露在众人面前等等。过去关于女性焦虑的研究表明,与男性相比,女性对自己的经历可能更缺乏安全感(Dion, Dion, & Keelan, 1990)。事实上,正如Dion等人(1992)所说,这种焦虑往往会以某种方式表现出来,女性可能会对自己的衣着、居住地、外貌等做出选择。


Most of the Self-Objectification issues are seen to surround across body shaming more than that of body dissatisfaction as would be expected. In the context of body dissatisfaction, the opinion of another about one’s body would be necessary. On the other hand, in the case of Self-Objectification this might not be required and this is one reason that Self-Objectification might be more linked with body shaming as body shaming would be more of one’s perception of their body more than anything. A negative feeling associated with body dissatisfaction will be something like that of a person feeling bad that they are fat. On the other hand in the case of self objectification, the person genuinely believes that their being fat is because they lack some capability to live up to worldly norms and more.A critical issue in the case of self objectification is that of anxiety.

Women are more anxious when they are to survive in a culture where there is much Self-Objectification (Fredrickson and Roberts, 1997). In such a society, women would be anxious all the time as they would worry about how they look, how they would be evaluated, potential feelings of embarrassment, exposure and more. Past studies on anxiety related to the women indicate that women might tend to be more insecure about their experience compared to that of their male counterparts (Dion, Dion, & Keelan, 1990). In fact, as Dion et al. (1992) argue this form of anxiety would tend to present itself in the way, the women might make choices about their clothing, the place they live, their appearance and more.



桑托斯有限公司(Santos Ltd.)最近股价下跌,这可能是影响该公司业务的最新事件之一。2014年,该公司股价大幅下跌。仅仅一个月,公司就损失了他们所收购的全部价值的40%。这些数据比世界上任何其他公司都糟糕。对于一家石油制造公司来说,这是令人惊讶的。但与此同时,市场正处于一个艰难的阶段,油价已跌至过去五年的最低点(Kaplan et al, 2001)。这对价格产生了潜在的影响。价格下跌的压力导致能源指数在一个月内下跌了23%。尽管对于许多公司来说,这是一个急剧的下降,但与桑托斯相比,这简直是小巫见大巫。

桑托斯股价下跌之所以造成这种差异,是因为桑托斯资产负债表稳健相关的稳健性。造成这一问题的主要原因之一是大约49.2亿美元的债务。这比2012财年增加了35.8亿美元。债务的增加意味着公司的负债水平提高了。这就是我可以很容易地按时承担经济责任的地方。可能没有必要说这是一件坏事,它可能会影响到公司履行财务义务的能力。桑托斯债务增加的原因是需要为公司的资本投资计划提供资金(Ward et al, 15)。


One of the latest events which may impact the business of Santos Ltd. is the recent fall in its shares. In the year 2014, the shares of the company had fallen by a large numbers. In a single month the company had lost 40 % of the overall value which had been acquired by them. These stats were worse than any other company in the world. It was surprising for an oil manufacturing company. Though during the same time the market was undergoing a tough phase and the oil prices have tumbled to the lowest value in the last five years (Kaplan et al, 2001). This led to a potential impact on the price. The pressure of the price drop has resulted into the benchmark fall in the energy index by 23 % over a month. Though, this was a steep drop for many of the companies, it was nothing in comparison to that of Santos.

The disparity which has been established in the drop of Santos price fall is because of the robustness related to the Santos balance sheet robustness. One of the major reasons which has been the primary cause of this issue is the debt of around $4.92 billion. This was the $3.58 bn increase in comparison to the 2012 financial year. The increase in the debt implies that the gearing level of the company has been rose. This is where the financial obligation can be me easily on time. It may not be necessary that this is a bad thing, it may have an impact on the ability of the company to meet the financial obligations of the company. The reason for the increase in the debt of Santos was the need to have the funding for the capital investment program of the company (Ward et al, 15).

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

澳洲是一个很热门的留学国家,因为它的教育特色和教育质量是有目共睹的,也是吸引的量国内留学生的主要原因,所以在申请留学的材料中,study pian是必不可缺的一项,他对申请留学成功有很重要的作用。


这部分内容就是使馆人员了解你出国的动向了,在准备申请英国留学的材料之一study plan时,留学生都会产生这样或是那样的困惑,那么怎样准备study plan才是最有效的呢?英国留学study plan是留学英国必不可少的一项工作,一份优秀的英国留学study plan能为申请者整个的留学生涯增分不少。


study plan中包含有很多具体的写作内容,而且每一内容都有其相应的写作要求。

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作



在书写study plan有一点是必须着重强调的,那就是具有说服力的学成归国的计划,不能透露出任何英国留学之后移民的倾向。


澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

study plan是每一位英国留学生所必须准备的申请材料之一,会给申请留学的成功与否带来不小的影响。为了能提高申请通过的概率,在study plan的创作过程中一定要对其中的要点内容重视起来,避免一些创作中的雷区,使得study plan发挥最大的作用。

