标签存档: 新西兰论文代写



小型企业通常是私营企业,独资企业或合伙企业,员工人数少,年收入少于规模企业。一家公司在能够申请政府支持并且有资格享受优惠税收政策方面被称为小型公司(Lechner and Gudmundsson,2012)。管理内部运营实力和充分认识企业外部的威胁和机遇是企业成功的关键。

小企业的内部环境包含了组织内影响坚持运作的成功和方法的因素。首先,从内部因素的角度来看,领导在组织中的作用是显着的;领导风格以及管理层对工作文化的影响(Hove and Tarisai,2013)。其次,员工的力量是至关重要的。有才华,勤奋和积极进取的员工会产生理想的结果。业务流程和不同部门之间以及员工之间存在的关系影响了业务的有效性。高绩效的工作场所拥有才华横溢的员工,他们能够在合作期间协作解决方案和想法(Asa and Prasad,2014)。第三,组织文化依赖于内部沟通,如培训材料,人际关系,政策,哲学陈述和通讯。第四,业务的日常运营受其结构的影响。此外,结构还会影响员工数量,层级,部门与员工之间的协作以及员工的角色(Muchiri and McMurray,2015)。


Small firms are typically privately owned, sole proprietorship or partnership in nature that have less number of employees and the annual revenue is less than a business of regular size. A firm is termed as small in regard to being able to apply for the support from the government and qualify for tax policy that is preferential (Lechner and Gudmundsson, 2012). Management of the internal operational strength and adequate recognition of threats and opportunities external to the business is the key to success in business.

Internal Factors
The internal environment of a small firm is inclusive of factors that are within the organisation impacting the success and approaches of the adhered operations. Firstly, in the perspective of internal factors, role of leadership within the organisation is significant; the style of leadership and also the management impact the culture at work (Hove and Tarisai, 2013). Secondly, the employee strength is crucial. Workers who are talented, hard – working and motivated produce desired results. The process of business and the existent relation among different departments and among the employees impact the effectiveness of business. A workplace that is high in performance has talented employees who are able to collaborate resolutions and ideas while working in cooperation (Asa and Prasad, 2014). Thirdly, the organisational culture is dependent on internal communication such as training material, interpersonal relation, policies, philosophical statement and newsletters. Fourthly, the daily operations of the business are impacted on by its structure. In addition, structure has an impact on number of employees, hierarchical levels, collaboration between departments and employees and the employee’s role (Muchiri and McMurray, 2015).



澳大利亚国民银行:由于市场风险的剧烈变化,澳大利亚国家银行的工作标准存在某些问题(De Jong,Loudon和Choo,2016)。为降低市场风险,银行为降低市场风险而采用的不同方法体现在对客户给予唯一的重视,聘请高技能和支持性的员工,并为股东权益创造积极的回报。
联邦银行:为了应对市场风险,该银行已经建立了一个管理委员会,并纳入了一些有助于为银行提供指导的管理政策(Ali and Banks,2014)。诸如集团市场风险政策和交易账簿政策等管理政策为工作文化提供了支持,而管理委员会负责管理银行的资产和负债。

西太平洋银行:西太平洋银行实施的方法涉及五个步骤(西太平洋银行,2017)。该战略有五个方法 – 绩效管理,服务领导,数字化转型,目标成长和劳动力革命。这有助于银行构建连续订单以实现增长。介绍


Market Risk is one of those inevitable factors that can be associated with the functioning of the banks. It is seen that due to the indulgence of various ups and downs in the market, banks face certain level of upheaval in their day to day workings. In order to lessen the problem, these firms have incorporated and asserted the following methodologies in their security system. The methodologies thus used have been discussed below in details:
National Australia Bank: Due to the upheaval of the situation of market risk, there are certain aspects that have posed a problem on the working criteria of the National Australia Bank (De Jong, Loudon and Choo, 2016). The different methodologies that have been incorporated by the bank in order to lessen the market risk is by giving sole importance to their customers, engaging highly skilled and supportive staff and generating active returns on the equity of the share holders.
Commonwealth Bank: In order to cope up with the situation of market risk, the bank has constructed a management committee and also incorporated certain governing policies that help to provide guidance to the bank (Ali and Banks, 2014). The governing policies such as the group market risk policy and the trading book policy provides support to the working culture whereas the management committee looks after the assets and the liabilities of the bank.
Australia and New Zealand Bank: The ANZ bank has a strong risk management strategy that is followed up to control the obstacles that come up in between the growth of the bank (Australia and New Zealand Bank, 2017). The risk management procedure takes into consideration the use of various internal ratings that help to keep a check on the credit quality and eradicate the issues regarding financial crisis.

