标签存档: 澳洲代写assignment



Stress is defined as the result produced when a structure, system or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain. In simpler terms, stress is the result of any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factors that require a response or change. It is generally believed that some stress is okay (sometimes referred to as “challenge” or “positive stress”). However, when stress occurs in amounts that one cannot handle, both mental and physical changes may occur (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety CCOHS, 2016, p.1).
Considering this general definition of stress, applying the definition based on different workplace contexts and based on different research definitions, this research attempts to present a working literature review on the subject. The literature evidence used has been collected from different research studies ranging from 2006-2017. The inclusion criteria are English language studies only and typically analyse only those studies that focus on stress in organizations and its impact on employees, the organizational productivity, relationships and more.

Kara et al. (2013) study the effects of stress in a specific context. They seem to imply that stress in organization has multiple adverse effects for the organization. The effects range from the burnout of employees leading to physical and emotional exhaustion to turnover issues and conflicts. Kara et al. (2013) argue that leadership, organizational learning, adaptation and training measures are needed to mitigate the adverse stress effects.
For instance, consider some workplaces where work shift assignments are implemented. The use of work shift assignments could result in stress increased practices. The use of work-shift assignments is an employment practice that many organizations as in the case of hospitals for instance, practice on a regular basis. To meet the demands of the customer, sometimes, it is necessary to work in a 24-hour work schedule. Organizational advantages could be possible (Luthans, 2002; Luthans & Youssef, 2007). However, there would also be areas of concerns. For instance, as researchers state as a result of working on a night versus day shift there could be the prevalence of multiple stressors in employees. This could exacerbate the harmful consequences in experiencing incivility. The multiple negative stressors could be a difficult combination. Not all managements are supportive of this. Mawritz & Folger (2014) argue that the workplace supervision is to blame for most of the negative effects. They use a framework to identify how much of supervisor issues are causing stress to the employees. They can identify both direct and indirect effects because of the stress. Where the supervisor could not provide the necessary form of support to the employee, then the supervisor is denying employee any form of access to coping mechanisms. With time, it leads to a situation of overall deterioration.

有关论文范文澳洲论文代写-不同工作环境下的压力定义研究就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文不会写怎么办,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写论文平台为留学生们提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理,不会出现论文抄袭的情况发生,如此良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Dental implants are used as an option for the replacing mechanism of the missing teeth. The success of this treatment and survival rates for the implants have been observed to be very high. There are many factors that are used for the analysis of the problem of peri-implantitis. The reports indicate that the prevalence periodontal disease is considered risk factor. The discussion regarding the peri-implantitis was initially raised in the House of Lords in the year 2014. There were also complaints raised in the General Dental Council. In general, the placement of implants in patients was greatly debated in this spectrum. The factor of periodontitis was greatly debated in this schema.

A dental implant is known as the endosseous implant or fixture. It is an integral component of the interfaces with the bone or the skull. It is used for the support of the dental prosthesis. The techniques of crown, denture, and bridge are used. The basis for the modern dental implant is regarded as a biological process, which is known as the osseointegration process. The use of the titanium is used for the formation of the bone process. The implant fixture is initially placed to form the osseointegrate (24). The use of the dental prosthetic is also added. Variable amount of the healing time is needed for the osseointegration. This is attached to the implant or the abutment that is placed. These will hold a dental prosthetic. Many successful and failure of the implants should be considered in this process. The amount of the stress on the implant and the fixture of the normal functions are also evaluated. Planning of the position is the number of implants and the key to the longer term of the prosthetic (25). Biomechanical forces are created owing to the process of chewing. The position of the implant is determined by the position of the adjacent teeth. The prerequisites for longer teem success of the osseointegrated dental implants are a combination of the healthy bone and the gingiva. Atrophy is observed after the tooth extraction. Sinus lifts and graft are used for the recreation of the ideal bone and the gingiva. The final prosthetic either is fixed or cannot be removed from the denture or the teeth of the mouth (26). In some cases, the prosthetic is fixed with dental cement or is placed on a corresponding adapter where two pieces are secured together. A number of risks and complication are related to the implant theory. In general, in the presence of the healthy tissues, a well-organized implant has a number of appropriate bio-mechanical loads. The survival rates are found to be from 93 to 98%. This has a 10 to 15-year life span that is observed for the prosthetic teeth.

