标签存档: 澳洲代写论文



虽然与竞争对手的公司的表现相比,只有显着的竞争对手采取。主要有三个国内竞争对手和全球的公司,与A.G. Barr在上一节中描述的竞争意义。有限数量的竞争对手的性能的比较可能会限制的结果和分析。
在这一章中,对全球经济的展望以及英国经济的发展进行了研究。他们在选择公司即A.G.巴尔PLC的后果。还讨论了。分析了全球经济和影响行业的宏观经济因素,以及英国经济。本章的结论与这些经济体对A.G. Barr的影响。


The share price valuation is done using Dividend Discount Model which is useful only for the companies that pay dividends. Other models are also described but not done due to constraints like time.
While comparing the performance of the company with its competitors, only the significant rivals are taken. There are mainly three domestic competitors and two global companies that are significant to compete with A.G. Barr as described in the previous section. The comparison of performance with limited number of competitors may limit the results and analysis.
Under this chapter, the outlook of global economy as well as the UK economy are studied. The consequences of them on the chosen company i.e. on A.G. Barr Plc. are also discussed. The global economy and the macro-economic factors that influence the industry are analyzed and the UK economy as well. This chapter concludes with the consequences of these economies on A.G. Barr.
The GDP for global economy after adjusting for inflation has increased to 3.3% in 2014 from 2.9% in 2013 which is significant in developed economies. Though the Eurozone is expected to grow, it is reversed in 2014 due to bad weather. The growth of GDP in developing economies has decreased slightly in 2014. The economic transformations of China slowed down its increase. Emerging economies such as Russia, Brazil and Central Asia exhibit a deceleration in growth rates, whereas India, Mexico and other emerging nations in Asia witness minor improvement in their performance (Conference-board.org, 2014).
For a third year in row, developing countries are facing a disappointing growth below 5 percent. This is due to the weakness in first quarter of 2014 which hindered an anticipated increase in economic activity according to recent Global Economic Prospects report of World Bank. This report was delivered on 10 June, 2014. On the other hand, the recovery in high income countries is increasing in a fast pace even though United States faced a weakness in the first quarter. It is expected that these economies will grow by 1.9 percent in 2014. The growth is expected to increase to 2.4% and 2.5% in 2015 and 2016 respectively (The World Bank, 2014).





Thailand is such a well-rich country with abundant resources. But the bigger issue that this country facing when compared with other countries is the constant threat from the natural disaster.  The people of Thailand are facing a problem that they don’t have any physical setbacks and they don’t find any supply of resources to obstruct the situation. We don’t need any economist or any experts to understand this issue of economic growth.  From most recent reviews and news on social media, it is found that politicians are the main reason who was kicking the economic growth of a country to the worst stage.  Many institutions and organizations are planning a wide to improve the strategic position of the country and its development.

The key solution for their issue on disaster prevention is the construction of Thai canal. The construction process gets started in the mid 1950s, but still it remains as a question mark???? But this Thai canal project remains as a good example of any infrastructure project.  The main aim is to link the Coast of Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand coast.

In general, this project has natural as well as organizational challenges.  There are three major reasons for the delay of this project on the side of government are the national security, changes in the government such as unstable politics and problem in funding.  Apart from this, the other reasons to  oppose this effort was in-expense of cost and oil, then the path through which the canal pass consists of granite this will increase the cost of construction.

In 1980’s more number of issues caused regarding this infrastructure project, they all mainly of improper and unstable politics and politicians.  The real problem is finding the right political system that can have the capability to withstand and accommodates everyone’s interests.  That one should take into an account on behalf of all stakeholders to express their own thoughts and ideas.  At that time, several numbers of progress and studies were carried out that was conducted very feasible way and the several proposals were made to the team of officials.  They were sent to the give a visit to Suez and Panama Canals and also to the Netherlands to know the detailed study about this project.



每一个组织都有不同的股份持有人,这是重要的和最重要的组织取决于情况。外部和内部的利益相关者是存在的,它是组织的责任,以履行利益相关者的目标,因为该组织不能单独在市场上工作。在变化的过程中,重要的是组织映射的股份持有人,因为如果他们被忽略,在变化的过程中比组织可能面临的麻烦。股权持有人的影响被视为权力的四个要素,影响,利益和利益相关者对组织的影响。权力是利益相关者,在组织中具有决策权的相关(puyvelde,et al.。2012)。这些利益相关者可以是组织的最高管理者和组织中有最大份额的组织。有影响力的利益相关者是那些有一个积极的参与与利益相关的过程的变化。这种影响可以是积极的和消极的,取决于利益相关者和情况。被影响的股东集团是与变更过程相关联的组织的员工和领导者,因为他们的员工可以相信变化的过程。最后一组有影响力的利益相关者有能力改变项目的执行或对变化过程的影响(托马斯&哈,2011),这个利益相关者的网格管理与其他四个元素一样:
3 Low权力(感兴趣的人):这些股份持有人需要参与和沟通的过程中,因为这组如果在这个过程中重要的,如果他们被忽略,他们可以为未来创造问题。他们对项目的细节感兴趣,他们如何在变化的过程中投资。
4 Low权力(不感兴趣的人):这些利益相关者需要进行监控,但组织不应该浪费时间在这一组。外部的利益相关者,如社会或在社会中工作的工会,不关心在组织中进行的新技术或员工的内部变化。


