标签存档: 澳洲论文代写价格






Chen Langnan and Yao Zhengchun (2000) studied companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange which have implemented dividend distribution policies. By analyzing those companies’ data during 1st December, 1998 and 29th October, 1999, they conducted empirical research on different response of market caused by different dividend policies plans through the approach of event study. Their paper also takes profit announcement effect into consideration, and by combining the profit-making situation of listed companies released in annual report, their research analyzed the changes of stock price caused by different dividend distribution plans. Their research indicates that Chinese cash dividend distribution plan does not have signaling effect, while stock dividend distribution has significant signaling effect. This paper explained the reason why Chinese stock market is different from that of western developed nations. The research found out that the major factor contributing to this phenomenon is that there was still no completed dividend distribution system. This was specific for Chinese listed companies in Chinese stock market.

He Tao and Chen Xiao (2002) researched on listed companies distributing cash dividend, and the data they studied is from 1997 and 1999. Through regression analysis, the two conducted empirical researches. This was done to evaluate cash dividend distribution plan’s influence on stock price with industrial factors, the company’s surplus situation, B share, annual change, company’s scale and the ratio of circulation stock being controlled. The literature review in their paper organized the views in the theory circle about whether supervision department should intervene the dividend policies of listed companies, and they analyzed the possible problems existing in the process of dividend policies exerting influence on stock price in Chinese stock market. Their research indicates that pure cash dividend distribution plan not including stock dividend and stock allocation will not have impact on the company’s stock price, which means that there is no significant abnormal return rate. And thus, it will not lead to the increase in market value of those listed companies. This study raised doubt about the rationality of Chinese stock supervision department’s intervention into listed company’s making of dividend policies.



基於成本的定價可以做的價格包括原料成本和基於業務的運營成本。這是包括一個基於產品成本利潤比例,增加一個百分比不知道產品的成本和混合產品總成本和利潤。基於競爭的定價中負責覆蓋成本價格(Carlon et al .,2015)。這有可比性的價格競爭對手。這是包括價格類似於競爭,為增強消費者的基礎設定價格和尋求市場價格的主要份額。基於客戶的定價是另一個技術也稱為基於價值的定價。這是一個系統,價格有其依據客戶的需求或產品的需要。如果產品有獨特性,那麼這個定價有助於創造產品的需求。


What is meant by the term Financial Accounting?Use of ratio analysis to interpret finance statements: Ratios are of much importance when a company’s financial statement has to be interpreted. Using finance based ratios such as liquidity ratios etc is a method tested by time to analyse businesses. According to firms from Wall Street investment, officers from bank loan departments and owners with knowledgeable business, all make use of analysis through financial ratio. This analysis helps in learning more over the prospects of their company’s present health of finances along with its capability (Horngren et al, 2013). Through use of balance sheets and income statements, these ratios can be comprehended and it leads towards analysis of appropriate state of a company. Key techniques used to calculate costs: There exist 2 approaches for conventional costing.

Cost based pricing can be done in which price consists of the ingredients cost and the business based operating cost. This is inclusive of a product cost based profit percentage, adding a percentage to not known cost of product and blending total product cost and profit along with. Pricing based on competition is wherein the price is responsible for covering costs (Carlon et al., 2015). This has comparability to the price of the competitors. This is inclusive of price similar to competition, setting price for enhancing the base of consumer and seeking major share in the market by price. Customer based pricing is another technique and it is also called as pricing based on value. It is a system where price has its basis on the demand of customer or product need. If product has uniqueness, then this pricing helps in creation of product demand.


