



The total count of the responses in the survey is 50. Altogether, 75 forms were rolled out of which 50 responses came in, implying a response rate of 66.67%. The average age of the respondents is 22.4. 26% of the respondents were in the age group of 18-22 years, 48% in the age group of 22-26 years and 6% in the age group of 26-30 years. 36% of the respondents are female. 64% of the respondents are students while the rest work in different fields. 24% of the responses are from Northern India, 16% from South India, 36% from East India, and 24% from West India. 54% of the respondents live with family while others live independently or in hostels. 66% responses come from people living in urban areas. 76% respondents are Hindu while 68% are single. 22% respondents are homosexual, 12% are bisexual, and 66% are heterosexuals.For all the questions with ordered responses, an increase was given a value of 1, neutrality or no change was given a value of 0 and decrease was given a value of -1. In all these responses a mean greater than 0 implies that more responses favor the response corresponding to 1 and vice versa.96% of the respondents have heard about live-in relationships, are open to them and are willing to befriend those who are in live-in relationship.
However, only 80% of them are willing to consider live-in relationships as an option. The mean of the responses for the associated question was 0.8 with a standard deviation of 0.404. A mean of 0.8 is very close to 1 which means that most people have heard about it. 44% believe that live-in relationships decrease the chances of divorce in a marriage if it is preceded by a live in relationship while 42% believe that there should be no change. The associated mean was -0.3 and the standard deviation was 0.707. The responses were coded such that a decrease corresponded to -1 and neutrality corresponded to 0. A negative mean implies that majority believes that probability of marriages ending in divorce declines after a live-in relationship. 64% believe that live-in relationships increase the level of commitment in a marriage while 30% think that there will be no change. The average of the responses was 0.58 with a standard deviation of 0.609. The mean of 0.58 implies that more responses favor increased commitment after live-in relationships. 60% believe that cohabitation in the form of live-in relationships increase the stability of a marriage while 36% think that it does not affect the stability of marriage. In this case, the average turned out to be 0.56 and standard deviation was 0.577.












结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解。谨记:simple is the best。











The framework element has found its description here in the literature of manufacturing strategy that is proposed along with the potential modification and extensions in relation to the view of areas of content of the objective of manufacturing and areas of decision. What would be proposed here is based on competence and strategies of “best practice”. The strategy is developing a plan for long term with use of major resources for a compatibility of a high degree between the long term corporate strategy and these resources. The manufacturing strategy must be addressed with answers of the broad question as to how the configuration of these major resources is done in achieving the objective of the company. The objectives of manufacturing can be achieved with a set of areas of decisions and a pattern of actions. In short, the decision making method is used to build the plant’s infrastructure, supervising and scheduling the same and effective communication. These elements are internal that proves to be greater barrier to change compared to the ingredients that are purely technological. In this context, the definition of corporate strategy includes specific businesses that GM competes with acquired resources, and allocates that amongst its businesses.
Within these conglomerates such as GM, there are stand alone businesses like Cadillac plant of GM, which is their SBU (strategic business units). The dependence of business strategies are with requirements of the market (such as market’s success criteria, desires of the customers), organizational competence (such as strengths and weaknesses, culture, and core capabilities), environment (such as, government regulation technological advances, and competition). The SBU of GM must be having its own mission and vision.The proposed plan suggests three areas as areas of strategic decisions. The first is the integration of best and popular practices that includes TQM and JIT with the decision areas which are considered to be the traditional areas. The second approach to be adopted by GM, SBU should be a generic one linked to the strategy of manufacturing. The third one should include the recent works on capability and competence.





