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Power from wind and solar energy involve a fluctuating nature and therefore when adding extra capacity of renewable energy to the electricity grid, it is extremely crucial to have extra power backup gained from the plants of natural gas. Base load generating capacity at Ontario is in surplus but more base load additions in the wind power form or solar energy form may lead towards requiring the removal of a nuclear place from where it is operating to replace it with a combination of renewable and gas fired systems, further leading towards a higher increase in the emissions in air (Stokes 490-500). This implies that rather than de-carbonization, transition is moving towards carbonization which is the major threat.

Air Emission Growth from Expansion of electricity system under the GEA policy is inevitable. The division of Electricity supply system in Ontario is done into 2 categories inclusive of capacity of base load coming from hydroelectric and nuclear sources responsible for delivering power in fixed amounts and the other category is peak capacity wherein scaling is adjustable in accordance to the changing demands of electricity in a day. Ontario consists of abundance of power sources and the base load power of Ontario is strong causing an issue to be created for reliability of the grid to be maintained as expansion of wind power takes place. It is needed for the GEA to spend capital on buying every wind energy available. On the basis of wind condition, a production surge can be created which requires absorption. As evident in the below provided Figure 1, when requirement is lowest wind power often increases and this peaked wind power requires either to be displaced at the production base-load or has to be lost at a loss in the export market (and this is presently taking place).