有关论文范文澳洲论文代写-牙齿植入物的研究分析就为留学生分享到这里。如果留学生论文不会写怎么办,可以找澳洲论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写论文平台为留学生们提供essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,而且论文代写价格公平合理,不会出现论文抄袭的情况发生,如此良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The theories of glocalization states that there needs to be a unique approach undertaken by the companies in order to sell the products. The homogenous product will not be a successful strategy to sell goods. Clayton Christenson states that the most important aspect that needs to be factored by the companies is by using disruptive innovation techniques. There has been criticism regarding this notion stating that there is exclusion of important variables in the discussions and theories put forward by Christenson regarding disruptive innovation. However, as Christenson has stated that these theories need to be developed based on the subjective requirements of the situation. Other variables such as reverse innovation, infrastructure abilities, user requirement in the different geographical locations and the strategic management of the top leaders of the company need to be factored while understanding the nuances of disruptive innovation. Companies should use these basic variables as a formula to develop a commercially viable product.

Hence the managers who plan to bring in disruptive innovation need to strategically bring in changes for the company, address consumer needs and maneuver it according to the needs of the local markets where the operate (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). In the 77 case study analysis done by Christenson, there are other motivating factors that have been in play by the companies. This essentially questions the notions of disruptive analysis (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). There is a need to factor in other variables to create a disruptive paradigm. This would enhance the existing notions of glocalization and the disruptive innovation technology paradigm. In the case of product and market innovation, there should be newer variables considered. They are constrained innovation, necessities innovation and reverse innovation. Necessity innovation is the concept of development based on the consumer requirements and constrained innovation is development based on the resources available (De Waal, 2015). According to Govindarajan and Ramamurti (2011), the successful companies that have managed to incorporate the disruptive innovation are the companies that have been able to effectively apply the theories based on the geographical locations. It has been found that in the case of successful disruptive technology, the companies first experimented with the developing or emerging nations before applying it on a main-scale in the developed countries. The failure cost is relatively lower when the companies apply disruptive innovation.
Hence disruptive innovation can be implemented by leaders of the company or the managers being actively involved, considering user requirements, developing based on the resources available and by reverse innovations.
Managers need to create product and services that are based on the local needs of the people that will have global relevance. This paradigm shift is not an easy process and all these variable along with dynamic strategic management is mandatory for the creation of newer products.

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“Hofstede’s dimensions raise issues such as the problem of equating nation states with cultures, quantification using indices and matrices, and the status of the observer […] The weak theoretical basis makes it unclear what Hofstede was theorizing; he might not have studied culture at all. The connections between his dimensions and socio-economic aspects such as Gross Domestic Product suggest that he was measuring socio-economic factors” (Baskerville, 2003, p.2)
MacFayden (2005) argues that the behavior of the individual cannot be presented by means of the national culture alone. There are also many individualistic experiences for the individual and these have to be considered. This is yet another weakness with the Hofstede culture deriving from the same accusation of narrowed focus.
The Schwartz theory breaks the individualistic-collectivistic dichotomy that has existed for long and this is strength for the theory. The theory admits individualistic elements and at the same time is also able to consider them from the impact they cause in a collectivistic dimension. An individual who is highly individualistic and is focused on the “I” could in being harmonious and egalitarian also focus on the collectivistic dimensions. The cons of the theory are that it is not as simple as the Hofstede theory. Where the Hofstede theory relies on a direct score approach to understand cultures and countries, this is a theory that is much more complex and hence this could be a con. Secondly Schwartz’s model is based on considering the cultural dimensions as a form of integrated non-orthogonal system and this distinguishes it from existing systems such as Hofstede and Inglehart and this is one another reason why the model has not been strongly applied (Tapanes et al, 2009). Also the model is very much similar to that of the existing Hofstede system, and this is also a weakness as people using the Hofstede model as a theory base might not use the Schwartz model because of similarities in categories.
Hall’s contexting model has its strengths in understanding how the individual could be face difficulties in low context and high context cultures and the basis for such difficulties. The theory hence is useful to understand how communication concerns arise in the context of two different cultures and how better awareness and information on culture could resolve them. This theory is also often cited in many research works. However, the weakness of the theory is that the level which contexting is empirically tested is doubtful and unlike the Hofstede theory, this theory is not empirical in nature. It is a set of propositions and is not a score card representation such as the Hofstede.