The entry mode of any organisation in a new country speaks a lot about the way it will perform and the way it can handle the market pressures of domestic types. It is suggested here that Woolworths enter into Dubai as a back end partner with a local firm so that it can save in initial real estate costs of setting up the business. It can set up a joint venture with a local firm which is already into retail and it understands the market well to be able to kick start the venture immediately. The company must enter by forming a contract of providing products, providing IT related back end support, and providing store layout and design propositions. The logistics, the product quality, and the marketing strategies must also be provided by Woolworths as it has experience in the Australian market for all kinds of retail. The partner group will set up the stores and lease the stores, invest in front end and make the necessary liaison process for the store openings.
It is justified because the real estate costs are very high in Dubai and for retail they are higher than residential and commercial. This is one of the most important reasons for the suggestion of partnering as a backend partner. If suppose the business does not perform well or as expected, it is reasonable to end ties if the contract is of a back end partner. But if the contract is about real estate investing, then the exit of real estate properties will be difficult and if the market comes down and the prices fall, the investment can be stuck and have to be remain invested until the prices rise again. The liaison work is another reason because the local company is well versed with the approvals and registration requirements, hence it is easy to remain away from practices which can demand unexpected money and has stressing impacts on profits.



以下是耐克公司在公司内外进行的主要CSR活动。环境保护:在不影响环境的创新产品开发方面,耐克一直保持着警惕。为了达到这一目的,耐克公司采用了环境服装设计工具,这是一种基于windows的软件,使该组织能够在生产产品的同时对环境产生最小可能的影响(韦斯顿,B.H.),2014)。该工具的服务被用于制造2010年世界杯的球衣,其中的服装设计使用塑料瓶和回收聚酯。2009年,Zoom MVP垃圾广告由耐克公司在市场上推出。这基本上是一个环鞋由合成皮革废料和回收纤维制成。耐克公司有效的环境保护政策为他们赢得了“十亿通奖”,这是一个授予行业协会的奖项,以表彰他们在减少全球碳排放和化学品排放方面所做的努力。员工福利计划:耐克作为一个组织,在照顾员工福利方面一直是最好的组织之一。耐克公司向这名员工的救济基金捐赠了150万美元。
耐克与CGT(洪都拉斯中央将军)签署了一项谅解备忘录,并在协议中同意向受耐克合同部门关闭影响的个人提供财政支持。除此之外,耐克还为他们安排了职业培训项目,甚至为他们支付了一年的医疗保险费用。在《财富》杂志的一项调查中,耐克被评为拥有健康工作环境和良好员工关系的最佳公司之一。宣传计划:耐克还证明了自己在安排宣传活动方面的领导地位,如节水宣传、抗癌研讨会、促进体育教育等。耐克与LIVESTRONG签署了合作协议,以促进和促进与癌症的斗争。2012年,耐克与荷兰一家小型初创企业DyeCoo Textile Systems合作,采用了该公司发明的以碳和染料为基础的染色工艺,不使用水或化学品。在某种程度上,由于服装不需要烘干,染色过程也快了40%,所以用水量也减少了60%。除此之外,耐克还积极组织学校和其他学习机构的体育项目。通过所有这些CSR活动,耐克确保为创建一个健康和积极的社会做出了足够的贡献。


Below are the primary CSR activities being followed by Nike within & outside the premises.Environmental Conservation: Nike has always been on its toes when it comes to innovative development of products that do not affect the environment adversely. To achieve this purpose, Environmental Apparel Design Tool has been incorporated by Nike which is windows based software that enables the organization to manufacture products while having minimum possible impact on the environment (Weston, B.H., 2014). The services of this tool were utilized in manufacturing the jerseys for Fifa World Cup 2010 where the apparels were designed by using plastic bottles and recycled polyester. In 2009, Zoom MVP Trash Talk was launched in the market by Nike. This was basically a hoop shoe made form synthetic leather waste and recycled fibers. Nike’s effective policies to save the environment won them the Gigaton Award which is a grant given to industrial associations to see their attempts in decreasing global emission of carbon and chemical surge from having any sort of impact in environmental variations.Employees Welfare Programs: Nike as an organization has been one of the best when it comes to look after the well-being of their employees. A hefty amount of $1.5 million was donated to the employee’s relief fund by Nike.
A MOU was signed between Nike and CGT (the Central General de Trabajadores de Honduras) and in the agreement it was agreed to provide financial support to the individuals affected by closure of Nike’s contracted sector. Apart from this, vocational training programs were arranged for them and even their health insurance costs were taken care by Nike for one year. In a survey by Fortune magazine, Nike featured among the best companies to have healthy working conditions and good relationship with employees. Awareness Programs: Nike has also proved itself as a leader in arranging awareness campaigns such as water conservation awareness, seminars on fighting cancer, promoting physical education, etc. A partnership was signed with LIVESTRONG by Nike to promote and facilitate the fight against cancer. In 2012, Nike collaborated with DyeCoo Textile Systems, a small startup in Netherlands, and utilized the dyeing process invented by them which is based on carbon and dyes garments without using water or chemicals. In a way, the water energy consumption is also reduced by 60% since the garments don’t need to be dried and the dyeing process is also 40% faster. Apart from this, Nike also takes initiative for organizing physical education programs in schools and other learning institutions. By all such CSR activities, Nike makes sure that is contributing well enough towards the creation of healthy and an active society.


