留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

Chipotle事件发生在2015年,当时45人在吃完一道菜后突然住院,后来发现这道菜中含有E。大肠杆菌是一种存在于人类肠道和其他动物体内的细菌(BBC新闻,2016)。这严重违反了Chipotle对员工的信任,显示了员工不负责任的行为,他们继续工作,却没有注意食品的成分和清洁。这样的事情发生的原因只有一个,那就是对外出就餐的不断渴望,以及这样的菜肴是诉诸于舌头,而忽略了对健康和胃的关注。全球化使文化相互依存,相互重叠,快餐现象从美国传入世界,并在很大程度上注入了外出就餐的欲望(Feldman, 2006)。这成为了一种如此强大的文化,以至于它已经成为一种规范,并已嵌入到世界各地人民的文化中。
大多数市民将其视为一种物质财富,并将其作为一种有价财产加以培育。外出就餐的文化当研究各种文化时,可以看到,它是非常不同的地区之间的差异。亚洲国家大多更尊重食物,因为他们认为食物是神圣的,是上帝的恩赐,因为食物只能维持一切,不能维持其他。欧洲和美国文化认为食物是一种商品,并理解它在任何地方都可以交易,因此与亚洲人相比,欧洲和美国文化对食物的尊重要少一些(Sassatelli, 2007)。因此,外出就餐是一种文化,并已融入许多国家的饮食文化。这种特殊的习惯被认为是与人们的社会身份建构相关联的(McDonagh和Prothero, 2005),更重要的是,像Chipotle这样的供应商利用这一点让人们可以使用它。

留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

The Chipotle incident happened in 2015 when suddenly 45 people were hospitalised after eating a dish, which later was found to have traces of E.coli inside which is a bacteria found in human gut and other animals (BBC News, 2016). This is a serious breach of trust by Chipotle and displays the irresponsible behaviour of the staff to continue working without paying any attention to the ingredients and the cleanliness of food products. Such an incident has occurred due to one thing, which is the incessant desire of eating out and such dishes which are appealing to the tongue and discarding the concerns of health and stomach. Globalisation has made the culture interdependent and overlapping, such that the fast food phenomenon took from the US and made its way to the world and infused a desire for eating out in a big way (Feldman, 2006). This became a culture so strong that it has become a norm and has embedded itself in the culture of people across the world.
Most citizens see it as a material possession and nurture it as one of their priced possessions. The culture of eating out when studied of various culture it is seen that it is very different from region to region. Asian countries mostly has more respect for food as they consider it divine and a git of God since food sustains all and nothing else. European and US culture considers food as a commodity and understand that it is traded everywhere and hence have a little less respect compared to the Asians (Sassatelli, 2007). Thus, eating out is a culture and has become infused in the eating culture of many countries. This particular habit is considered to be attached with a social identity construction of the people (McDonagh and Prothero, 2005), and more so, the providers such as Chipotle takes advantage in making it available for people.





What skills does Jamal need to develop with the help of the teachers?ANSWER – The teachers should take efforts to provide emotionally and physically secured, controlled and balanced environment for Jamal. In such friendly and conducive surroundings, Jamal would have several opportunities to learn new things and channelize his energy in a correct direction. The skill of indulging in a creative and meaningful activity would make him more active, happy and cheerful. It is a responsibility of a teacher to teach Jamal skills to refine his behaviour and attitude. With help of teachers, Jamal needs to keep calm and do not inappropriately hit and cause troublemaking. The power he achieves through calm and peace would help him to not get easily upset and distressful.
The ability to keep control on his mouth is another skill he needs to acquire. This mouth-closed power would deter him to blurt out any disgraceful, hurtful or insensitive comments without thinking. The ECE should also intervene and teach Jamal that interrupting conversation and loud unnecessary screaming is a bad practise. The last skill Jamal needs to develop is the hands down power. It would make him understand that hitting can cause bruises or serious physical injuries to others. Jamal would acknowledge that his violent actions can cause pain and scare his peers. Development of these skills can keep Jamal’s behaviour in control and he would improve gradually.





