


男性 – 女性薪酬差异
尽管有平等机会立法,但来自各种背景的男女之间的收入不平等依然存在。此外,即使考虑到奖金和加班时间,女性的年薪也比男性低25%。妇女正在取得进展,但这一进展相对缓慢。在2007年由肖恩奥格雷迪进行的一项研究中,我们看到,与兼职兼职的男性相比,兼职女性的收入减少了38%。此外,与全职就业的男性相比,女性在同一类别中的收入减少17%(Shoukat 2004)。因此,寻找在任何企业中处于最高地位的女性是非常困难的。

与较早时期相比,男性和女性之间的薪酬差距正变得非常小,尽管在最高管理层和政治层面,高层管理人员对女性仍然存在限制。由于女性拥有像Dora Bakoyannis这样的榜样,她是第一位被任命为希腊内阁高级职位的女性,因此成为第一任英国外交部长的玛格丽特贝克特以及许多其他女性,因此女性更加自信。即使男性仍然不愿意由于男性气质的认知而放弃女性权力,更多的女性愿意坚持法律。


The HR practices are linked to equality and diversity, hence in the implementation of favorable and fair conditions of work to employee HR professionals have a crucial role to play which is key challenge for them. By creation of a productive working environment diversity could be managed and could controlled. Moreover, in this manner organizational goals are met and talent is completely utilized.
Male- Female pay differentials
Despite the equal opportunities legislation, income inequalities amongst women and men from all backgrounds still exist. Moreover, even when bonuses and overtime is taken into consideration the annual salaries of women are 25 percent lower as compared to that of men. It is observant that women are making progress but this progress is relatively slow. In a research conducted by Sean O’ Grady in the year 2007 it was seen that as compared to men who work part-time, the women working part-time earns 38 % less. Moreover, as compared to the men who are employed as full-time, the women earn 17 % less in the same category (Shoukat 2004). Thus, it is very difficult to search for a women who is at the top position in any business.

As compared to the earlier times, the pay gap amongst men and women is becoming very small although at the top managerial positons and politics there are still restrictions for women at the top managerial. As women have role models like Dora Bakoyannis who was the first women who was appointed a senior position in the Greece Cabinet, Margaret Beckett who became the first foreign minister of U.K and many other and hence women are more confident. Even if men are still reluctant to give up power to women as a result of perception of masculinity, more women are willing to stand up to the law.