Westpac Bank: The methodologies that have been implemented by the Westpac bank involve a five step process (Westpac Bank, 2017). The strategy has a five – fold method is – performance discipline, service leadership, digital transformation, target growth and workforce revolution. This has helped the bank to construct a sequential order to attain growth. Introduction
Such an intangible asset or fictitious asset can now be capitalized and be gradually amortized over the average duration of customer’s association with the company. Hence in accordance with the new accounting treatment, $7.0 million asset in receivables and prepayments and a $3.9 million asset in intangibles have been recognized on 30th June 2016. Apart from this, there have been no other significant changes in the accounting policies or methods of computation since 30 June 2015 (Dick. 2016).






Ques12: The Six aspects of the Human Rights Act which the HR professional must comply with are as follows:
All the employees in the firm must be presented with an equal opportunity and there must be no discrimination on the basis of either race, gender, religion or age.
 There must be equal pay for the equal work regardless of any discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion or age.
Must ensure the employees that any case of sexual harassment in the workplace would not be tolerated and required actions would be taken again the accused.
The workplace must be healthy and safe and as per the standards set so as to ensure a good environment for the workers.
Any kind of disputes amongst the employees which is reported must be resolved with due importance in the set time frame.
Within the workforce the roles of volunteers must be developed with due consideration.


Ques 13: The six aspects with the Privacy Act which the HR professionals must comply with are as follows:
Telling the workers for what purpose is the personal information is being asked.
Telling the employees how the information is being collected and what type of information is being collected.
Ensuring that the employees know what type of information is being held by the company and getting the information corrected in case it is incorrect.
By reading out loud the Privacy policy the HR department must tell the workers how the information could be used.
Ensuring that each and every information collected by them is protected and stored properly and is free from misuse and interference.
By ensuring that the collected information is only used for lawful purposes.
Ques14: The six aspects within the Employment Relation Act which the HR professional must comply with are as follows:
Ensuring a safe workplace for the employees.
Paying the employees on time.
Permitting the employees to take leaves which would be paid by the company.
No discrimination amongst the workers.
Providing a written agreement of employment to the workers.
Taking the responsibility of any of the actions of the workers.






Author states that re-scaling of the strategic territories serve to articulate the new system that is responsible for the urbanization and development of cities in the modern era. Privatization and deregulation have contributed to weaken the nationals and authorities of state organization. Capitalism is being promoted by the operation of privatization associated forces. According to the writer, strengthening of globalization can be attributed to the deregulation of state organizations and economic integration among countries at international level. Writer states that, “Among these conditions of globalization are the sub-national, notably cities and regions; crossborder regions encompassing two or more sub-national entities; and supra-national entities, i.e. global digitalized markets and free trade blocs”. Organizational structure has been changed all over the world and the major reason behind this dynamic change is the globalization of economic activity.

New informational technologies and the power of transnational corporations have become a reason to increase the trend of globalization, accompanied with global coordination in operations. Role of distance has been totally neutralized because of increased availability of information technology facilities all over the world. Not only developed countries but also the low developed and under developed nations of the world have experienced information technology booms resulting in the more cooperation and coordination among cities and countries. So, it can be concluded that author considers information technology boom to be the reason of globalization. Hyper mobility of industry outcomes has become possible because of the joint operation of improved communication and transportation facilities both at local and international levels. Growth of cross-border dynamics includes both negative and positive variables like that of political, cultural, economic and criminal aspects.