On one of the occasion, a legal expert asks the question how he can inherit an eternal life. The answer was to love his Lord with all the heart, soul, mind and energy. Jesus on this said that he has given the correct answer and he can have a life with this. For this, he asked a query from Jesus who his neighbour is.To this, Jesus told a story. He said that there was a man who was on the way to Jerusalem when he had to face robbers who stripped and beat him. He was left half dead. No one came to help him until Samaritan came and saw his plight. He helped him by bandaging his wounds and also brought him to his inn and looked after him (Luke). After this the Jesus questioned whom he thinks is the neighbour. The answer by the student was the person who helped the person. In another story there was a man who had two sons. The younger of the two asked for a share of property which the father had. The father agreed and divided the same among his son. But, in a few days, the younger son had spend everything that he had. He had left for a faraway country and was left with nothing. So he felt that he has done wrong.
He went back to his father. When he reached there, the father came to him and hugged him. The son apologized to his father. He said that he does not deserve to be called as a son. But the father asked his slaves to get the finest robe and ring for his son. Also, he celebrated his return (Miller,1994). When the elder son returned, he saw that the celebration is going on in the home. He was angry at the same. So the father pleaded before him. He said that it is your brother who was dead and has come back to life again. In both the stories the principles of humanity have been explained. In the very first part, the Jesus explains the people of Israel not to do anything wrong and commit anything that is wrong. The God asks the people to be pure and not to commit sin. On the other hand, in the story Good Samaritan, he helps a person who has been badly wounded, which reflects the characteristic of a good person. In the second story, the Father forgives the son and displays a good characteristic of human beings.

論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利

論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利
本田(Honda)、豐田(Toyota)和日產(Nissan)躋身全球前三大汽車公司之列。經濟學家認為,當時的政府政策有助於促進各種產業的生產。工人的稅率和積極性極高。他們知道,保護他們未來資產的唯一方法就是發展他們現在的產業。當他們成為世界主要品牌的領先製造商時,他們將創造壟斷(Hooper, 2007)。另一個奇蹟是工會、兼職工人和小公司的形式。所有這些因素加在一起有助於提高工業的產量。 1940年,日本的工會是好戰的,不可能與衝突各方進行談判。工人們對工業的現狀並不滿意,但戰後所有這些情況都改變了。像工會工人這樣的政策承諾終身僱傭,以換取發言內容的相關性。工會開始為工人爭取權利,提高工資。在新政策接管並改變戰後形勢之前,只有大公司才被允許成立工會,並為其成員的權利說話。在小公司裡,工人沒有權利為自己的工人說話。
當所有公司的工會開始為工人的工作保障、培訓和工資而工作時,他們開始留住和激勵工人。每個人都開始為公司的發展而努力。工人的留任率提高了,員工的工作也有了保障。兼職工人的增加是因為人們想要改變現狀。福利協會成立,為員工尋找額外的工作(Hooper, 2007)。福利社會也保持了總就業水平的理念,幫助增加了工人的福利。越來越多的人進入了公司的勞動週期,尤其是女性。大公司伴隨著小公司的出現,開始增加絕對優勢的機會。在這種情況下,消費者為購買高價商品而犧牲,這樣他們就能幫助提振經濟。他們為振興國家經濟做出了犧牲,購買了高端產品。無論他們掙多少錢,他們都把錢花在購買產品和服務上。這種奇蹟在其他任何國家都沒有出現,因為許多國家的人民的可支配收入很低;但日本的情況並非如此。今天亞洲人擁有最高的消費水平,因為他們犧牲了目前的存在(王,2000)。

