


这篇文章探讨并讨论了各种类型的文件为商业研究人员提供有用证据的程度。为了评估不同的文件类型,对公共、个人和组织文件的讨论将根据其对商业研究人员的有用性进行评估。此外,John Scott的标准将被评估为鉴定文件的质量评估(Adams et al., 2014)。将进一步探讨与利用联机资源有关的挑战,以确定它为商业研究的实践所带来的困难。


对各类文件的识别和讨论是学术文章的一种。这些文章对于获得实验或研究结果非常有用(Zikmund et al., 2013)。学术文章被发现对商业研究者有用,因为它提供了可信性和相关研究的相关知识(Babin和Zikmund, 2015)。学术文章尤其可信,因为它们是由研究人员和学者撰写的。因此,它提供了有关业务的最新和相关的知识。


This essay explores and discusses the extent to which various types of documents provide useful evidence for the business researchers. In order to evaluate the different documents type, the discussion of the public, personal and organizational documents will be assessed in terms of its usefulness for the business researchers. Furthermore, the criteria of the John Scott will be evaluated for the quality assessment of the identified documents (Adams et al., 2014). The challenges linked with the utilization of the online resources will be further explored to determine the difficulties that it poses for the practice of business research.

Identification and discussion of the various documentsOne of the types of documents is scholarly article. These articles are useful for obtaining the experimentation or research results (Zikmund et al., 2013). The scholarly articles are found to be useful for the business researchers as it provides with the credibility and the previous knowledge related to the relevant research (Babin and Zikmund, 2015). The scholarly articles are particularly credible since they are written by the researchers and scholars. Hence, it provides with the latest and relevant knowledge about the business.