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This implies that I will be able to move with the flow of my organization while working as an affluent script developer. From here, I mean to say that information is present all across the internet in the form of journal articles, blogs or websites or even recorded videos and podcasts and all these information sources are the base of where positioning oneself is required. In addition, as a script developer, I am aware of the techniques and methods used to develop a script traditionally but then traditional script development has wide and extensive research already done in it and so this gives me very less opportunity to add up something which is new to the field in order to place myself appropriately. Therefore, I will have to look for modern techniques where there is still room for development and I can make an extensive contribution in the field where people will acknowledge me in the form of the information or research displayed by me.
Step 3: Being able to leave my strengths
I have acknowledged that in the past whenever I was a little scared of something, I used to abandon it and refrain from trying to do it again from the threat of failing again. However as per the expert author, Dorie, the key for being successful in career’s especially is to do those things that did not prove successful in the past. Sometimes the strengths that one is working with may not lead him or her towards success whereas those things that one has given up from doing are actually the ones that may lead towards success. Therefore, the key is to cope up with strengths while idealizing the weak points and taking the step forward.