論文代寫 推薦:工人的權利和福利

Honda, Toyota and Nissan are among those top three automobile companies of the world. Economists suggest that policies of the government at that time helped in boosting the production of various industries. Tax rates and motivation level of workers were extremely high. They knew that the only way of protecting their assets for future was to develop their current industries. When they will become the leading manufacturers of the main brands of the world, they will create monopoly (Hooper, 2007). Another miracle lies in the form of labour unions, part time workers and small companies. All these factors when combined together helped in increasing the production of the industries. During 1940, trade unions in Japan were militant and negotiations were not possible with the conflicting parties. Labours were not happy with the current situation of the industries, but after the war all these situations changed. Policies like unionized workers promised for the life time employment in exchange for the relativity of the speaking matter. Trade unions started working for rights of the labours and increase in salaries. Before the new policies took over and changed the situation after war, only big companies were allowed to have trade unions and speak for the rights of their members. In small companies, labours had no rights to speak for the rights of their labours.
When trade unions in all companies started to work for job security, training and salaries of the labours, they started to retain and motivate their workers. Every individual started to work for increasing the development of the company. Retention of the workers increased and employees had job security. Increase in part time workers increased because people wanted to change the current situation. Welfare society started, which was looking out for additional jobs for the employees (Hooper, 2007). Welfare society also maintained the total employment level philosophy and helped in increasing the benefits for the workers. More and more people came in the labour cycle of the company, especially women. Big companies emerged with small companies and started to increase the chances of absolute advantage. Customers sacrificed in this context for buying high priced goods so they can help in boosting their economy. They sacrificed for boosting the economy of the country and bought high end products. Whatever they earned, they spend it for buying the products and services. This type of miracle is not seen in any other country because the disposable income of people in many countries is low; but this was not the situation in Japan. Today Asians have the highest level of spending because they have sacrificed for the current presence (Wang, 2000).



在最简单的情况下,定性研究可以采取观察的形式。在观察方面,接下来的步骤是研究人员简单观察到的研究问题,比如Jane Good all观察猿类的方式,或者儿童心理学家观察孩子玩耍的方式。这种方法常用于两种情况:一是研究人员想要在自然环境中考察对象,二是理解自然发生的行为。就像在其他形式的定性研究中一样,研究者必须注意在观察中引入个人偏见,这应该完全避免(Wisniewski, 2010)。在地面理论研究中,解释的推导是不断地从原始数据中推导出来的。记住一个关键字是紧急的。故事是从数据中浮现出来的。通常,研究人员先从一个宽泛的主题开始,然后用定性的方法收集信息,这些信息定义了一个研究问题,或者可以写成进一步细化的研究问题。这可以通过一个简单的例子来理解。
老师想知道着装的影响实现改善纪律的制定具体问题,接地理论家可以开始面试的学生,父母或老师或可能他们可以要求学生写一篇关于他们的观点有一个着装(Curwin et al ., 2007)。然后,研究者可以通过编写特定的例子,从阅读文本开始跟踪主题的发展过程,并且可以使用荧光笔。这些例子是在被调查者提到的常见事物的地方进行编码的。从文本中出现的一种常见模式可能是一种阻力,然后可以将其用作分析的主要主题。扎根理论研究的本质是动态的;从这个角度看,我们可以在几乎所有的学习阶段不断地修改它。地面理论研究的最终结果是产生了广泛的主题。研究人员并没有试图用定量研究的特征所具有的同样客观的方式对研究进行概括。这里提供了关于学生领导力的扎根理论文章的链接(Wisniewski, 2010)。


