


多样性是通过纳et al .(2005),定义描述,多样性,几乎在各个方面都是已经进入了生活的组织,毫无疑问,有超过一种的多样性可以存在的形式,如性别或文化或宗教或种族(Pauleen et al ., 2011)。企业应该面对的最重要的多样性方面之一是文化多样性管理问题。解决劳动力中经常出现的问题文化的多样性是一个很明显的问题。这篇文献综述的下一小节将关注文化多样性对劳动力管理的影响(Robinson et al., 2007)。传统上,管理者认为工作场所的文化多样性是一个需要解决的问题。从长远来看,它可以是一个问题,也可以是提高竞争优势的重要资源。然而,由于重点是在问题上,缺点将得到承认。处理多样性的失败可能导致组织出现重大问题。第一个关键问题是,更高的流动率、诉讼和旷工导致的财务资本。当不满意的员工开始离职时,组织在试图招聘和培训员工时失去了所有的投资资本(Robinson et al., 2007)。
此外,更高的流动率意味着员工不断处于学习阶段,而不是发挥全部潜力。缺勤也增加了基本成本,这说明员工对他们受到重视和照顾的看法与他们在公司内的出勤率之间存在着积极的关系。此外,种族歧视诉讼还可能进一步给本组织造成财政上的损失。组织和个人的生产力下降是下一个问题(Thomas, 2011)。当个人开始经历不被接受和偏见时,这种情况就会发生,那些觉得自己不被欣赏的人,反过来在创新方面变得更少,当他们试图压制自己的想法或当他们试图承担领导责任时,他们变得不那么咄咄逼人。他们不会因为需要被接受而表达异议,也不会因为沟通不畅或存在任何误解而浪费时间(Sadri et al., 2012)。影响力的另一个不那么明显的性质是,当不满的员工对企业产生不满情绪时,企业形象就会受损。当企业被公认为那些非传统的离间员工时,就会出现一个问题:在有限的技术劳动力供应周期内,很难找到合格的工人。


Diversity is defined through Kandola et al. (2005), depicting that diversity, virtually in every way is something that has entered the lives of organization and there is no doubt that there are more than one way by which the diversity can exist such as in the form of gender or culture or religion or ethnicities (Pauleen et al., 2011). One of the most significant dimensions of diversity which should be faced through businesses is the issue of cultural diversity management. Drawing over problems raised frequently within the workforce often diversity of culture is evident as an issue. The next sub-section of this literature review will focus on culturally diverse workforce management implications (Robinson et al., 2007). Traditionally, managers view cultural diversity within workplace as an issue that needs to be dealt. As a matter of perspective, it can be an issue or it can be an essential resource for enhancing advantage competitively. However, as the focus is over issues, disadvantages will be acknowledged. Failure of handling diversity can result in creating major issues for an organization. The first essential issue is the financial capital caused through higher turnover, lawsuits and also absenteeism. Organizations lose all the invested capital when trying to recruit and train when employees who are dissatisfied start leaving (Robinson et al., 2007).
Additionally, higher turnover implies that employees constantly are in the stage of learning rather than to perform at complete potential. Essential costs are also raised by absenteeism depicting that there is a positive relationship between perceptions of employees regarding them being valued and cared for as well as their attendance within the firm. Additionally, racial discrimination lawsuits can further cause cost of financial nature to the organization. Decreased productivity in organization and individuals is the next issue (Thomas, 2011). This happens when individuals start experiencing non-acceptance and prejudice Individuals who are of the feeling that they are not appreciated in turn become less in terms of innovation and they are less aggressive when trying to press their thoughts or when they try to assume leadership. They will not be voicing disagreements as they need acceptance and time will also be wasted because communication is poor or there are any kinds of misunderstandings (Sadri et al., 2012). A less obvious nature of influence is the corporate image which gets tarnished when developed across dissatisfied employees. When corporates come to be acknowledged as those alienating employees who are non-traditional, then this has a problematic process involved wherein it is hard to find workers who are qualified within limited skilled labour supply periods.