該公司依賴於澳大利亞的市場經濟和業績。它高度依賴國內市場。他們面臨著來自本土品牌的激烈競爭,市場已經飽和。因此,該公司應該著眼於更新的市場。但它沒有關注亞洲新興市場(Young, 2014)。這是該品牌的一大弱點。為了擴大市場份額,公司應該把重點放在新興市場。在國際市場上應該有更多的產品差異化。公司可以在現有市場和新市場中專注於更多的收購和產品開發。他們應該制定一個更開放的宣傳信息,以迎合國際觀眾。為了吸引年輕人口,公司需要為年輕人口打造一個更具美感的品牌。產品包裝​​的同質化方法對公司來說是積極的(Parente and strausbaugho – hutchinson, 2014)。但為了提高消費者人口結構,該公司需要擴大其消費者基礎。
公司應該致力於在國際市場上建立更好的品牌形象。如果它冒險進入新市場,它將與那些在新市場上已經確立了品牌的公司競爭。他們需要有基礎設施來支撐新興市場。公司有足夠的系統來滿足當地市場的消費者需求(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2013)。除此之外,該公司還需要更強大的營銷工具來吸引更廣泛的消費者群體。市場上的高檔啤酒正在打折,公司需要更好的營銷策略來解決這個問題。由於其高度依賴國內市場,稅收的增加和技術的變革使公司面臨額外的壓力。嘉士伯、喜力和科羅娜是該品牌的主要競爭對手和威脅。


The company is dependent on the Australian market economy and its performance. It is highly dependent on the domestic country. They are facing stiff competition from the local brand and there is market saturation. Hence the company should be looking at newer markets. But it has not focused on the emerging markets of Asia (Young, 2014). This is a considerable weakness for the brand. The emerging markets should be focused by the company to expand its market share. There should be more product differentiation in the international markets. The company can focus on more acquisition and product development within the existing markets as well as the newer markets. They should develop a more open promotional message to cater to the international audience. To attract the younger demography, the company needs to have a more aesthetically pleasing brand for the younger demography. There is a homogenized approach for the product packaging that is positive for the company (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, 2014). But to enhance the consumer demography the company needs to broaden its consumer base.
The company should be focusing on building a better brand image in the International markets. If it ventures into the newer markets it will be competing with the companies that have an established name in the newer markets.They need to have the infrastructure to sustain in the newer markets. The company has an adequate system to meet the consumer requirements in the local markets (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2013). Apart from this the company needs to have more robust marketing tools to attract a wide consumer base.There is a discounting of the premium beers in the markets and the company needs a better marketing strategy to combat this issue. Since it is highly dependent on the domestic market increases in taxes and technological changes causes the company to face extra pressure. Carlsberg, Heineken and Corona are some of the major competitors and threat to the brand.