In the simplest case, qualitative research can take the form of an observation. In case of observation, the steps followed are the research matter simply observed by the researcher like the way Jane Good all had observed the apes or the way in which a child psychologist may watch a kid play. This method is frequently used in 2 cases: First when the researcher wants to examine the subject in its natural environment and the second one is to understand naturally occurring behaviours. As in the case of other forms of qualitative research, the researcher has to be careful about the introduction of personal bias into observations which should be avoided completely (Wisniewski, 2010).In the study of ground theory, derivations of interpretations are continuously done from raw data. It is emergent to remember a keyword. The story is emerged from the data. Often the beginning is carried out by researchers with a broad topic, and then qualitative methods are used for gathering information that defines or can be written as further refines a research question. This can be understood by a simple example.
The teacher might want to know the effects of implementation of dress code to improve discipline In place of formulation of specific questions, a grounded theorist can begin with the interview of students, parents or teachers or probably they can ask students to write an essay on their views about having a dress code (Curwin et al., 2007).The researcher can then follow the process of development of themes from reading the text by coding particular examples, and a highlighter may be used. These examples are coded at the places where common things are mentioned by the respondents. A common pattern emerging from the text may be a Resistance, which can then be used as a major topic for analysis. The nature of the study of grounded theory is dynamic; in the perspective that we can revise it throughout continuously in nearly all the phases of study. The ground theory study’s end result is the generation of broad themes. The researcher is not attempting to get a generalization of the study in the same objective way that is a characteristic of quantitative research. A link is provided here to the grounded theory article on student leadership (Wisniewski, 2010).





Len wants advice about how the buyer will pay. Buyer wants to ensure that they get the good subsequent to the payments made. Consideration of payment mechanism is a delicate process that needs to ensure future business prospective and at the same time needs to factor in current payments. It has been observed from international transactions risk of buyers making payment is default high. Len’s concerns are justified. This is the issue that has been identified for payment mechanism. Rules and regulations regarding payment are based on the political and legal factors. Moore Steel while framing the argument should ensure that the political and legal issues of different countries are addressed. A number of international conventions and treaties have been signed to avoid these issues during International transactions. This is known as the harmonization process. For the harmonization process, International convention, International modal laws and Uniform rules or Model contract can be used. Buyer and the seller can agree on the type of harmonization mandates to follow.
This will ensure smoother relationship. To apply a good payment mechanism, the following protocols should be observed. Moore steel and the buyer should have the following to ensure smoother business transactions. There should be an invoice, relevant transport document, insurance policy, payment documentation, license, origin of contract and licensing contract. This should be clearly documented. During the process of Contractual formation the stakeholder should form contracts based on the currency fluctuations and relationship between the parties. The creditworthiness of the buyer should be considered. Moore Steel must conduct due diligence and check worthiness of the buyer before agreeing to the contractual terms. Based on these actions, mechanism of payment needs to be devised. In this case, the Singapore Company is new and hence it is better to acquire payment directly. Demand draft should be preferred rather than cheque of the buyer. In the case of using a cheque, there are chances of cheque bouncing. Money transfer and Actual transfer can be done by using wire transfer, demand draft or by direct payment.



在中国,中国移动的现状造成了寡头垄断竞争,占据了大部分市场份额,只有少数强大的竞争对手能与之抗衡。由于寡头垄断竞争的结果,定价方案更加规范,人们也不满意。在寡头垄断竞争中,由于只有少数企业经营,企业将高度集中,就像中国电信行业一样(Xin, 2011)。因此,电信部门的每个公司都是相互依赖的。他们必须模仿竞争对手的行为。寡头战略竞争是指竞争对手要么决定与竞争对手竞争,要么决定与竞争对手勾结。这种情况会以规模经济的形式创造自然的进入壁垒,或者以掠夺性定价问题的形式设置人为的进入壁垒(Xin, 2011)。中国经济正在放缓。据预测,截至2016年1月8日,世界第二大经济体增速正在放缓,为了帮助中国经济恢复活力,中国政府正在尝试投资基础设施项目。
中国已经规划了9个基础设施项目,截至今年1月发布的《国家规划报告》;这将包括包括桥梁和高速公路在内的不同项目。总金额1524亿元,约231.3亿美元,已清缴项目,政府已批准该项目(路透社,2016)。在非常基本的循环流动模型中,公司将支付工人工资,工人将用这些钱从公司购买商品。在考虑国民收入因素的情况下,企业产出为国民产出,经济主体所获得的收入称为国民收入(Thoma, 2013)。人们将支出的金额,也就是回到公司的那部分,就是国家支出。在创建这个项目的过程中,由于基础设施项目将使用公司,公司将向人们支付工资,而人们的购买力将增加,因此创造了收入的循环流动。国民总收入和总支出会因此增加,这反过来又有利于中国经济放缓。