剪辑是电影的重要片段。这是电影必要的部分,是重要的,因为他们帮助完成电影。这是重视电影故事的剪辑。如果电影剪辑放错了位置,可能会有一部电影的故事根本无法被人们所理解。因此,剪辑应该被完美地拍摄成一部好电影是非常重要的。在本报告中,重点是确定和解释在电影的两分钟时间内拍摄的50个不同的剪辑 – “月出国”。有关电影镜头的理解已经清楚完成。


clips are obtained from the part from 1:07:42 to 1:09:56 minute of movie.
The 50 screen shots in different parts of the movie
In the next scene there are a large number of people who are running after the girl, in the field itself. In the next scene the people are chasing the girl in circular form, trying to trap her. In the next scene, the girl holds the yellow flag and runs. In the next scene the bad weather has been shown. The atmosphere is very cloudy and it’s lightening as well. The weather is so bad that the direction arrow is moving. In the next scene there is a huge heap of stone in front of the girl. In the forty first scene, the girl stands on the heap of stones and looks towards the crowd. In the fourty second scene, the crowd is running towards the girl. In the fourty third scene, the girl is speaking something to the people. In the next scene, a huge lightening has been shown. The lightening is so furious that it has fell on ground. In the fourty fifth scene, the crowd stops all of a sudden. They were continuously running from a long time, but now they have stopped all of a sudden. In the fourty sixth scene, the girl catches fire in his shoes. In the fourty seventh scene, all the people are coming rushing towards the man, to help him. In the fourty eighth scene, all the people look towards the first who fell down when her feets catches fire. In the fourty nineth scene, the girls cleans his speaks and wears it again. In the fiftieth scene, she takes out her binoculars and looks towards a hut, perhaps it seems to be the place where they can escape from the bad weather and lightening.
Clips are the important fragments of the movie. It is something which forms the necessary segments of the movie and is important because they help in the completion of the movie. It is the clips which gives the weight to the story of the movie. If the clips of the movie are placed in the wrong pattern, there can be a film whose story can’t be understood by the people at all. Thus, it is important that the clips should be taken perfectly for a good movie. In this report, the focus has been done on identifying and explaining the 50 different clips which are shot during the two minutes time slot of the movie – “The Moonrise Kingdom”. The understanding related to the movie shots has been clearly done.

新西兰公共关系论文代写: 公共政策

新西兰公共关系论文代写: 公共政策

文章“影响加拿大广播公共政策”是在“加拿大社会科学和人文科学研究理事会”的适当支持下进行的。所进行的研究集中在加拿大广播法1985 – 90年期间的公共政策发展上,这一行为完全改写了三个官方机构的调查。这些是Caplan-Sauvageau广播政策工作组,下议院传播和文化常务委员会和众议院立法委员会研究C-136号法案。




新西兰公共关系论文代写: 公共政策

The article “Influencing public policy on Canadian broadcasting” was conducted through a research with due support of “Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada”.  The research conducted was focused on the public policy developments during 1985-90 in the Canadian Broadcasting act and the act was completely rewritten on the investigations done by three official bodies. These were the Caplan- Sauvageau task force on Broadcasting Policy, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Communication and Culture and the House Legislative Committee to study Bill C-136.

The article under analysis is used as a source for developing the position for assessment of the present state of policy making of communications. It is a crucial policy area which is surrounded by the controversies related to the transparency of research done for policy formation. The access to the data of the recent years and which is even relevant for the formation of the policy which is important at both ends as it is common as well as extremely contentious (Federal, 2010). The challenges of greater transparency and accessibility for data relevant for policy for communications are confronted in the detailed assessment.

On making public policy with publicly available data: The case of U.S communications policy making

In all the contexts used for policy making in U.S. the issues of imbalances of resources for policy formation must be resolved among the stakeholders of the policies formed.  The stakeholders must be provided with the commercial data with easy access to it and even for its sources. The overboard protections are present in varying degrees which are relevant for information that is commercially sensitive and is deliberatively processed by the governmental agencies.



关键路径法是一种很好的项目进度管理方法。它用来计算最短的项目工期,有助于确定进度状态并反映任何原因和滞后。该方法基于计算最早开始,早结束,晚开始晚结束的日期来反映整个项目的所有活动(PMBOK 2013)。此外,任何关键路径上的延迟都会影响整个项目,因此项目经理需要监控关键路径上的所有活动。



进度差异:SV = EV – PV

成本差异:CV = EV – AC






Critical path method is a good way to manage project schedule. It is used to work out the shortest project duration, help to determine schedule status and reflect any leads and lags. This method based on calculates early start, early finish, late start and late finish dates to reflect all activities in whole project (PMBOK 2013). In addition, any delay on critical path can affect the whole project so project manager need to monitor all the activities that on critical path.