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澳洲大学论文代写怎么写才能提高通过率呢?中国留学生留学澳洲唯一的难题就是英语论文写作,而且不同的澳洲论文类型写作格式和要求也不一样,中国留学生想顺利的完成大学论文写作,除了提高英语的语言能力之外,还要在论文观点和写作引用格式上更加规范一点,那么澳洲大学论文代写怎么写才能提高通过率呢?接下来中国留学生就听听澳洲高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis辅导老师的建议吧


直接引用(direct quote)好理解,就是原般照抄,加上引号,著明文献出处就可以了。但是,不能大段大段直接引用,否则也是抄袭。

间接引用(indirect quote)就复杂多了。简而言之就是把别人的观点用自己的话说一遍,包括paraphrasing和summary两种。但是所谓把别人的观点用自己的话说一遍,并不是把其中的个别词语替换掉就可以了,因为那样即便注明出处了,也还是抄袭。






中国留学生每学期的论文提交都要通过查重软件Turnitin, Turnitin会将你的论文和数百万篇论文进行比较,并标出重复的地方,让批改论文的老师一目了然。如果重复率过高,轻则论文不及格,重则退学。所以中国留学生想要提高自己论文的通过率,就是引用了他人的学术成果,一定要标明出处!不要被查重软件Turnitin查出抄袭就可以。

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在assignemnt代写-社交媒体对组织和员工带来的好处中,社交媒体可以帮助组织发展竞争优势,从而获得新的人才。在社交媒体平台的帮助下,领导者可以帮助进行双向沟通。另一方面,员工也可以是自下而上的思想交流的一部分,也可以通过论坛和博客与其他同事进行互动。由于社交媒体应用程序允许组织的员工表达他们的关注,他们可以为组织内员工的参与度的全面提高做出贡献。Dahl, Lawrence和Pierce也讨论了在不同组织工作的员工为了产生想法和创新而增加使用社交媒体的情况。他们还建议,这也有助于提供一些无形的好处,包括改善内部流程,提高客户满意度和员工敬业度。Doherty向不同的人力资源专业人士提供了建议,认为社交媒体可能是人们最大和最重要的机会之一。社交媒体的另一个好处是,它帮助人力资源促进员工敬业度,增强内部雇主品牌。除此之外,它还吸引并保留了组织内一些最优秀的个人。接下来有关assignemnt代写-社交媒体对组织和员工带来的好处的内容分享给大家阅读。、

This has also provided the organizations to have a faster problem solving, reduction in the duplication of the efforts of the employees and the increase in the agility of the business and also brings the important benefits of some of the important employee engagement with the senior members who are the part of the workforce. In addition to this, social media also helps in the development of a competitive advantage for the organization in order to have the new talent acquisition. With the help of the social media platforms, the leaders can help in the two way communication. On the other hand, the employees may also be the part of the bottom-up exchange of ideas and can also interact with the other colleagues through the discussion forums and the blogs.
As a social media application allows the employees of the organization to voice their concerns, they can contribute to the overall improvement of the engagement of the employee within the organization. Dahl, Lawrence and Pierce (2011) also discussed on the increase in using the social media for the purpose of idea generation and innovation among the employees working in different organization. They also suggested that this can also help in providing a number of intangible benefits including the improvement in the internal processes, increase in the levels of customer satisfaction and also the employee engagement. Doherty (2010) provided an advice to the different HR professionals and suggested that the social media may prove to one of the greatest and the most significant opportunity for the people. A yet another benefit of social media is that it helps the HR to promote the employee engagement and enhance the internal employer brand. In addition to this, it also attracts and retains some of the best individuals within the organization.
Therefore, the benefits of the social media in the literature are being promoted strongly by a number of researchers. Though, there is some literatures which suggest that boosting the employee engagement through the use of social media portals may not actually lead to an increase in the communication, collaboration and engagement. There are many authors who have suggested that social media can be used for purpose of mirroring of the existing structure of power and politics, which may be within the organization and may not be able to do the transformation of communication in the organizations where the openness and trust is not important. Hodgkinson also believes that there may be a loss of control because of employee engagement in social media. Besides, he states that the technology may prove to be a medium to identify and build the trust. The organizations can’t have a sustained interaction through the social media which forms to be an important factor in the organization. Tapscott and Williams (2007) also observed that social media along with its sense of interaction can be a key factor in the creation of a completely collaborative environment.
Though, many researchers also agree to the fact that social media helped in providing the tools for engagement with the potential employees in future. Through the social media, one can have a significant impact in changing the nature of the process of recruitment by helping the recruiters to access the pool of passive job seekers through the online social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Miller-Merrell (2012) also understands the importance of the attractiveness of branding of the employer, which is promoted through the social media. And it also provides the large number of opportunities for the HR to get involved beyond the HR related tasks. Thus, the outcomes of the employee engagement through the social media can be a source of great interest for the people.