以上的内容就是留学study plan的方式,在写作留学计划书的时候,在引言过程中,如何利用写作重点内容,写作的方式来写作,希望本篇内容能够帮到同学们。




考虑到购买者讨价还价的能力,整体效果是低到中等。客户对互联网的使用增加了他们对整体情况和交易的认识。该公司在平衡买方议价能力的劳动力方面具有关键的可靠性(Bilotkach et al., 2010)。员工负责制定质量标准和提供服务。众所周知,英国航空公司为将这些原则实际应用于所做的每一件事,都采用了全面的沟通和培训计划。能力可以被称为属性,例如关系、技术、知识和技能,这些属性在整个行业中与其他竞争组织或多或少是相同的。更常见的情况是,有能力的内部发展,但也可能有能力的外部获取。为了建立竞争力,企业可以考虑与客户、分销商或供应商合作。

在未来,当能力开始产生更优的绩效,并且与其他竞争组织不同时,可以将其视为核心能力(Grant, 2016)。考虑到英国航空公司的核心竞争力,成本的竞争基础具有重要意义。由于创纪录的燃油价格引发了重大问题,该公司加大了控制成本的战略手段。希思罗机场5号航站楼的建设和使用降低了运营成本,大大超出了此前的预期,这对该公司有利。因此,在2009年,希思罗机场的总人力水平最终减少了1074 MPE (Oum and Yu, 2012)。这一数字比5号客运大楼业务开始几个月以来的最高资源水平低14%。


Considering power of bargaining among the buyers, the overall effect is low to medium. Increased utilization of internet by the customers has resulted in increasing their awareness about the overall situations and deals. The company has key reliability on its work force for balancing the power of bargaining among the buyers (Bilotkach et al., 2010). The workforce is responsible for setting the quality standard and delivering the service. British Airways is also known to use a comprehensive program of communication and training for the practical application of these principles in everything that is done. Competencies can be referred to as attributes such as relationships, technology, knowledge and skills that are more or less the same as other competitive organizations across the industry. More often, there is an internal development of competencies but there can be external acquisition of the same. For the establishment of competencies, businesses can consider collaborating with the customers, distributors or suppliers.

Further ahead, the competencies can be considered as core competencies when they begin the production of superior performance and when they are different from other competitive organizations (Grant, 2016). Considering the core competencies of British Airways, the competitive base of cost is of huge significance. With recorded prices of fuel contending significant issue, the company has redoubled its strategic approaches for controlling costs. The construction and utilization of Terminal 5 has been helpful for the business by cutting cost of conducting operations at the Heathrow Airport, more than what had been anticipated. As a result, in the year 2009, the overall levels of manpower at Heathrow Airport ended up reducing by 1,074 MPE (Oum and Yu, 2012). This figure is 14 per cent below peak level of resource since the initial months of the operations of Terminal 5.




在目睹欺负行为方面,这6年平均超过34.7% (Carter et al., 2013)。2013年,澳大利亚职场欺凌事件的发生率远高于国际欺凌事件。国际比例仅为3%,但在澳大利亚受访者中,这一比例高达6.8%。这些数据来自于(Carter et al., 2013)的新闻。这表明在澳大利亚,欺凌问题非常高,在国际舞台上相对较低。这也表明局势的严重性,需要立即为这个问题找到解决办法。


Bullying in Australian workplace and school environment has been discussed widely. There has been an increase in the awareness of the people regarding this issue of bullying and workplace safety. A number of public organizations have undertaken surveys and tried to find out about the root cause of bullying. As a first phase the people who had witness bullying or experience bullying was documented by the VPSC. In 2010 the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) had published a report about the trends of bullying in Australian workplace and academic environment. The report obtained from the people. Australia is very concerned about the issue of bullying. However, the rate of workplace bullying is still very high. In 2005 to 2010, were maintain 21% workers who said they they have experience of being with bullied.

In term of witnessed bullying, it has an average of more than 34.7 % in those 6 years (Carter et al., 2013). In 2013, the levels of bullying in Australia workplace are considerably higher than the rates of international. International rates are just 3%, but the proportion reached to 6.8% of Australia respondents claims that being bullied in workplace. Those data are given by the news of (Carter et al., 2013). This shows that in the case of Australia the issue of bullying is very high and in the international arena it is relatively lower. This also shows the gravity of the situation and the need to immediately find solutions for this issue.

essay 評判:化学污染

essay 評判:化学污染


essay 評判:化学污染

essay 評判:化学污染

Chemical pollution affects the health of many people. Fishes in water bodies are critically exposed to chemical pollution that causes serious impact on the health of humans. Therefore, it is very much important for an individual to purchase fish from reliable and trusted sources. The household chemicals include a variety of chemical mixtures and products that become chemical pollutants when released into the environment. It can be prevented if the consumers purchase “green” or eco-friendly products.

essay 評判:化学污染
The first study was based on population conducted in the United States which shows improvement in the life expectancy due to the decrease in PM2.5 concentration. The study shows a clear relationship between life expectancy and reduction in concentrations of fine particles. The air pollution level can be reduced in many ways, and the government can play a significant role. For example, the government of China is able to control the air pollution during Olympic Games, 2008. The outcome of the step is that during the Olympics, average number of patient visits for asthma decrease by 41.6%.