In China, the situation of China Mobile has created an oligopolistic competition in taking up a majority of the market share with only few strong competitors that can match its position. As a result of the oligopolistic competition, the pricing packages are more standardized and people are dissatisfied. In the oligopolistic competition, since only a few firms operate the firms will be highly concentrated as in the Telecom sector of Chinese (Xin, 2011). Each of the firm in the telecom sector hence is interdependent. They have to mimic the actions of their competitors. The oligopolistic strategic competition is one in which the competitors would either decide to compete with the rivals or might decide to collude with them. This situation would create natural barriers to entry in the form of economies of scale or artificial barriers to entry might be set in the form of predatory pricing issues (Xin, 2011).The Chinese economy is slowing down. As of January 8, 2016, it is predicted that the world’s second largest economy is slowing down and in order to help the Chinese economy to reinvigorate itself, the Government of China is attempting to invest in infrastructural projects.
Nine infrastructure projects have been planned in the country and as of the country state planner report that was released in January; these would include different projects inclusive of bridges and highways. Amount to the extent of 152.4 billion yuan which is around $23.13 billion has been cleared for the projects and the Government has approved the project (Reuters, 2016). In the very basic circular flow model, companies will pay workers, and workers will use the money to buy goods from companies. In the case of national income factored in, the output produced by companies will be national output and the income that the people of the economy receive will be called as national income (Thoma, 2013). The amount that the people will spend and which hence goes back to the firms is the national expenditure. In creating this project, a circular flow of income is created because the infrastructural projects will use firms, the firms will pay people, and the people buying capacity increase. The overall national income and the overall national expenditure will hence increase and this in turn will help the Chinese economy from slowing down.



Treacy和Fred Wiersema的三价值学科模型描述了价值门徒的三种基本类型。这三个价值门徒包括卓越的运营、产品领导和客户亲密度(Treacy & Wiersema, 1993)。对于一个组织来说,拥有卓越的运营和执行能力是非常重要的。应该充分重视效率、精简业务、供应链管理的有效性、精简和数量。产品领导是另一个追随者,这意味着组织应该有一个非常强大的创新和品牌营销,使其能够在世界上的动态市场中成功运作。同时,也要注重发展,越来越多的创新,营销和在短时间内获得高利润率。另一个原则包括与客户的亲密关系。对于任何组织来说,在客户关注和客户服务方面做得出色都是很重要的。


The three value disciplines model by Treacy and Fred Wiersema gives the description about the three basic types of value disciples. These three value disciples include the operational excellence, product leadership and customer intimacy (Treacy & Wiersema, 1993). It is important for an organization to have operational excellence and its execution. There should be adequate focus on the efficiency, streamlining of the operations, effectiveness of supply chain management, no-frills, and the volume counts. Product leadership is another disciple which implies that the organization should have a very strong innovation and brand marketing, so that it can operate in dynamic markets of the world in a successful manner. Also, there should be focus on development, more and more innovation, marketing and earning of high margins in a short span of time. Another discipline includes Customer Intimacy. It is important for any organization to excel in customer attention and customer service.
It is of huge importance for the world to tailor their products and services. The companies need to focus on CRM, timely delivery of the products and services, value concepts, reliability and being in a close relationship with the customer. Slide 5, clearly describes the three disciplines given by Treacy and Wiersema. The slides clearly guide through the three disciplines and give proper meaning and implementation of each and every discipline. It has been stated that the company can achieve operational excellence by having narrow product lines, high expertise, moderate changes in technological structure and focusing on its costs. This explanation is perfect and would help a company to achieve operational excellence. Customer intimacy can be achieved by strong customer focus, it should be relationship driven and it can be done by efficient operations as the markets mature. Similarly, product leadership has also been explained in an effective manner which is easy to understand and implement.



