



营销组合包含一些控制变量和最重要的是产品、价格、地点或分销和促销也称为4 p(杰罗姆·麦卡锡,1964;艾布拉姆斯,2000)。市场营销组合包括不同的市场营销决策变量应用的组织更有效地销售其产品和服务。确定了市场和收集所有必要的信息关于它,营销规划下一步是组织决定所使用的工具和策略来满足消费者的需求和与竞争对手竞争。

每个组织努力构建这样一个的4 p组合能够产生最高水平的客户满意度,同时实现其组织目标等有针对性的收入,销量,市场份额,投资回报率即投资回报率等等。因此,这些市场变量组装记住目标客户的需求,营销组合不同根据组织产品和服务提供,自然资源和营销目标。


In the words of Kotler and Gary (1984; 2008) “The group of controllable variables which an organization can utilize to manipulate the buyer’s response is termed as Marketing Mix”.

Marketing mix comprises the some controllable variables and the most important are product, price, place or distribution and promotion also known as 4P’s (McCarthy, Jerome, 1964; Abrams, 2000). Marketing mix includes the different marketing decision variables being applied by the organization to sell its goods and services more effectively. Having identified the market and collecting all the necessary information regarding it, marketing programming is the next step that is used by the organization that decides the instruments and the strategies to fulfil the requirements of the consumers and compete with the competitors.

Each organization strives to construct such a composition of 4P’s that can generate the highest level of satisfaction among its customers and at the same time achieve its organizational objectives such as targeted revenue, sales volume, market share, ROI i.e. return on investment etc. Hence, these market variables are assembled keeping in mind the requirements of the target customers, the marketing mix varies according to the organization product and service offering, nature, resources and marketing objectives.