买方和供应商之间的关系是管理部门中非常宝贵和宝贵的关系之一。这种关系对于任何组织来说都是至关重要的。通过这种关系,组织可以了解市场状况。今天,买方的主要战术目标之一是试图减少买方直接交易的供应商数量。这可以通过计算供应商的系统,供应商的不同层次来完成。为了成为第一级的供应商,公司应该有能力为买方提供一些额外的价值。客户希望对他们在市场上销售的商品有一些限制(Turner, 2012)。




The buyer-supplier relationship is one of the very valuable and precious relationships in the management line. This relationship is also crucial for any organization. Through this relationship, the organization can understand the market condition. Today one of the buyer’s major tactical objectives is to attempt to decrease the number of suppliers that the buyer is dealing straightly with. This can be accomplished by figuring systems of suppliers, with suppliers in diverse levels. To become a supplier on the first level, the company should have the ability to supply some additional value to the buyer. The customer wants that there should be some restrictions on the suppliers for the goods they are selling in the market (Turner, 2012).


The buyer is strong and frequently controls the supplier. A majority of the suppliers confirmed that the buyer was the more substantial as well as the main part of the relationship. This was also the estimation of the respondents of the purchaser. For a company to become a supplier on the first level, it is necessary to have right of entry to a serious mass of capital that is of significance to the buyer. The buyer’s basis capability is to provide complete manufactured goods on which customers worldwide can completely depend on. One of the main features of the purchaser’s basis capacity is the technology development. The buyer is incessantly annoying to get better the available products and build up new ones.




采购对组织来说非常重要,它也是买方与供应商关系的重要组成部分。采购用于安全、健全的货物、服务和外部来源的工作。这也是一个收获的过程(Chick和Handfield, 2015)。外部来源必须是适当的,以协助组织的管理,以解决他们的困难。在选择之后,价格或成本需要令人满意。巨大的公众和企业组织喜欢通过采购和获得项目来促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。


促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。外包是买方供应商管理的一种表现。个人或组织执行任务、提供服务或为其他公司角色生产产品,这些角色本可以通过外包的性能来完成或由内部完成。外包是信息技术和其他行业的普遍趋势。外包自然被公司用来节约成本(Germeten, 2016)。业务外包服务被视为组织的一个重要方面,也有助于内部和外部客户。在少数情况下,公司的整个信息管理是外包的,例如计划和实施项目和战略、技术、人力资源等。


Procurement is very much important for the organizations and it is also a significant part of the buyer-supplier relation. Procurement is used for safe and sound goods, services and works from outside sources. It is also a gaining process (Chick and Handfield, 2015). The outer source must be suitable that assist the management of the organization with a solution to their difficulty. Following that choice, price or cost requires being satisfactory. Huge public and corporate organizations like to promote option and greater competition with procurement and gaining programs. Choice and superiority go a long way in business. In the end, everyone can benefit.


Outsourcing is a performance in the buyer-supplier management. An individual or organization executes tasks, supply services or produces products for additional company roles that could have been or is done in-house by the performance of the outsourcing. Outsourcing is a general trend in information technology and other industries. Outsourcing is naturally used by companies to save costs (Germeten, 2016). Businesses outsource for services that are seen as an important aspect of an organizations and also helps internal and external customers. In a few cases, the entire information management of a company is outsourced, such as planning and implementing projects and strategies, technology, human resources etc.










Life Time goals:  These are the goals which are unique for every individual and an individual wants to fulfill these life time goals for  better understanding of life and to know oneself better. Goals are the pathways which lead an individual towards his destination of self actualization and satisfaction of achievement from life. These goals hold a deep meaning in themselves and they drive and motivate an individual to take action for making life a successful venture.

Life time goals are important in the life of an individual as they keep an individual focused towards the achievement of desired goals for satisfaction.  Life time goals act as a guiding light in the decision making process (Petitpas, 2004). Human life is a waste without a purpose and life time goals are the purpose to live a life and make the humans productive. They help the humans in becoming leaders of their own, and let his human understand his own worth.

My life time goals:

Fulfilling personal morals and achieving self-knowledge for becoming an engineer:

Honesty, loyalty, ethics and having firm values are the personal values which make me stand out of the crowd in my own eyes. By gaining self knowledge I will be able to know and understand myself better which will make me more empathetic and caring towards others. If I will understand myself in a better way, I will be true to myself and in my deeds and will not follow the crowd just for the sake of following (Lubans, 2008). I will be smart and intelligent enough to handle my emotions and accept myself, others and things all round in way as they are. Once I will understand myself, then I will be an ethical person with honesty, loyalty and values as my value.