Every organization has various sets of stake holders that are both important and least important for the organization depending on the situation. External and internal stakeholders are present and it is the responsibility of the organization to fulfil the objectives of the stakeholders because the organization cannot work alone in the market. During the process of change it is important for the organization to map the stake holders because if they are ignored during the process of change than the organization can face trouble. The impact of the stake holders are viewed on four elements of power, impact, interest and influence of the stakeholder on the organization. Power is related to the group of stake holders that have the decision making power in the organization (Puyvelde, et al. 2012). These stakeholders can be the top management of the organization and investors of the organization that have maximum share in the organization. Influential stakeholders are the ones that have an active involvement with the stake that is linked with the process of change. This influence can be positive and negative depending on the stakeholder and situation. The group of stake holders that are influence are employees and leaders of the organization that are associated with the change process and because of them the employees can be convinced for the process of change. The last groups of stakeholders that have the power of impact have the ability to change the execution of the project or impact on the process of change (Thomas & Hardy, 2011).This stakeholder grid is managed with four other elements like:

  1. High power (more interested people): these stakeholders must be fully engaged in the process of change because if their expectations are not fulfilled than the process of change can be impacted.
  2. High power(less interested people): these stakeholders like external stakeholders are not fully involved in the process of change depending of the level of change and can this change impact on the external stake holders. Example: if the company has planned to go for re engineering and for this reason they need to view the internal stakeholders and external stakeholders have the least interest in the process of change.
  3. Low power (Interested people): these stake holders need to be involved and communicated about the process of change because this group if important in the process and if they are ignored they can create issues for the future. They are interested with the details of the project and how can they invest in the process of change.
  4. Low power (less interested people): these stakeholders need to be monitored but the organization should not waste time on this group. External stakeholders like the society or the unions that are working in the society have no concern about the internal changes conducted in the organization about the new technology or employees.





There are different types of conflicts identified by this particular Act. Potential or actual conflicts might take place in the following cases as well if (Gower 2009):
• A property is owned by the director adjacent to the property of company or otherwise of some value towards the company that may influence, or be influenced by, the activities of company
• The director has some kind of advisory bond or relationship with the company or possesses some kind of interest in this type of advisory company
• The director is the trustee or administrator of pension scheme of the company or a director of the trust or this type of a firm
• The director is in the position of taking up an opportunity that is being or has been provided to the company. This situation is to be considered even if the company has refused it or possesses the position of making a profit due to her or his dictatorship
• The director is provided a role by a bidder or a potential bidder of the company
However, even though it has not been expressed in section 175 of the Act that any infringement will occur in case if the director is not aware of the situation or event of conflict. Also, this situation will be dependent upon different facts in accordance with the case. In case a director possesses a diversified portfolio, it cannot be considered necessary that the director will be monitoring the investments that the mutual funds hold (Kraakman & Hansmann 2014). This is in the case when mutual fund in which the director has been investing or invests is being checked if any kind of this investment is giving rise to a situation or event of conflict in a theoretical manner. However, the director should be keeping a review regarding any kind of investment that might result in giving rise to issues if compromise is being made on his or her judgement. In adequate and appropriate cases, authorization should be approached by the director.



中国在争议的ds394对上诉机构在应对WTO争端解决机制下的中国出口关税的争端ds394角色的重要分析工具提出一个讨论阶段。当涉及到处理所需的出口法规的执行和更多的执行时,上诉机构起着非常关键的作用。在问题的争议是由美国提出的在2009年,当他们需要咨询中国对原材料出口限制,对他们施加的。美国的指控,这实际上是限制中国违反1994关贸总协定的一些重要文章,即文章第八,X,和西的GATT 1994和段落5.1、5.2、8.2、11.3部分我的协议在中华人民共和国加入(“入协议”)。除了这些协定和协议,中国也被视为义务的一些规定,是指违反即1.2部分我的入世议定书。投诉的意见,美国是,他们的国家的利益,因此没有满足,如在协议中规定。


