
research paper 代写:创新

research paper 代写:创新

创新模式更多的时候关注的是线性。通常从概念生成到概念开发、实现和商业化的一系列步骤都被考虑。线性模型确实提供了一种更简单的方法来处理创新,因此作为一个正式的基本准则是有用的(Loch, 2007)。然而,创新如果不是线性的,那么在一个组织中有许多不同的思想流驱动着创新的工作空间。例如,在案例研究中,有一种情况是,需要固定的线路连接到需要高速互联网的家庭,这是成本有效的价格。这是基于成本和产品的创新。创新也需要以服务呈现的形式进行,在这种形式下,平均下载速度、遵守欧盟规定以及同时关注爱尔兰客户的具体需求都是必需的。在城市和人口密集地区以及之后的农村地区部署4G网络需要技术创新,以创造规模经济。

research paper 代写:创新

在这些相互联系的活动中,一个创新过程可能同时占据其他维度,因此有必要重新考虑创新的线性度。因此有必要建立一个非线性动态创新模型。本文提出了一种由Berkhout, Hartmann, & Trott(2011)提出的循环创新模型。这种循环创新模型也适用于当前的情况,因为这里也有值得注意的复杂的创新点。循环创新模式是指产业、市场、科技四个极点的创新模式。它们的相互作用是由不同的重叠因素决定的,比如顾客、产品、行为和科学。有市场转型、科学探索、技术支持、能力、社会洞察力、社会接受等(Sundbo, et al, 2006)。在这里,元素以非线性循环的方式存在,其中一个元素指向另一个元素。因此,从这种循环原型中论证的电信- eir的创新模型如下。对于创新的每一个支柱,都有不同的创新元素。

research paper 代写:创新

Models of innovation more times are seen to focus on linearity. Usually a series of step from the initial step of idea generation to concept development, implementation and commercialization are considered. The linear model does provide a simpler way to approach innovation and hence are useful as a formal base guideline (Loch, 2007). However, innovation if anything is not linear, there can be many different thought flows driving the workspace for innovation in an organization. For instance, in the case study, at one end, there is a need for fixed line connection to households where high speed internet is required at cost effective prices. This is cost based and product based innovation. Innovation is also required in the form of service rendition, where average download speeds, adherence to EU regulations and at the same time focus on specific needs of Irish customers are required. Technology innovations are needed for deploying 4G in urban and heavily populated areas and later in rural areas so as to create economies of scale.

research paper 代写:创新
With these interconnected activities where one process of innovation might simultaneously occupy other dimensions, it is necessary to reconsider the linearity of innovation. A non-liner dynamic innovation model is hence necessary here. A form of cyclic innovation model as proposed by Berkhout, Hartmann, & Trott, (2011) is presented here. This cyclic innovation model would be applicable for the current situation as well, as there are complex points of innovation noticeable here, too. The cyclic innovation model is one in which there are four poles which are that of the industry, the market, the science and technology. Their interaction is determined by different overlapping factors such as that of customers, product, behavior and science. There are market transitions, scientific exploration, technological support, capabilities, social insights, social reception and more (Sundbo, et al, 2006). Here, elements exist in a non-linear cyclic fashion where one leads to another. So the innovation model for Tel-Eir as argued from this form of cyclical prototype would be as follows. For each of the pillars of innovation, different elements of innovation are identified.