


关于动机,传统理论说了什么?当一些组织蓬勃发展时,其他公司却无法生存。这是因为在大多数情况下组织的管理。组织的成功源于适当的人力资源管理。有许多理论和文献定义了组织的需求。然而,尽管公司为员工提供了最好的薪酬,却无法获得最大的生产力。这些只是基于观察分析。公司需要通过使用理论模型来开发自己的最佳实践。通过实际案例分析和理论分析的比较,探讨了有效的员工分析方法。经典的学术理论:在确定员工对于组织的效率和维持是不可或缺的之后,开发了一些理论模型来解决员工的需求。一些传统的模型侧重于经济激励,而另一些则侧重于员工的情绪。下面将对其中一些理论模型进行解释。泰勒关于员工的科学管理理论是,员工应该根据他们的生产水平按日支付工资(Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder, 1994.)。管理部门应确保为这项工作雇用合适的人。这名雇员必须根据他们每天所提供的服务水平获得报酬。

这一理论是管理理论最早的形式之一。这种方法没有考虑其他因素。如果工人在特定的一天没有满足工作的要求,工人将得不到类似的工资。在这个过程中没有工作保障或其他附加福利。员工和管理者应该每天分配时间来解释他们的目标和实现目标(Hofstede, 1993)。这个理论被认为在现代社会已经过时了。纯粹的泰勒主义导致了很多问题,比如福克斯通信公司的自杀问题。公司员工面临过度的情绪压力,导致14人自杀(Guo et al., 2012)。这是因为公司完全遵循泰勒主义。这个案例证明,在科学的管理理论中,人们只感到压力。这是因为实施了严格的规则,并仅基于有形产品来评估员工的生产力。纯粹的泰勒主义观念主张,员工应该被微观管理,以满足公司的主要目标。泰勒林的这个概念在现代已经不适用了。这些概念往往概括了动机和生产力的概念(Hofstede, 1993)。因此,纯粹的泰勒主义被摒弃了。


What Had Traditional Theories Said about Motivation?While some organizations thrive other companies is not able to survive. This is because of the management of organization in most of the cases. Success of the organization stems from proper human resource management. There are number of theories and literature that define the needs of the organization. However in spite of providing the employees with best pay companies are not able to extract maximum productivity. These are only based on observational analysis. Companies need to develop their own best practices by using the theoretical models. Effective employee analysis is probed by comparison of real case study examples with academic theories. Classical Academic theories: After identifying that employees are integral for efficiency and sustenance of the organizations a number of theoretical models that have been developed to address employee needs. Some of the conventional models have focused on economic incentives while other focus on emotions of the employees. Some of these theoretical models have been explained in the following. Taylor’s scientific management theory about employees is that employees should be paid on a daily basis based on their productive levels (Anderson, Rungtusanatham, and Schroeder, 1994.). Management should ensure that the right person should be hired for the job. This employee must be paid for their levels of services performed on a daily basis.

This theory was one of earliest forms of management theory. Other factors were not considered in this approach. If the worker failed to meet demands of job for the particular day the worker will not be paid the similar wages. There was no job security or other fringe benefits in this process. Workers and managers should allocate time everyday to explain about their targets and meet objectives (Hofstede, 1993). This theory is considered to be obsolete in the modern world. Pure Taylorism has led to a number of issues like Foxcomm suicide issues. The employees of the company faced undue emotional pressure this had caused fourteen suicides (Guo et al., 2012). This was because of the company following absolute Taylorism. This case proves that people feel only pressure in scientific management theory. This was because of implementation of stringent rules and assessing employee productivity based on only tangible products. Pure Taylorism concepts advocate that workers should be micro managed to meet primary objectives of the Company. This concept of Taylorim is not in practice in the modern era. These concepts tend to generalize the concepts of motivation and productivity (Hofstede, 1993). Hence pure Taylorism has been rejected.