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assignment代写-街头时尚只是时尚的一部分,与流行时尚没有太大的区别。这忽略了它们之间的本质区别。公共时尚是商品的仙境。机器批量生产在商品背后,其本质是消费文化。它追求服装的一致性和一致性。流行时尚的主体是服装公司,他们的崇高目标是全球时尚的整合与统一,最终实现利益的最大化。街头时尚的本质是个性和对反叛、对抗和差异的追求。街头时尚的主体是特立独行的个性群体,他们反对以阶级、金钱和地位为基准的社会结构。他们只追求个性的满足和自我欣赏的体验,他们的最终目标不是趋同,而是对流行时尚的反叛(Azuma, 2002)。接下来有关assignment代写-街头时尚分享给大家阅读。

People often use fashion, popular, street fashion and other words to describe the fashion phenomenon. Most people’s understanding of fashion is confined to the above few words in a vague or mixture of this few words. Only first defining the relevant words clearly, the category of street fashion could be defined.

One is to ignore fashion development and subjective expanded scope of street fashion. Another kind of misunderstanding is that street fashion is just part of the fashion, and has not too big difference from popular fashion. This ignores the essence of the difference between them. The public fashion is wonderland of commodity. The machine batch production is behind the commodity, the nature of which is the consumer culture. It pursues the consistent and the same of clothing. The body of the popular fashion is a clothing company, their lofty goals are a global fashion integration and unity, and finally achieve the maximization of interests. The nature of the street fashion is the personality and the pursuit of rebellious, confrontation and difference. The main body of street fashion is maverick personality groups, they opposed to social structure benchmarking with class, money and status. They only pursuit individual character satisfaction and the experience of self-appreciation, their ultimate goal is not convergence, but rebel of popular fashion (Azuma, 2002).
In conclusion, the street fashion is summarized as a kind of fashion. The street fashion is put forward by the main body of the orthodox culture movement namely the orthodox youth, aims to express the disappointment and resentment at the contemporary social mainstream culture and refuse to regard the mainstream culture values as the theme of fashion phenomenon. With the global spread of the culture campaign and orthodoxy, this kind of fashion behaviour of resistance youth is gradually evolved into large-scale fashion phenomenon of a specific group namely the street fashion. This kind of the youth fashion is absorbed by the popular fashion industry part at the same time and produced partly deconstruction and reorganization, which embodies in the popular fashion behaviour. Street fashion is with the distinctive orthodox consciousness. It is like the soul which gives youth fashion the inherent characteristics of the orthodoxy. It is like a symbol or label which distinguishes rebellious youth from the other groups. Exactly speaking, this kind of symbol not only expresses the subversion but also reverses all the established patterns and rules of contemporary society and life. This kind of orthodox fashion is to establish a new fashion values and structure of consciousness, or at least will be prepared for paving the way for the arrival of the new fashion values and aesthetic view (Celjak, 2012).

