


在过去的几年中,基于网络的公司如雅虎和谷歌在利用互联网的各个领域创造了大量的资源。如今,大多数人直接使用谷歌、Bing、Yahoo、Wikipedia和Answer.com等工具来查找任何类型的研究和信息(Servaes, 2013)。在许多国家,政府正在采取可衡量的步骤,以便更大的群体或特定的个人群体,如儿童和青少年,能够安全地访问互联网。任何国家都采取了最好的可衡量的措施来实施互联网过滤,监管人们能够访问的内容类型的是中国,中国为此付出了巨大的努力,也很安全。在这篇综述中,中国对互联网或网络审查进行了更深入的研究(Ong, 2013)。Internet过滤器主要是那些应用程序工具,它们使监视个人计算机或特定计算机网络上所查看或访问的web内容变得更容易。

互联网过滤器还可以发挥的另一个功能是,它还可以更容易地监视与泰人交流的人以及特定计算机网络可用的时间(Bao, Wang, & Zheng, 2013)。正如Vandenberg (Ong, 2013)所说,在过去的几十年中,中华人民共和国实施了许多政策,这使得中华人民共和国人民在网上冲浪时很难访问或查看内容。正如范登伯格所说,互联网过滤器成功的主要原因是,几乎所有的互联网服务供应商都是中国政府所有。因此,Deibert曾经说过,就互联网人口而言,最大的国家是中国,就信息和通信技术领域的生产和创新而言,中国是世界上最具有自主性的国家。


Over the last few years, a wide pool of resources has been created by the web-based companies for example Yahoo and Google in the utilizing internet, in all the sectors. Nowadays, most of the individuals directly use the Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and Answer.com and many more, in order to find out any kind of research and information (Servaes, 2013). There are many countries, where the governments are taking measurable steps so that the access to the internet can be safely done by the larger group or specific group of individuals, such as the children and teenagers. The best measurable steps were taken by any country in order to execute internet filters, and regulating the sort of content that people are able to access is China and it had worked very hard and safely toward it. In this review, a closer look on the internet or cyber censorship has been taken with a particular interest in China (Ong, 2013).Internet filters are mostly those kinds of application tools that make it easier in keeping an eye on the content of the web that is viewed or accessed by the computer of the individual or on a particular computer network.

The other function that can be played by internet filter is that it also makes it easier in keeping an eye on a person that with whom thae person is communicating and for how long that the specific computer network is available (Bao, Wang, & Zheng, 2013). It has become very difficult for the people of the Republic of China to access or view content on the web while surfing because in the last decades many policies had been implemented the people`s republic of China, as said by Vandenberg (Ong, 2013). The main reason behind the success of the internet filter is that approximately all the suppliers of internet service are owned by the government of China, as said by Vandenberg. Consequently, it has been said by Deibert that the largest country in terms of internet population is China and with respect to the production and innovation in the fields of Information and Communication Technology, it is the most self-motivated country in the world.