The China Dispute DS394 was instrumental in presenting a discussion stage for the Critical analysis of the role of the Appellate Body in dealing with export duties in the China Dispute DS394 under the WTO dispute settlement system. The Appellate body plays a very critical role when it comes to dealing with the enforcement of needed export regulations and more. The Dispute in question was raised by the United States in the year 2009 when they needed consultation with China on the restraints that they had imposed on the raw material export. The allegation of the United States was that by this restraints China was actually violating some important articles of the GATT agreement of 1994, namely articles VIII, X, and XI of the GATT 1994 and also the Paragraphs 5.1, 5.2, 8.2, and 11.3 of Part I of the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China (“Accession Protocol”). In addition to these agreements and protocol China also was seen to be obligated to some provisions which it was alleged to have violated namely the 1.2 of Part I of the Accession Protocol. The opinion of the complaint, the United States was that the benefits to their nation were hence not met, as was specified in the agreements.
This complaint was taken up by the European Communities where Canada, Mexico and Turkey also joined in on the consultations. The panel and appellate proceedings started from 2009. Here at the meeting, the panel summarized the findings that four types of export restraints were placed by China. Some of the raw materials that came under these restraints were that of bauxite, coke, fluorspar and more. These raw materials are basically necessary for producing different types of everyday usage materials and China is the major producer of these materials. Here the allegation that was placed on China was that, China by creating export restraints was actually driving up the price. When there are export restraints then this will cause a scarcity of the raw material in the global markets and this will lead to higher prices. Nations like China that has sufficient supplies of these raw materials will actually be able to produce goods and sell them at better prices. They would also be able to monopolize and hence control the prices.





Secondly evaluation has considered whether the achievement of goals and objectives has been satisfactory. The purpose of evaluation is to check if the sate goals and objectives are met. The third purpose states are to check if the project management experience was good. Different stakeholders have been involved in the project management. The owner of the health care collaborative is the Health Ministry of Thailand, and similarly AusAid also shares primary ownership. Evaluation in this context has been done with respect the timeliness of implementation. Project management aims to ensure the required output is delivered within the right timeframe. Sub contractor project performance has also been evaluated. AusAID management resources have been used in the project as well as the National Resources of Thailand, and this project management evaluation assures both countries mutual satisfaction in the collaboration.
The sustainability of benefits as presented in the executive summary refers to the way the benefits are long time. For the project to be sustainable it has to be designed in such a way that it works with the existing infrastructure, system of doctors with greater financial sustainability. For the project to be sustainable it has to be designed in such a way that it works with the existing infrastructure, system of doctors with greater financial sustainability. The purpose of evaluation is also focused on how transferable the model was. The model that is being developed with respect to the Bamras is not just for that hospital, the intention of AusAID and the Thailand Government was to have a model implemented in the Bamras that would serve as a National training center for other HIV / AIDS treatment and care clinics around the country.
The use of previous literature studies is usually done to set the background context of the basis for the research. Previous literature evidence will also be useful to identify the gaps in literature. There is no specific literature review chapter in the report. The literature presented is supporting for the situation and is not general literature. There are no identification of gaps in literature as well.





For the role of an investment banker there are various other skills and knowledge which I feel I lack in. In these areas I don’t have a strong hold and thus I feel there is a gap. In the needs assessment process section these areas would be determined under the section of task analysis.

The analysis of the areas that necessitates focus for more development and training is known as task analysis. It is by comparing the list of the skills required for the job and the list of abilities and skills possessed currently that we could find these areas. This would help us to know which areas are lacking and must be focused on with immediate action.

From the job description of an investment banker, the requirements are as follows:

  • First class grades at university level.
  • Proficiency in statistical softwares like SAS, SPSS, STATA etc.
  • Must be proficient in predicting and assessing financial returns and risks.
  • Must be able to render investment tactics, advice and recommendations.
  • Preparation of legal prospectus and documents
  • Must be good at liaising with lawyers, accountants and financial experts.
  • Must have a global outlook with an innovative approach to tackle problems at hand.

From the list above there are many areas in which I lack and they encompass of the skill gap. There is a great need from my end to start working on them at the earliest so that I could gain these skills as soon as I could.

All training and development, according to Truelove (1995), must have some objective. On the basis of the task analysis, it was observed that there are several areas where I require more training and development. Thus, so as to improve in these areas, the training efforts must incorporate some objectives.