不同的領導屬性可以在如何識別法倫帶領他的公司。首先,領導可以稱為轉型。變革型領導是導致個體的變化(Rouche et al .,2014)。它創建一個積極的改變員工,幫助他們改變一個更好的事業或在組織中的位置(低音,1985;貝斯,1999)。它幫助員工專注於最終目標,最後對未來的展望(低音和,2006;貝斯,1991)。法倫可以稱為變革型領導者,因為他帶來的變化實現手勢空間通常結果與員工在混亂的情況下。然而,通過與他們連接在一個非常私人的層面上,他可以激勵他們更好。他使他們看到公司的未來願景,改變了他們努力。在這種背景下,法倫也可以叫一位有遠見的領袖(施特勞斯,2013)。富有遠見的領導是一個領導者可以激勵他的員工致力於一個共同願景(Torpman,2004;阿沃利奧正&加德納,2005)。有遠見的領導者激發員工和員工開始看到工作向更理想意義上的視覺(Unnikrishnan,2016;Almog-Bareket,2012)。

法倫的領導也可以稱為協作的領導。 “嘗試和真正的自上而下的領導模式似乎發展的很像普通員工的工作風格。不再能高管寫電子郵件,點擊發送到公司,並期望改變發生。員工想感受參與公司戰略”( 2015年Pankonien,帕拉。5)。法倫理解這個期望的員工,創造了一個開放的對話。開放通信協議簡化變更管理(Rajdou &您正在,2013)。領導人聯繫更好的與員工(Ansell &裂縫,2008;哈林舞&見鬼,2010)。皮爾森已經現有的協作平台稱為Neo,人們從不同的組織結構可以連接。法倫提振了使用戰略平台,可以連接到員工,端到端,能夠直接徵求他們的意見。法倫說,使用公司的員工協作解決方案不僅是一個高效和有效的溝通方式對公司重組還演示了透明度。員工感到積極的經驗,說他們覺得價值包含文化,公司正在朝著(Pankonien,2015)。


Different leadership attributes can be identified in how Fallon led his company. Firstly, the leadership could be called transformational. A transformational leadership is one that causes changes in individuals (Rouche et al., 2014). It creates a positive change in employees and helps them transform to a better cause or position in the organization (Bass, 1985; Bass, 1999). It helps employees focus on end objectives and the end vision for a future (Bass and Riggio, 2006; Bass, 1991). Fallon could be called a transformational leader because he brought in change for implementing a GES space which usually results in chaotic situations with employees. However, by connecting with them on a very personal level, he could motivate them better. He enabled them to see the future vision of the company and transformed them to working towards that. In this context, Fallon could also be called a visionary leader (Strauss, 2013). A visionary leadership is a leader who can motivate his employees to work towards a shared vision (Torpman, 2004; Avolio & Gardner, 2005). The visionary leader inspires the employees and the employees begin to see the work towards the vision in a more ideal sense (Unnikrishnan, 2016; Almog-Bareket, 2012).

The leadership of Fallon can also be called as collaborative leadership. “The tried and true top-down leadership model seems to be evolving much like the work styles of the average employee. No longer can executives write up an email, click send to the company and expect change to happen. Employees want to feel engaged in company strategy” (Pankonien, 2015, para. 5). Fallon understands this expectation of employees and created an open dialogue. Open communication protocols make change management easier (Rajdou & Prabhu, 2013). Leaders connect better with their employees (Ansell & Gash, 2008; Hallinger & Heck, 2010). Pearson had an existing collaboration platform called Neo, where people from different ends of the organizational structure can connect on. Fallon boosted the use strategy for the platform and could connect to employees, end to end and was able to directly solicit their opinions. Fallon says that using the company’s employee collaboration solution was not only an efficient and effective way to communicate about the company restructuring but also demonstrated transparency. Employees felt positive about the experience and stated that they felt valued by the inclusion culture that the company was moving towards (Pankonien, 2015).