这导致了社会中的穷人没有积极的因素来实现他们的全面增长和进步(Merrifield, 2011)。这导致了社会事件的恶性循环。在城市发展中有许多问题被排除在外。最重要的因素是收入在城市规划中的作用。这已被确定为人们在社会中被边缘化的主要原因之一。下面将探讨收入分配在马拉维城市发展中的作用。全球化导致了国家的发展。但是全球化的到来使各国的收入差距扩大了。马拉维某些地区的失业率和贫困率较高,15%的人口生活在城市,全国城镇化率为6.3%。城市空间的不断扩大,给社会服务带来了越来越大的压力。马拉维75%的城市居民居住在非正式定居点的贫民区。
大多数人没有自己的土地,他们继续住在租来的棚屋里。市议会不愿意升级这些地区。因为穷人住在这些地区。这种收入分配在各国之间是不平等的。低收入群体是这些地区最边缘化的群体。低收入群体对城市的发展几乎没有发言权。在当前时代,存在着许多影响生活质量的社会和经济挑战。空间规划问题最大的挑战是普遍存在的假设。人民的社会利益最好是通过城市发展的增长来获得的。治理模式和金融结构继续限制人们创新城市政策的发展(Merrifield, 2011)。有必要处理城市的缺点,以处理全球城市议程。


This leads to a situation where the poor people in the society have no positive factors that enable towards their holistic growth and progress (Merrifield, 2011). This leads to negative spiralling of events in the society. There are many issues that excludes in the urban development. The most important factor is the role of income in the planning of the city. This has been identified as one of the major reasons for the people to be marginalized in the society. The role of income distribution in the urban development of Malawi has been probed in the following. Globalization has led to the growth of the nation. But the advent of globalization has caused the income gap in the nations to be widened. There is high level of unemployment and poverty in certain areas of Malawi. 15% of the Malawi population lives in the city and the urbanization rate of the nation is 6.3%. There has been an increase of the urban spaces and has caused an increased pressure on the social services. 75% of the urban dwellers in Malawi live in the slum areas of in informal settlements.
Majority of the people do not own their own land and they continue to stay in rented shacks. The city councils are not willing to upgrade these areas. Owing to the fact the poor people live in these areas. This income distribution is not equal among the nations. The low income group people are the most marginalized communities that have been found in these areas. The people in the low income group have little say over the urban development.In the current era there are a number of social and economic challenges that impact the quality of life. The biggest challenge with the issue of spatial planning is the widespread assumption. The social gain of the people is best obtained through the growth of the urban development. Governance patters and the financial structures continue to limit the people in the innovative urban policy development (Merrifield, 2011). There is a need to work with the urban shortcomings to address the global urban agenda.


新規則對Woolworths的一些影響討論如下:該公司的主要問題將出現在評估物業及其與業主簽訂的租約上。當財產是新的時候,這個過程可能是平穩的,但是隨著時間的推移,當使用情況惡化時,價值計量可能會打擊他們的財務實力和負債。 2. 當可收回金額小於扣除折舊後的物業實際成本時,可作為沖銷處理。反之,當可收回金額大於扣除累計折舊後的實際成本時,差額將逆轉之前確認的損失,或者在資產處置前不能實現(註釋:澳大利亞採用ifrs——來自AASB的澄清,2009)。這可能會給公司在保留資本支出和庫存價值方面造成混亂。
3.當收回的金額超過成本時,可能會有人試圖考慮故意讓租賃貶值,從而導致他們通過出售資產變現。特別是對於伍爾沃斯這樣一家擁有數千家店舖租賃和所有權的大公司來說,財務報表可能無法反映這些物業的真實價值。 4. 公司租賃跡象時按照規定,將共享利益的責任,通貨膨脹與支付,和店主一起益處和風險,將會有重大利益衝突的估值測量,可能使用不同的評估”給兩個不同的測量。5. 公司可能長期不被允許擁有該店,該店的租賃價值和物業價值從一開始就明顯偏高,從而導致財務緊張,不願意繼續租賃。這些因素也可能對房地產市場價值的變化和估值方法的不斷變化產生重大影響。


