





The Genesis is the part of the Old Testament that gives the details of how creation was done. There is the presence of the ancient beliefs of Judaism in this form of the creation because the seventh day of the creation process has been declared as a day of rest akin to the Sabbath of the ancient Judaism believers. This goes on to become the central theme of a larger part of the understanding of creation in Christianity and Islam. The day by day of creation’s progress is beautifully listed in the Genesis. The import of the passages is as follows (Geneis 1-3):On the first day God looked at the void of darkness that had no form and gave it the life giving wind. God commanded that there be light. Then he separated the light from the darkness and the first day and night were formed.On the second day God commanded that there be a dome that would separate the waters from the waters. This dome was called the sky.On the third day God commanded that there be a separation of the land mass from the waters. He called this land the Earth and had all forms of vegetation growing on it.

On the fourth day God created the two great lights of Sun and Moon to segregate the night from the day and had several lights embedded in the dome. These were the stars that not only gave light but also showed the way and helped tell time.On the fifth day God created al the life forms known to man, the birds, the fishes and the terrestrial creatures.On the sixth day God created Man and from his rib he fashioned Woman and he commanded them to ‘Go forth and Multiply’.On the seventh day God rested and he blessed this day as the day for rest from the labours of the previous six days. It is also a day of introspection and reflection.While this is the central theme of most creation stories, numbers of other variations are also found that creep into the depictions of some of the versions. What demarcates these from the other stories of the origin is the fall from favour by Adam and Eve who eat the forbidden fruit after being induced by the serpent. Another version is the story of Noah’s ark where God in his wrath created the great flood but saved only a few selected creatures.