快速消费品是利润最丰厚的行业之一,市场营销在这个行业中扮演着重要的角色。因此,营销经理的职位在这个行业是至关重要的,因为营销经理在企业的生存和发展中起着重要的作用。营销经理的关键角色是在目标消费者中引入并建立组织的产品和服务(Joshi, 2014)。此外,营销经理还必须参与制定必要的营销策略和组织的预算过程。在这种情况下,为了成为任何快速消费品公司的成功营销经理,候选人应该具备一些专业技能,以支持经理完成他们的职位需要。

此外,在目前的环境中,技术变化对工作的性质和多个工作的观点有很大的影响,经理不得不采取这些变化(Mayrhofer, 2012)。管理者应精通现代互联网和通信技术,支持商务通信。除此之外,市场经理必须具备批判性思维的技能或能力,这有助于经理分析形势并做出相应的决定。项目管理也是理解项目特殊需求的另一项重要技能。它帮助完成项目需求。分析能力有助于从分析不同的数据中获得必要的信息。除此之外,社交媒体传播等技术技能也能有效的完成客户的高效关系。


FMCG is one of the most lucrative industries, which is rapidly growing and marketing plays an important role in this industry. Therefore, the position of the marketing manager is crucial in this industry as the marketing manager play an important part in the survival and growth of their organizations. The key role of the marketing managers is to introduce as well as establish the product and services of the organization within the targeted consumers (Joshi, 2014). Besides this, the marketing managers have to involve in formulating the necessary marketing strategies and budgetary process of the organization.In this context, in order to become a successful marketing manager for any FMCG company, the candidates should be equipped with some professional skills that support the manager in fulfilling the need of their position.

Moreover, in the present context, where the technological changes impact substantially to the nature of the job and the perspectives of several jobs have been modified, the manager has to adopt the changes (Mayrhofer, 2012). The manager should be proficient with modern internet and communication technologies, which support business communication. Apart from this, the marketing manager must have the skill or ability of critical thinking, and it aids the manager to analyse the situation and make decisions accordingly. The project management is also another important skill that supports in understanding the particular need of a project. It assists in fulfilling the project need. The analytical ability helps in attain necessary information from analysing different data. Besides this, the technical skills like social media communication will be effective in accomplishing efficient customers’ relation.

个人陈述代写:Breitling watch的SWOT分析

个人陈述代写:Breitling watch的SWOT分析

SWOT是一个重要的管理工具,它支持了解特定公司的内部优势和劣势,以及外部的机会和威胁。SWOT表示优势、劣势、机会和威胁,本文对Breitling watch进行了SWOT分析。优势:品牌的巨大声誉航空质量手表制造商与强大的品牌与行业协会。公司赞助了国内最大的民用特技飞行表演队——百灵喷气机队,支持提升品牌形象和品牌定位。Breitling的Bentley独家系列非常受欢迎,为公司带来了很大的优势。有效的印刷和电子媒体广告。极受欢迎和时尚的顶级智能手表品牌。缺点:高度竞争的市场因此品牌转换为这个部门是必要的。

个人陈述代写:Breitling watch的SWOT分析

个人陈述代写:Breitling watch的SWOT分析

SWOT is an important management tool that supports in gaining the knowledge about a particular company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. SWOT stands for strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat and in this essay SWOT analysis has been performed for Breitling watch. Strength:The immense reputation of the brand as aviation quality watch maker with powerful brand association with the industry.The company sponsors the largest team of the civilian aerobatic show, Breitling Jet Team that support in improving brand image and brand positioning.Bentley exclusive collection by Breitling is immensely popular and has great advantages for the company.Effective print and electronic media advertisement. Extremely popular as well as fashionable top of the mind timepiece brand. Weakness:Highly competitive market hence brand switching is necessary for this sector.

个人陈述代写:Breitling watch的SWOT分析
The brand cannot establish its presence in the market and unable to capture the anticipated market as it perceived as an expensive watch.Opportunity:The company can do diversification and place the brand as sports watch, and in this way, the company can widen its position from the specific aviation to marine diligence. The company can access the opportunities in developing economies that demonstrate high growth in luxury watch segment.Breitling can explore different opportunities apart from the marine and aviation industry.Threat:The rival companies have higher brand value, which is a significant threat for the company.The company has specific target market strategy, and the strategy may threaten in case any competitor launch products range for the same target market.



