





Chen Langnan and Yao Zhengchun (2000) studied companies in Shanghai Stock Exchange which have implemented dividend distribution policies. By analyzing those companies’ data during 1st December, 1998 and 29th October, 1999, they conducted empirical research on different response of market caused by different dividend policies plans through the approach of event study. Their paper also takes profit announcement effect into consideration, and by combining the profit-making situation of listed companies released in annual report, their research analyzed the changes of stock price caused by different dividend distribution plans. Their research indicates that Chinese cash dividend distribution plan does not have signaling effect, while stock dividend distribution has significant signaling effect. This paper explained the reason why Chinese stock market is different from that of western developed nations. The research found out that the major factor contributing to this phenomenon is that there was still no completed dividend distribution system. This was specific for Chinese listed companies in Chinese stock market.

He Tao and Chen Xiao (2002) researched on listed companies distributing cash dividend, and the data they studied is from 1997 and 1999. Through regression analysis, the two conducted empirical researches. This was done to evaluate cash dividend distribution plan’s influence on stock price with industrial factors, the company’s surplus situation, B share, annual change, company’s scale and the ratio of circulation stock being controlled. The literature review in their paper organized the views in the theory circle about whether supervision department should intervene the dividend policies of listed companies, and they analyzed the possible problems existing in the process of dividend policies exerting influence on stock price in Chinese stock market. Their research indicates that pure cash dividend distribution plan not including stock dividend and stock allocation will not have impact on the company’s stock price, which means that there is no significant abnormal return rate. And thus, it will not lead to the increase in market value of those listed companies. This study raised doubt about the rationality of Chinese stock supervision department’s intervention into listed company’s making of dividend policies.