Some of the impacts of the new rules on Woolworths are discussed below: 1. The main issue for the company will emerge in valuing the properties and the leases they enter with property owners. The process may be smooth when the property is new, but over time when the use deteriorates, the value measurement may hit their financial strength and the liability. 2. When the recoverable amount is lesser than the actual cost of the property deducting depreciation, it would be treated as a write-off. In converse, when the recoverable amount is more than the actual cost deducting cumulative depreciation, the difference will reverse the loss recognised previously or shall not be realised until the asset is disposed (Comment: Australia’s Adoption of IFRSs-A Clarification from the AASB, 2009). This may create confusion for the company in retaining their capital expenditure and the stores value.
3. There may be an attempted deliberation to intentionally devalue the leases when the amount to be recovered is to be more than the cost, leading them to realise money by selling the asset. Especially, for a company as large as Woolworths with thousands of store leases and ownership, the financial statements may not reflect the true valuation of the properties. 4. When the company signs leases according to the rules, it will be made to share the interest liability, the inflation linked payments, and benefits and risks along with the store owner, there will be significant conflict of interest in terms of the valuation measurement, who may employ different valuers’ giving two distinct measurements. 5. The company may not be allowed to own the store for a long time whose lease value and the property value is significantly high from the beginning, turning into a financial strain and non-willingness to continue the lease. These may also be impacted greatly on the changes in market value of properties and the measurements of valuation changing from time to time.



由于记忆的稀缺性,艾尔斯的性格没有能力理解母亲的流散和跨民族身份(洪晋,2011)。当他的母亲来到澳大利亚时,她在中国获得的归属感已经消失了,但是他的儿子却不能理解这一点。她一直渴望她的祖国,因为她并不觉得它和她自己有什么不同。在寻找归属感的过程中,她继续和儿子在澳大利亚过着压抑的生活,没有人理解她这种感觉背后的原因,也没有人理解她这种局外人的感觉。从此,这部电影以最好的方式描述了社会归属感和局外人的行为。在形成移徙者个人的文化和家庭关系方面,争取归属感的斗争是相当大的。这种想法出现在彼得·斯克日涅基(Peter Skrzynecki)、费利克斯·斯克日科夫斯(Feliks skrzynecsi)的两首诗中,以及古琳达·查达(Gurinda Chadha)执导的电影《像贝克汉姆一样弯曲》(Bend it like Beckham, Annett et al. 2009)中。很明显,迟早每个人都要为生活中的某件事或另一件事而奋斗。
然而,这些文本和电影中所呈现的少数民族由于他们的家庭关系和血统而处于强势的挣扎之中,对文化有着巨大的影响。家庭归属感的挣扎可以通过共同的经历来克服。这一点在费利克斯skrzyecki中表现得很明显,彼得移民到澳大利亚后与父亲失去了联系(Bisin et al. 2016)。诗人的孤立在这句话中被描绘出来,他的手剧烈地颤抖着,用视觉形象来说明他无法与他的朋友和父亲联系。非人称代词在第三节中使用,被称为they,意思是把费利克斯和父亲的文化遗产一起排除在外。然而,post two stanzas Peter通过与百货商店店员的偶遇,将与父亲的归属感归档(Silva 2009)。店员问他父亲是否想学英语。这位职员扮演了一个缩影的角色,展示了一个不受欢迎的社会,他的父亲和他都在努力适应这个社会。分享自然的经验有助于建立关系。这表明一个连接是容易的,其中的经验是共享性质。