电信市场是世界上竞争激烈的市场,越来越多的全球化国家必须具有竞争力,才能接触到他们成功的消费群体。为了吸引消费者,必须在产品、服务和定价方面进行创新。在这种背景下,tele – eir是一家想要进入新市场的电信公司。作为一家电信公司,tele – eir以宽带、固网和移动套餐的形式提供产品和服务。未来,公司将为固定线路、移动宽带、4g高速数据服务等多个领域提供产品和服务。本报告的目的是展示tell – eir在2016年进入爱尔兰市场后,为在2016年后的10年竞争所需要的技术和商业模式创新。



The telecommunication market is a highly competitive market in the world and more global countries have to be competitive in order to reach out their successful consumer segments. Innovation in product, services and pricing elements are required to attract consumers. In this context, Tel-Eir is a telecommunication company wanting to enter into a new market. As a telecommunication company, Tel-Eir provides products and services in the form of broadband, fixed line and mobile packages. In the future, the company has to provide products and services for multiple segments, such as the fixed line, mobile broadband, and 4G-5G high speed data services. The purpose of this report is to present the technological and business model innovations that need to be taken up by Tel-Eir by 2016 in order to compete for 10 years after 2016 after its entry into the Irish Marketplace is presented.

The report is presented by the Chief Innovation Officer of the company. The past/current and future projects are reported. Based on the cyclic innovation model, it can be understood that innovation is not restricted to only a few aspects such as that of the product or the market, in fact innovation has to be based on different departments. Innovation in Tel-Eir has to be driven internally and hence leadership in innovation is a must. The skills and competencies of the managers have to be forward based. The manager needs to understand the current market situation, and the evolution of social, economic and technological variables that drive the company forward (Sandberg, 2008).






There had been a polarization of the United States regarding the problem of slavery, for the representation of free and slave stated divided by the line of Mason- Dixon, for the separation of free Pennsylvania from the slave states of Delaware and Maryland. This period of slavery was beneficial for the overall development of America considering the efficiency of slaves. As per Time on the Cross, efficiency can be equated with total factor productivity (TFP). TFP is the output obtained for every unit of input on an average across a firm. As per this measurement, southern farms where there was employment of slave by the use of Gang System delivered 35 percent more efficiency in comparison with Northern farms where there was the use of free labour.

In addition to the cotton industry, the efficiency of slaves was beneficial for other industries as well. Also, it was worth noting that colonies across which there was lack of flourishment of slaves, turned out to be richer and more popular when compared to the ones where there had been flourishment of slavery. In the duration and by the end of American Revolutionary War that was 1777 to 1804, constitutions or laws of anti- slavery had been passed across all of the states in the northern side of Ohio River along with the Mason- Dixon line. By the year 1810, freedom was availed by 75 per cent of the population of African American slaves across the North.




《冰雪奇缘》于2013年上映。这是一部电脑动画电影,属于音乐奇幻类。这个故事讲的是两个姐妹,埃尔莎、安娜和埃尔莎拥有将物体变成冰的神奇力量。主人公从她固有的问题中走出来,变得强大起来。这与之前的迪斯尼公主电影不同。在故事情节安娜爱上了她的白马王子,后来发现他是操纵狂(Stover 29)。还有人批评迪士尼公主是如何爱上故事情节中完全陌生的人的。这是一个有趣的偏离,也是社会的反映。


Disney princess are the exclusive princess who have been developed form the fairytale princesses. They wait for their prince to come to rescue them from their situation. The historical projection of the princess in the movie is that they are beautiful and wait for someone to help them from their issues. Once they meet their so called prince charming, they live happily ever after. This has been the key theme in all of the Disney movies created by the company. In the movie Frozen, there is a deviation in the story line from the original rhetoric of the Disney princess.