“人的历史”或“下面的历史”被称为社会史。它一开始是作为传统政治史的一种选择,涉及到利益对象,也涉及到作为历史变革推动者的社会和经济因素的信仰(Rewald, 2014)。社会史是不同的,因为它有助于关注重大的公共问题。这里讨论的主题是“社会历史以多种方式揭示了古代、中世纪和早期现代民族的历史,这些历史在此之前都没有被研究过。”是什么共同的社会历史主题使得这种情况发生?埃及社会:在这段时期,在埃及及其社会中,一切都以法老及其家族为中心。统治精英占埃及人的绝大多数。这就是税收压力大、费用高的原因。埃及社会有一种平静的感觉,因为尼罗河的洪水周期规律是其他古代社会所没有的。这些埃及社会是自由与约束的好奇混合体。普通的农业劳动者没有离开土地的自由。
犹太人在信奉基督教的西班牙:雷纳的继承是由于监护人的疏忽,导致直接纳入国库的国王。克鲁克夏出现在法庭上,要求解决她女儿欠她的婚姻问题。巴塞罗那的犹太法庭被克鲁克夏用作为自己和女儿提供法律保护的代理机构。Dhuoda受过良好的教育,来自一个富裕的家庭。在这本手册中,Dhuoda描述了William是如何从道德的角度来生活的。外行素养和女性外行素养在这本手册中有很好的解释,这也使得它很吸引人。手册中暗示,加洛林妇女在表达价值观和道德方面发挥了作用。这只是告诉我们卡洛林女性的读写能力(Spence, 2002)。公元前569年的巴塞罗那手稿提供了这本手册的完整版本。相反,在中世纪的手稿中,不仅只有一篇,而是有七件东西。


‘The history of people’ or ‘the history from below’ is termed as the social history. It started as an alternative for the conventional political history in relation to the objects of interest and also towards the belief related to the social and economic factors who worked as historic change agents (Rewald, 2014). Social history is different as it helps in focusing on major public issues. Here the topic of discussion is “The myriad ways social history has exposed the histories of ancient, medieval, and early modern peoples that had heretofore not been investigated. What themes common to social history have allowed this to happen?” Egyptian societies: During these times in Egypt and its societies, it was the pharaoh and his family around which everything was centered. The ruling elites constituted the vast majority of the Egyptians. This was the reason due to which the collection of taxes was stressful and was very expensive. The societies of Egypt had a calm sense because Nile flooding regularity cycle that no other ancient societies had. These Egyptian societies were inquisitive mix of freedom and constraint. The ordinary agricultural laborers had no free to leave their lands.
Jews in Christian Spain: The inheritance of Reina was due to the negligence of guardians that lead to the direct inclusion in the treasury of the king. Cruxia appeared in court for settlement of marriage owed through her daughter. Barcelona’s Jewish court was used for demonstrating as agency by Cruxia for providing legal protection to herself and her daughter. Dhuoda was well educated and was from a wealthy family. In the handbook it was described by Dhuoda that how William use to live his life from a moral perspective. Lay literacy and female lay literacy is well explained in the handbook that makes it fascinating, too. It is hinted in the handbook that the Carolingian women played a role of giving voice to the values and morals. This simply tells us about the ability of read and write of Carolingian women (Spence, 2002). The manuscript of Barcelona BC 569 offered the complete edition of the handbook. On the contrary in the manuscripts of medieval period there was not just one text instead there was a collection of about seven things.


