

第一次征服是由西班牙和葡萄牙人征服的。西班牙軍隊佔領了南美西部和墨西哥的領土。與此同時,葡萄牙人也佔領了南美東部地區,並將其命名為巴西。此後,整個西半球被歐洲國家統治。這導致了許多事物的大量變化,如西半球的景觀、文化、人口、植物和動物生活。 1607年,當英國人開始在切薩皮克灣地區建立殖民地時,這種說法被進一步誇大了。此外,法國人在1608年建立了魁北克。荷蘭人對這個地區也表現出越來越大的興趣,這個地區就是今天的紐約。再過30-40年,普利茅斯公司、新法蘭西公司、馬薩諸塞灣公司和荷蘭灣公司開始向西半球地區派遣大批殖民者。因此,可以說,在這些地區,成功的殖民是不可避免的(Carroll, 2013)。


The first conquest had been made by Spain and Portuguese. The Spanish forces conquered the territories which were in the western South America and Mexico. During the same time, the Portuguese had also captured the area of eastern South America and had named the same as Brazil. After this, the entire western hemisphere was dominated by the European nations. This had led to the large number of changes in a number of things such as the landscape, culture, population, plant and animal life in the western hemisphere. This further exaggerated in the year 1607 when the English began to make a colony in the region of Chesapeake Bay. Further, the French built Quebec in the year 1608. The Dutch also showed more and more interest in that region which had become the present day New York. Within another 30-40 years, the Plymouth Company, the Company of New France, the Massachusetts Bay Company and the Dutch Bay Company begin to send a large number of colonists in the region of Western Hemisphere. Thus, it can be stated that in these regions, the successful colonization was not avoidable (Carroll, 2013).
Instead, the different European powers had been contesting more and more for the exploitation of the lands in North America. The process of European Colonization and Settlement in the region of North America had been further facilitated because of the invasion of the territories which had been controlled by the Native American. Another major group of people who played a significant role in the European Invasion of Western Hemisphere were Africans. From the very beginning, many of the Europeans planned to establish a large number of colonies in the regions of the western Hemisphere. The need for the European Attempts to do the establishment of the colonies in the regions of Western Hemisphere had been largely foundered because of the lack of laborers in order to do the hard-work which was related to the colony building. Each and every European power actually looked upon the African slaves in order to provide the labor on the islands which were in the West Indies. In order to facilitate the colonies, the Europeans also transferred these slaves to the other colonies in the Western Hemisphere.