


Dental implants are used as an option for the replacing mechanism of the missing teeth. The success of this treatment and survival rates for the implants have been observed to be very high. There are many factors that are used for the analysis of the problem of peri-implantitis. The reports indicate that the prevalence periodontal disease is considered risk factor. The discussion regarding the peri-implantitis was initially raised in the House of Lords in the year 2014. There were also complaints raised in the General Dental Council. In general, the placement of implants in patients was greatly debated in this spectrum. The factor of periodontitis was greatly debated in this schema.

A dental implant is known as the endosseous implant or fixture. It is an integral component of the interfaces with the bone or the skull. It is used for the support of the dental prosthesis. The techniques of crown, denture, and bridge are used. The basis for the modern dental implant is regarded as a biological process, which is known as the osseointegration process. The use of the titanium is used for the formation of the bone process. The implant fixture is initially placed to form the osseointegrate (24). The use of the dental prosthetic is also added. Variable amount of the healing time is needed for the osseointegration. This is attached to the implant or the abutment that is placed. These will hold a dental prosthetic. Many successful and failure of the implants should be considered in this process. The amount of the stress on the implant and the fixture of the normal functions are also evaluated. Planning of the position is the number of implants and the key to the longer term of the prosthetic (25). Biomechanical forces are created owing to the process of chewing. The position of the implant is determined by the position of the adjacent teeth. The prerequisites for longer teem success of the osseointegrated dental implants are a combination of the healthy bone and the gingiva. Atrophy is observed after the tooth extraction. Sinus lifts and graft are used for the recreation of the ideal bone and the gingiva. The final prosthetic either is fixed or cannot be removed from the denture or the teeth of the mouth (26). In some cases, the prosthetic is fixed with dental cement or is placed on a corresponding adapter where two pieces are secured together. A number of risks and complication are related to the implant theory. In general, in the presence of the healthy tissues, a well-organized implant has a number of appropriate bio-mechanical loads. The survival rates are found to be from 93 to 98%. This has a 10 to 15-year life span that is observed for the prosthetic teeth.

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