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The appraisals are unethical when considered against the principles of deontology, too. Deontology means duty and the theory of deontology in ethics believe that a person is ethically and morally right only when they consider their duty in action. Unlike the theory of utilitarianism, the effects of the action are not considered, but rather the action itself is considered. Irrespective of the consequences of action, people are expected to follow their duty. Deontology states that people are morally obligated to act with respect to certain rules and conditions and only in following these rules are they ethical. There is an obligation to the course of action more than the result. Applied to the context of peer reviews as seen in the case of companies like Enron, no moral obligation was taken upon by the employees. Financial professions working with the company were expected to critically appraise their peers in an objective manner and get appraised likewise. This was a rule that was expected to be followed and yet the employees did not follow the rule. Per deontology, they had a moral and ethical obligation to just follow the rules and be part of the system, but they choose to fail their rules to rate themselves better and retain their jobs. Since neither utilitarianism nor neither deontology was followed, it could be said that financial professionals were pushed into unethical situations. Compensations, retaining one’s job etc. are some of the key issues for employees in an organization, but these should not conflict with their moral obligations in the company, too.

Finally, companies like Enron were more motivated on enriching their high-end professional such as the executives instead of investors (Flood, 2003; Fowler, 2002). People within the company were encouraged to also be on board. Employees were motivated to make profits and generate profits for the Executives rather than the shareholders and inflate contracts. Contracts that were not yielding any money were inflated and a wrong picture was presented to investors who continued to have confidence in the company. The lack of financial controls was often cited as the reason for Enron’s failure as financial controls would have enabled investors to have a clearer picture of the company’s actual status, however, financial controls should not have been the only way to achieve this. People also had an ethical responsibility as well as a legal one and they were seen to have ignored this. Financial professionals in the company who were aware of how the investors were not presented the right picture did not seem to take it up to their executives or question them. The few that did take up the issues were asked to be quiet about it. Once again, this is an example of how moral and ethical conflicts were silenced in the workplace. The challenges for the employees of Enron were to understand whether the right way even at the risk of losing their jobs should be pursued or not.

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Power of the suppliers: Suppliers can be understood as the person who supplies the raw material which is used for the manufacturing of the products or services. Suppliers may charge higher prices from the business which affects the production process and profitability of the business. Framingham Wines need to maintain healthy relationship with the suppliers for the production process of the business as change in the behaviour or manner the raw material is supplier will result in change in the production of the wines and decline in the sales of Framingham Wines due to the power hold by the suppliers (Global, 2010).

From the Porter’s five forces analysis it has been analysed that the five forces included in the Porter’s five forces creates huge impact over the performance of Framingham Wines. The environment is made up of different factors which lead to change in the performance of the Framingham Wines. The suppliers supply the raw material which is used for the manufacturing of wine and the relationship with the suppliers needs to be established for the purpose of arrangement of the raw material in an effective manner. Level of competition in the market is high due to the performance of Framingham Wines gets affected. This competition results in decrease in the sales and for dealing with this issue there is a need to adopt effective strategies by Framingham Wines. The choice of the buyer is responsible for the sales of the Framingham Wines and for this the prices and the packaging of the wines offered by Framingham Wines need to be attractive and priced according to the market and economic conditions.

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在本篇assignment代写-战略计划失败的原因中,制定战略计划是一项艰巨的工作,需要多种技能来全面判断和制定组织将遵循的战略计划。这样的技能,制定机关应具备包括经验、诚实、推理和理性的思想(Raguž,2015)。有时,市场的一个或多个重要参数被忽略或忽略,导致战略计划的失败(Foss, 2014), assignment代写-战略计划失败的原因如下:

It has been stated above that the strategic management demands special attention from the organization and lack of which will result is failure of the plan. Hence, as a result only for having name sake if any company creating any kind of tactical goals because of the pressure from the peers will as a result give generation to work ignorance (Fry and Killing, 2010).
Partial commitment
The strategic plan generally includes long term goal hence demands full commitment and belief. However, an immediate crisis causes the owners and the committee members to withdraw their trust and this is the main reason behind the failure of the strategic plan (Stephenson, 2012)
It is one of the most common reasons for the downfall of strategic plans. As stated above, the framing of strategic plan demands high analytical skill and the committee who is liable to create proper plan and policies must comprise of members possessing these skills, otherwise, it will lead to the failure of strategic plan (KÖSEOöLU, 2009).
Environment constraints and objectives
The strategic plan fails due to ambiguous understanding of the working environment as well as the market variables as these parameters are used in framing the strategic plans. The priority and objective of the organization should be unambiguous to the management so that those can be integrated in the plans (Godet, 2013).

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