約翰·肯尼迪和阿爾伯特·拉斯克的廣告公司是最早闡明現代廣告概念的廣告公司之一。這家廣告公司的主要目標是銷售其產品,並向大眾銷售產品或可交付產品的理念(Cruikshank和Schultz 2010)。在這個過程中需要考慮許多隱藏的含義。一個產品應該代表品牌的情感,傳播公司的思想,並闡明產品的特點。霍普金斯提出了強硬或激進的營銷理念(Sivulka, 2011)。在這種意識形態中,只有銷售在營銷過程中被考慮進去。其他廣告大師也嚴厲批評了這一思想。他們宣稱學術推理和倫理道德的重要性。 Walter Thompson公司的Stanley Resor提出,學術推理應該與營銷溝通相結合。奧格里維說,應該有一個折衷的混合創新,戰略和學術推理來吸引觀眾。他說,這些應該是良好的推廣戰略的基礎。 Rubicam則強調了道德廣告的重要性。他聲稱,在製定營銷傳播時,應該有一定的倫理考慮。應該重視廣告的性質。
本質上,魯比卡姆想要向人們灌輸道德的重要性。伯納赫不僅沒有宣揚魯比卡姆和雷索爾的意識形態,而且還宣揚倫理,為人們提供信息。學術推理和倫理道德被進一步確立為廣告的重要參數。伯內特宣揚的理念是迎合觀眾和讚助公司。李奧·伯內特所宣稱的一個關鍵主題已經被闡明。利奧·伯內特在告別演說中重申了高質量工作比賺錢更重要。應該有激情去實現目標,工作本質上應該是有趣的。這比商業賺錢的過程更重要。在追求事業的過程中,人們往往忽略了什麼是重要的。在某些情況下,組織中的人們往往會忘記所有的人員(Sivulka, 2011)。自負、貪婪和商業傾向開始超過自動駕駛的激情、尊重和對工作的激情。人們需要注意這些問題,並努力保持正確的指導方針(Sivulka, 2011)。這些作為行業指南或廣告行業的道德基礎。廣告大師們認為,一個產品的良好促銷活動應該是關於道德、推理、創新策略,並應服務於經濟利益。


John Kennedy and Albert Lasker’s advertising agency is one of the pioneering advertising agencies that spelled out modern notion of advertising. Primary objective of this advertising agency is to sell its products and sell the ideology of the product or deliverable to the masses (Cruikshank and Schultz 2010). There are many hidden connotations that need to be factored in this process. A product should represent the sentiments of the brand, propagate ideology of the company and also elucidate the characteristic features of the product. Hopkins professed the ideology of hard or aggressive marketing (Sivulka, 2011). In this ideology, only selling is factored in during the course of marketing. Other advertising gurus have heavily criticized this ideology. They professed on the importance of academic reasoning and ethics. Stanley Resor of Walter Thompson Company proposed that academic reasoning should be mixed with marketing communications. Oglivy stated that there should be an eclectic mix of innovation, strategy and academic reasoning to appeal to the audience. He stated that these should be the bases of a good promotion strategy. Rubicam on the other hand emphasized the importance of ethical advertising. He professed on the ideology that there should be certain ethical considerations while formulating marketing communications. There should be importance given to the nature of advertising.
Essentially, Rubicam wanted to instill to people about the importance of ethics. In lieu of the ideologies of Rubicam and Resor, Bernach also professed about ethics and provided people with information. Academic reasoning and ethics were further established as important parameters of advertising. Burnett professed the ideology of catering to the audience and the sponsoring company. A key theme that has been professed by Leo Burnett has been elucidated.Leo Burnett farewell speech reiterates the importance of the delivering quality work over making money. There should be passion to meet objectives and work should essentially be fun. This should be given more importance than commercial moneymaking process. During the course of pursuing the career, people often tend to loose sight of what is important. In some situation, people in organization tend to forget about the all personnel (Sivulka, 2011). Conceit, avarice, and commercial tendencies start to outweigh self-driving passion, respect and the passion for the job. People need to watch out for these issues and strive to maintain the right guidelines (Sivulka, 2011). These serve as the industry guidelines or ethical base for the advertising industry. Adverting gurus states that good promotion campaign about a product should be about ethics, reasoning, innovative strategy and should serve economic interest.