


以下是耐克公司在公司内外进行的主要CSR活动。环境保护:在不影响环境的创新产品开发方面,耐克一直保持着警惕。为了达到这一目的,耐克公司采用了环境服装设计工具,这是一种基于windows的软件,使该组织能够在生产产品的同时对环境产生最小可能的影响(韦斯顿,B.H.),2014)。该工具的服务被用于制造2010年世界杯的球衣,其中的服装设计使用塑料瓶和回收聚酯。2009年,Zoom MVP垃圾广告由耐克公司在市场上推出。这基本上是一个环鞋由合成皮革废料和回收纤维制成。耐克公司有效的环境保护政策为他们赢得了“十亿通奖”,这是一个授予行业协会的奖项,以表彰他们在减少全球碳排放和化学品排放方面所做的努力。员工福利计划:耐克作为一个组织,在照顾员工福利方面一直是最好的组织之一。耐克公司向这名员工的救济基金捐赠了150万美元。
耐克与CGT(洪都拉斯中央将军)签署了一项谅解备忘录,并在协议中同意向受耐克合同部门关闭影响的个人提供财政支持。除此之外,耐克还为他们安排了职业培训项目,甚至为他们支付了一年的医疗保险费用。在《财富》杂志的一项调查中,耐克被评为拥有健康工作环境和良好员工关系的最佳公司之一。宣传计划:耐克还证明了自己在安排宣传活动方面的领导地位,如节水宣传、抗癌研讨会、促进体育教育等。耐克与LIVESTRONG签署了合作协议,以促进和促进与癌症的斗争。2012年,耐克与荷兰一家小型初创企业DyeCoo Textile Systems合作,采用了该公司发明的以碳和染料为基础的染色工艺,不使用水或化学品。在某种程度上,由于服装不需要烘干,染色过程也快了40%,所以用水量也减少了60%。除此之外,耐克还积极组织学校和其他学习机构的体育项目。通过所有这些CSR活动,耐克确保为创建一个健康和积极的社会做出了足够的贡献。


Below are the primary CSR activities being followed by Nike within & outside the premises.Environmental Conservation: Nike has always been on its toes when it comes to innovative development of products that do not affect the environment adversely. To achieve this purpose, Environmental Apparel Design Tool has been incorporated by Nike which is windows based software that enables the organization to manufacture products while having minimum possible impact on the environment (Weston, B.H., 2014). The services of this tool were utilized in manufacturing the jerseys for Fifa World Cup 2010 where the apparels were designed by using plastic bottles and recycled polyester. In 2009, Zoom MVP Trash Talk was launched in the market by Nike. This was basically a hoop shoe made form synthetic leather waste and recycled fibers. Nike’s effective policies to save the environment won them the Gigaton Award which is a grant given to industrial associations to see their attempts in decreasing global emission of carbon and chemical surge from having any sort of impact in environmental variations.Employees Welfare Programs: Nike as an organization has been one of the best when it comes to look after the well-being of their employees. A hefty amount of $1.5 million was donated to the employee’s relief fund by Nike.
A MOU was signed between Nike and CGT (the Central General de Trabajadores de Honduras) and in the agreement it was agreed to provide financial support to the individuals affected by closure of Nike’s contracted sector. Apart from this, vocational training programs were arranged for them and even their health insurance costs were taken care by Nike for one year. In a survey by Fortune magazine, Nike featured among the best companies to have healthy working conditions and good relationship with employees. Awareness Programs: Nike has also proved itself as a leader in arranging awareness campaigns such as water conservation awareness, seminars on fighting cancer, promoting physical education, etc. A partnership was signed with LIVESTRONG by Nike to promote and facilitate the fight against cancer. In 2012, Nike collaborated with DyeCoo Textile Systems, a small startup in Netherlands, and utilized the dyeing process invented by them which is based on carbon and dyes garments without using water or chemicals. In a way, the water energy consumption is also reduced by 60% since the garments don’t need to be dried and the dyeing process is also 40% faster. Apart from this, Nike also takes initiative for organizing physical education programs in schools and other learning institutions. By all such CSR activities, Nike makes sure that is contributing well enough towards the creation of healthy and an active society.