Frozen movies was released in 2013. It was a computer animated film that falls under the musical fantasy genre. This story is about two sisters, Elsa and Anna and Elsa has magical powers of turning objects into ice. The main protagonist moves forward from her inherent issues and becomes empowered. This is a different narrative from the previous Disney princess movies. In the story line Anna falls in love with her prince Charming and later finds out that he is manipulative (Stover 29). There is also criticism of how the Disney princess fall in love with complete strangers in the story line. This is an interesting deviation and also a reflection of the societies.



产业关系的多元论观点认为,管理层和工人之间存在着两个不同的子群体,他们根据自己的利益进行谈判,争取自己的权利。在这种情况下,冲突倾向大于和谐,这可能为双方建立新的讨论标准提供了更好的创造性机会,因为在这种情况下,冲突显然是预期的(Geare和Edgar, 2007)。他们认为,工会是合法的,需要得到充分的倾听,这使得管理层更倾向于说服工人,而不是在管理和向组织注入资本和知识方面。



A pluralist perspective of industrial relations views two different sub-groups that exist in the relationship between the management and the workers, and they act according to their interests to negotiate for their rights. The propensity to conflict is more in this case than harmony, and it probably provides a better creative chance for both to set up new discussion standards as conflicts are apparently expected in such cases (Geare and Edgar, 2007). They view that worker unions are legitimate and need to be heard well, and this makes the management lean more towards convincing the workers and less in managing and infusing capital and knowledge into the organisation.

A unitarist would see the organisation as one big happy family, in which there is no necessity of trade unions, and conflicts are seen to be inessential. This view makes the two entities come together and work together for a common goal and share almost equal responsibility. Such an approach can be seen in the current corporate culture where the management and the employees work together for a common goal and there is hardly any conflict which is publicly emerging and viewed getting discussed. However, it may have hidden and indirectly misuse of such conditions to control the rising aspirations of employees with enticement of disguises.



作为一个组织癌症意识活动的小组的协调人,我从我的经验中学到了一些东西。根据Bruce Tuckman的群体发展理论,一个群体的发展有四个阶段,即形成、冲击、规范和表演。我觉得我应该在小组的组成阶段做更多的工作。在这个阶段,组员们开始互相认识(King and Lawley, 2013)。队员们开始打破沉默。我应该试着通过与会员交谈来了解他们的兴趣和经验。我应该问问他们每个人都想在癌症意识活动的组织中做些什么工作。我应该努力让组员在组员形成阶段说出他们的想法。

此外,我认为我应该在表演阶段为小组成员提供支持。有些团队成员在执行分配给他们的活动时遇到一些困难。他们需要一些建议和支持。作为小组的资深成员,我可以为他们提供一些指导。我之前也有过组织此类活动的经验。我应该尽力为他们提供精神上的支持。如果我在组建阶段与他们建立了更好的关系,让他们多与我开放,那么这些成员就会在团队发展的表演阶段主动征求我的意见。如果我多和其他组员协调沟通,我们组的表现会更好(French et al., 2011)。


I have learnt some things from my experience as a coordinator of a group organizing a cancer awareness event. According to Bruce Tuckman’s theory of group development, there are four stages in the development of a group, namely, forming, storming, norming and performing. I feel that I should have done more work in the stage of the forming of the group. In this stage, the group members get to know each other (King and Lawley, 2013). There is breaking of ice among the team members. I should have tried to gain more knowledge about the interests and experiences of the members by talking to them. I should have inquired what kind of work each of them would have liked to do in the organization of the cancer awareness event. I should have tried to make the members speak their minds in the forming stage of the group.

Further, I believe that I should have provided my support to the group members in the performing stage. There were certain team members who were facing some difficulties in carrying out the activities assigned to them. They needed some advice and support. As a senior member of the group, I could have provided some guidance to them. I also had some prior experience of organizing such events. I should have tried to provide moral support to them. If I had developed better relations with them in the forming stage and allowed them to open up with me more, then these members would have taken the initiative to ask for my advice in the performing stage of the group development. The performance of our group would have been better if I had coordinated and communicated more with the other team members (French et al., 2011).