Earned value management (EVM) method is used for measurement of project performance, assist project manager to evaluate the past and present work and update the schedule plan for next step. It provides some precise data to help project manager make decision. That data is the only source of information about this project health.

There are three key factors to measure the project performance including planned value (PV), earned value (EV) and actual cost (AC). According to PMBOK (2013) :

Schedule Variance: SV = EV- PV

Cost Variance: CV = EV- AC

Schedule performance index: SPI = EV/PV

Cost performance index: CPI = EV/AC

SV and SPI are useful for measuring whether a project is ahead of the expect schedule or not. CV and CPI are indicating the cost is over budget or under budget.

Considering this case, where the project is planned to be finished in 2 years, contaminate test the main factor that affects project schedule. If there are any pollutions from previous company, the project schedule would be delayed from ‘permit phase ’and addition cost would be charged. Project sponsor, project manager, project team and EPA will be involved in this activity.



iOS:iOS系统具有严格的安全政策虽然支持一定程度的用户访问和透明度(比彻et al,2011)。最安全的特点是加密到操作系统和安全软件是非常紧密连接的硬件和软件之间。只有违反引导内核,才会出现严重的安全漏洞,但紧密耦合使这几乎不可能。此外,应用程序运行在一个安全的沙箱,赋予它更多的保护。
Windows操作系统:Windows也提供了应用强大的沙盒;此外,安全是其现有的安全协议的一个扩展应用的桌面。安全系统也与Active Directory和在线同步支持集成,使得安全性功能和更新可更新的。
Windows :目标市场将包括诺基亚的用户和忠实的Windows用户。价格是Windows Mobile操作系统的优势,这将确保Windows也有大众市场。


The use of the mobile phone has increased because of both personal and career use reasons. Bring your own device to work has accelerated the use of tablets and other related mobile devices. Most of the mobile devices in current times are seen to use three distinct operating systems, which are the Apple operating System iOS, the Android and the Windows Operating System. There are internal architectural and user based design differences that makes one more appealing than the other. This essay analyzes the differences of these three systems based on the internal features of system architecture and security, and the user end differences of target user groups, user interface and performance. The analysis is mainly conducted for the non-expert user.The use of the mobile phone has increased because of both personal and career use reasons. Bring your own device to work has accelerated the use of tablets and other related mobile devices. Most of the mobile devices in current times are seen to use three distinct operating systems, which are the Apple operating System iOS, the Android and the Windows Operating System. There are internal architectural and user based design differences that makes one more appealing than the other. This essay analyzes the differences of these three systems based on the internal features of system architecture and security, and the user end differences of target user groups, user interface and performance. The analysis is mainly conducted for the non-expert user.Internal Features: Security iOS: The iOS system has a stricter security policy although supporting some level of user access and transparency (Becher et al, 2011). Most security features are encrypted into the OS and the security software is very tautly connected between hardware and software. Only by breaching the boot kernel, will there be serious security breach but the tight coupling makes this near impossible. Furthermore the apps run in a security sandbox which gives it more protection.  Android: The Android phone gives its user more freedom of use, and enhanced scope. The user will be able to set access permissions as is needed for them. Data security features are once again encrypted into the kernel, and application sandboxing is also followed here, for application level security.  Windows OS: Windows also provides robust sandboxing for its applications; furthermore the security is an extension of its existing security protocols as applied for its desktops. The security system is also integrated with Active directory and online sync support, making the security features and updates easily updatable.User End Features: Target User Groups Windows: The target market will include Nokia users, and loyal windows users. The price is an advantage for Windows mobile OS and this will ensure that Windows also has a mass market.