Due to the scarcity in memory, the character of Ayers does not have the ability of understanding the identity of diasporic and transnationality of his mother (Hongjin 2011). The sense of belonging which his mother had obtained in China was missing when she came to Australia, but this could not be understood by his son. She had a constant desire for her homeland as it did not feel to her as different to herself. In her search for sense of belonging, she continues to live a depressing life in Australia with his son without anyone understanding the reason behind her feelings or her sense of outsider feeling. Henceforth, the film depicted social belonging and outsider behaviour in the best possible manner. The struggle for the sense of belonging is considerable in shaping the cultural and family relations of migrant individuals. This idea is present in the two poems of Peter Skrzynecki, Feliks Skrzynecksi along with the movie directed by Gurinda Chadha named Bend it like Beckham (Annett et al. 2009). It is evident that sooner or later every individual has to struggle for something or the other in the life.
However, the minorities presented in these texts and movies are forcefully struggling because of their family ties and ancestry and there is great influence to the culture. Struggle in sense of belonging finding in family can be overcome through shared experiences. This is clearly present in the Feliks skrzyecki wherein Peter losses the connection with his father after migrating to Australia (Bisin et al. 2016). The isolation of the poet is depicted in the quote conveying hands shaking very violently, visual image is employed to illustrate the fact that he is unable to connect with his friends and father. The impersonal pronoun is utilized in the third stanza termed they for exclusion of Feliks from the father along with the cultural heritage belonging to the father. However, post two stanzas Peter archives the belonging sense with his father though experiencing an encounter with the clerk at departmental store (Silva 2009). The clerk had asked if his father attempted to learn English. The clerk played a role of microcosm to showcase a society that is unwelcoming wherein both his father and he are struggling to fit. The experience of shared nature assisted in relationship building. This presents that a connection is easily made wherein the experience is of sharing nature.



Schulz(2008)认为,这与传统的乳制品生产体系形成了对比,在传统的乳制品生产体系中,产品质量取决于经验、技能和工人或生产者对主观方式的评估。Rutten(2006)进一步断言,管理方面的改进提高了公众对动物农业的认知(Le Gal et al ., 2011)。正如Berckmans(2006)所述,乳制品消费者越来越关注食品的安全和质量、可持续和高效的养殖方式、动物的健康和福祉以及农业对环境的影响。因此,采用技术可以提高动物的福利,同时在奶牛养殖场维护动物的福利,并通过展示奶牛社区对阐明福利即兴化策略的承诺,帮助公众转变对积极概念的看法(dairy Australia, 2014)。
Lara(2009)进一步断言,技术还可以适当地监控所有的农场和动物,从而提高动物生产的效率,减少生产牲畜对环境的影响,这将进一步促进公众感知的即时性(Bear and Holloway, 2015)。本研究采用了一定的研究策略。有在线搜索和文档审查的参考。为了在线搜索的目的,使用了几个不同的关键词。这有助于使整个研究多样化,进一步有助于按照总字数限制来细分研究。在进行研究时,参考了不同当局发表的若干文件。因此,可以说,整体的研究本质上是定性的。关键的愿景是开展业务,使每个人都能享受到好处。


As argued by Schulz (2008), this contrasts the systems of traditional dairy production wherein the quality of the product is dependent on the experience, skill and the worker or producer’s assessment of subjective manner. It is further asserted by Rutten (2006) that the improvements within the management enhanced the perception of pubic of the agriculture of animal (Le Gal et al, 2011). The consumers of dairy are growingly concerned with the safety and quality of the food, farming of sustainable and efficient manner, health and well-being of the animal along with the agricultural impact over the environment as per Berckmans (2006). Hence, adoption of technology can improvise the welfare of animal along with maintaining it on the dairy farms as well as assist in shifting the perception of public towards positive notion through showcasing the commitment of dairy community to articulate strategies of welfare improvisation (Dairy Australia, 2014).
It is further asserted by Lara (2009) that technologies also monitor all the farms and animals appropriately that can improve the efficiency of animal production and reduce the impact of producing livestock over the environment which will further contribute in public perception improvisation (Bear and Holloway, 2015).For the purpose of this research, certain adequate research strategies have been used. There has been reference of online searching and documentation reviews. For the purpose of online search, several different key words were used. This helped in diversifying the overall research, which further was useful to breakdown the research as per the overall word limit set. Several documents published by different authorities were referred to in conducting the research. Hence, it can be stated that the overall research conducted is qualitative by nature. The key vision is to conduct operations such that benefits are enjoyed by everyone.