

該公司依賴於澳大利亞的市場經濟和業績。它高度依賴國內市場。他們面臨著來自本土品牌的激烈競爭,市場已經飽和。因此,該公司應該著眼於更新的市場。但它沒有關注亞洲新興市場(Young, 2014)。這是該品牌的一大弱點。為了擴大市場份額,公司應該把重點放在新興市場。在國際市場上應該有更多的產品差異化。公司可以在現有市場和新市場中專注於更多的收購和產品開發。他們應該制定一個更開放的宣傳信息,以迎合國際觀眾。為了吸引年輕人口,公司需要為年輕人口打造一個更具美感的品牌。產品包裝​​的同質化方法對公司來說是積極的(Parente and strausbaugho – hutchinson, 2014)。但為了提高消費者人口結構,該公司需要擴大其消費者基礎。
公司應該致力於在國際市場上建立更好的品牌形象。如果它冒險進入新市場,它將與那些在新市場上已經確立了品牌的公司競爭。他們需要有基礎設施來支撐新興市場。公司有足夠的系統來滿足當地市場的消費者需求(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2013)。除此之外,該公司還需要更強大的營銷工具來吸引更廣泛的消費者群體。市場上的高檔啤酒正在打折,公司需要更好的營銷策略來解決這個問題。由於其高度依賴國內市場,稅收的增加和技術的變革使公司面臨額外的壓力。嘉士伯、喜力和科羅娜是該品牌的主要競爭對手和威脅。


The company is dependent on the Australian market economy and its performance. It is highly dependent on the domestic country. They are facing stiff competition from the local brand and there is market saturation. Hence the company should be looking at newer markets. But it has not focused on the emerging markets of Asia (Young, 2014). This is a considerable weakness for the brand. The emerging markets should be focused by the company to expand its market share. There should be more product differentiation in the international markets. The company can focus on more acquisition and product development within the existing markets as well as the newer markets. They should develop a more open promotional message to cater to the international audience. To attract the younger demography, the company needs to have a more aesthetically pleasing brand for the younger demography. There is a homogenized approach for the product packaging that is positive for the company (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, 2014). But to enhance the consumer demography the company needs to broaden its consumer base.
The company should be focusing on building a better brand image in the International markets. If it ventures into the newer markets it will be competing with the companies that have an established name in the newer markets.They need to have the infrastructure to sustain in the newer markets. The company has an adequate system to meet the consumer requirements in the local markets (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2013). Apart from this the company needs to have more robust marketing tools to attract a wide consumer base.There is a discounting of the premium beers in the markets and the company needs a better marketing strategy to combat this issue. Since it is highly dependent on the domestic market increases in taxes and technological changes causes the company to face extra pressure. Carlsberg, Heineken and Corona are some of the major competitors and threat to the brand.