考虑到综合报告框架和其他财务会计的翅膀,如资本和环境会计,可以看出,有一定的利益,为公司及其利益相关者的财务会计。财务报告方法如联系公司的不同部门和各部门的效率水平,将通过红外知道,这使一个综合性的思考。因此,内部流程和系统将得到改善,以便有效的业务性能可以保持。这有助于更好的战略制定和商业模式。管理层将更专注于业务的性能及其改进(齐默尔曼& Yahya Zadeh,2011)。通过综合报告,利益相关者的价值可以被创建,这有助于知道方法来衡量利益相关者的价值观对可持续发展的问题,它的报告。


Considering the Integrated Reporting framework and the other financial accounting wings like capital and environmental accounting, it can be seen that there are certain benefits of financial accounting for the company and its stakeholders. Financial reporting methods like IR connects the different departments in the company and the efficiency level of each department will be known through IR which enables an integrated thinking. Thereby, the internal process and systems will be improved so that the efficient business performance can be maintained. This helps in the better strategic formulation and business model. The management will be more focused on the business performance and its improvement (Zimmerman, & Yahya-Zadeh, 2011). Through Integrated Reporting, value for stakeholders can be created and this helps to know the method to measure the stakeholder’s value on sustainability issue and it’s reporting.
It is seen as per the study taken in 2013, a majority of the companies, up to 93% believed that the use of integrated reporting helps in the better team effort and coordination among the employees and cross functional working process can be improved.
Financial accounting methods like nature capital and environment accounting is a vital element in the financial accounting, and the accounting values of the same helps to identify the use of natural resources by the company and the way to reduce the cost and wastage of natural resources, paving way to the optimum use of resources and reduced cost involved in it.
The existence of different accounting policies and frameworks such as IFRS helps to prepare financial statements using the accounting policies based on the business situations of the firms. However, issue lies in the comparison of the financial reports and statement in between the similar firms in different geographical areas.
For example: the use of accounting frameworks like US GAAP, IFRS etc by the companies that functions in different places face issues when their financial statements are compared with other firms in different areas. Estimates are considered while making financial reports like IR and accounting statements. There estimates are the preconceived value of assets or liabilities or income or loss. These are subjective and lack the perfection in the figures in the financial reports and accounting (Bebbington, Unerman, & O’Dwyer,2014).





Viewing the film from Post-WWII perspective, it presents the effects of the Berlin Wall and its fall. Berlin Wall was built between East Germany and West Berlin. East Germany was communist while West Berlin was democratic (Schwab). The harsh conditions in East Germany forced continuous increase in the movement of people from East Germany to West Berlin. The border was entirely fluid until soldiers of Soviet Union built a wall called as the Berlin Wall.

This film presents how people and materials were being transported through the Berlin Wall. This process was illegal as the wall had been built to restrict people from moving between the two regions. It also showed the time when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 (Rottentomatoes.com).The wall was forced down due to great demand for personal and political freedom in the East Germany through movements and by protestors.

When the Berlin Wall finally collapsed the officers’, such as Wielser, jobs were affected. With the fall of the wall that separated East Germany from West Berlin, Stasi employees realized it was the end of their jobs (Germany). The decline in the power and control of Soviet Union indicated that employees no longer worked for it.

Through the film ‘The Lives of Others’ it is easier to understand how the societal problems at the time the Berlin Wall firmly stood and when it fell can be compared to the existing societal problems. At the time of the Berlin Wall, Soviet Union allowed money to fly outside Eastern Germany (Germany). Due to this modernization was immensely hindered in Eastern Germany. The living standard of the society also reduced to a great extent.

This problem remained a concern for Germany. Recently, the government of Germany has taken initiatives to improve the conditions of Eastern Germany so that it can meet the standards of living and the modernization of Western Germany.

East and West part of Germany are high on discrimination. Both sides have problems with one another. This discrimination has been prevailing in the society since the time of the Berlin Wall and currently, it still exists in the society (Schwab). These problems have been highlighted by many German films.





Once I witnessed a worse condition of domestic violence which was been done on children. I was terrified with the situation and stunned on the behavior of cold blooded people over the naïve kids. Along with my few friends and rescue team, I actively participated in the release of those children from the terrible situation. It was sad to witness that inhuman act. Among the rescued children, one girl had no place to live as her family had been vanished somewhere. Considering her situation, I discussed the matter with my family and then adopted her to shield from any other problem. I supported her for 7 years until she graduated and was capable to endure her own responsibility. It was a lifetime experience which provided not only me but my whole family with an eternal peace and pleasure.

While I was in my campus, I encountered a disgusting violence condition. Disturbing the campus routines, teasing, disrespecting the trainers, violation of rules and violence for no reason. The guilty ones had no proper cause of creating such a mess but appeared to me in my campus that they are habitual of troubling others. The gang of violence creators had no interest in learning but was just spending their time in leisure. The whole campus got badly affected by the violence and it was difficult to control it. The organizations associated for controlling the violence and take actions against them fasten their work. I joint the organization and actively participated in their work. It was a different experience working with professional organizations.

Throughout my life, I preferred challenges which made my life interestingly beautiful. It is within me to explore things and then learn them till perfection otherwise I feel incomplete. The travelling around the world added a cherish-able but tough time to my life through which taught me about the truth of the world. Instead of taking these realities to heart, I accepted them and fought with the circumstances. My passion towards music, arts, traveling, games and search for something new and interesting have always helped me through my tough times. I have achieved much and still much more left to achieve.