Power: It refers to the ability that causes or prevents an action while making things happen. In other words, it is discretion to act or not to act over an issue accompanied with duties. It is the potential ability of an individual of influencing the behaviour of others, especially the subordinates for changing the course of events that can overcome resistance and make the people do what they would have not done otherwise.
Control: It is a function of management hat aims at achieving the desired goals within a specified period of time. It is mainly composed of three functions i.e. setting the standards, measuring the actual performances with the desired performances and taking corrective actions if needed. In other words it is the way in which individuals or groups performs their duties within an organization but the actions that they are required to perform are guided or constrained till the performance of certain actions while the other actions are avoided so that the desired organizational goals can be achieved (Selznick, 2011).
Here the topic of discussion is “Are traditional approaches to power and control of relevance to contemporary management”. The data collected for the discussion is from various sources such as book, articles and journals.
Managing power in organization
Management is nothing without its supporters and followers but still the traditional approaches are being favoured by few management authors and thinkers, such as Henry Mintzberg who had equated the role of managers with the management of the whole organization (Loosemore, 2003). This limits the span of management as he overlooked the ability of non-mangers of managing themselves and their resources.



在世界大战期间,美国戏剧看到了一个成熟的时期,其中有许多著名的尤金·奥尼尔和普罗文斯镇的球员。奥尼尔对他的戏剧有不同的看法。他过去把戏剧艺术与自然主义和表现主义技术结合在一起。通过运用这些技巧,剧作家们有了更多的自由度来完成他们的工作。在此期间,也出现了更多的民间戏剧和宗教主题戏剧的出现。在这个时期,另一个主要的运动是选美比赛的演变。还有一种诗意的戏剧的回归,在第二次世界大战前的早些年,它曾是戏剧戏剧的主要元素。然而,在这段时间里,大萧条的经济衰落为抗议戏剧的演变铺平了道路,主要的主题是抗议经济危机。另一个值得注意的运动是,大多数著名的剧作家都喜欢乔治。S Kaufman,George Kelly,Sidney Howard等人都相信O ‘ neil的哲学之路。《二战后》在美国戏剧中有了更多的基础。这个时期也有更多的女性剧作家和剧作家。其中最著名的是Beth Henley,Marsha Norman等。同时也有更多的黑人剧作家,这是消除种族歧视的运动之一。这是这段时期的戏剧性历史。在20世纪70年代早期,有一种亚裔美国戏剧的趋势。这是由Frank Chin代表的。这使他在国际上更加出名,获得了更多的成功。这些年来,拉美剧院也出现了增长。当地的表演者在戏剧中更加出名。同样,在美国各地蔓延的艾滋病危机,也有更多的抗议活动。美国的主要部分看到了同性恋权利运动。作为意识的一部分,在这些主题上出现了更多的戏剧。其中一些是Christopher Durang,Holly Huges等。


During the years of World Wars, the American drama saw a matured period with most renowned works of Eugene O’Neil and Provincetown Players. O’Neil had a different outlook to his dramas. He used to combine the theatre art with naturalist and expressionist techniques. By applying these techniques, the playwrights were having more freedom to d their part of work. During this period, the emergence of more of folk drama and religion themed drama were also seen. Another major movement seen in this time period is the evolution of pageant drama. There was also a return of the poetic drama, that used to be a main element in the theatre drama in the earlier years before the World War II. However, during this period, there was an economic downfall of Great Depression paved way to the evolution of protest drama, where the main theme was the protest against the economic crisis. Another most notable movement seen was that most of the renowned playwrights like George. S Kaufman, George Kelly, Sidney Howard and so on believed in the philosophical path of O’Neil. The post war II has seen more foundation in the American drama. This time period also saw more women playwrights and dramatists. Some of the most renowned were Beth Henley, Marsha Norman and so on. Also the time period saw more black playwrights and this was one of the movements to eradicate the discriminations of racial minorities. This was one of the dramatic history seen during this period. In the early years of 1970’s, there was a trend of Asian American theatre. This was represented by Frank Chin. This made him more renowned and got more success internationally. The Latino theatre also saw a growth during these years. Local performers became more renowned in the theatre plays. Also, when were crisis of aids which was spread in all parts of America, there were more protests against the same. Major parts of America saw gay right movement. As a part of the awareness on the same, there emerged more dramas based on these themes. Some of those dramas were Christopher Durang, Holly Huges and so on.