





One of the most important and basic problem which is being encountered by precisely all the multi-cellular organisms of the living kingdom is related to the release of acid and the corresponding buffering mechanism which takes place within the body due to the various metabolic processes taking place from time to time (Maurer et al., 2002), (Mc Donald et al., 2005). The integral function which is being served by the vasculature is to ensure that the delivery of nutrients as well as oxygen takes place properly to every cell of the body along with the removal of unwanted and waste products and by products respectively including H+ and CO2 which has been found to be excreted by the conventional mechanism of urination and air expulsion in the case of vertebrates which belong to land (Mc. Donald et al., 2008), (Barzel., 1995).

There is growing body of evidence which suggest that the skeletons of those vertebrates which live in land have an inherent reserve of a large amount of bases. These are available as a mechanism in cases where the kidneys and lungs are unavailable or are limited in their activity of buffering. Thus overall maintenance of the balance between acid and bases are maintained respectively (Mc Donald et al., 2005). The classical hypothesis on acid base balance refers to the fact that due to excessive uncontrolled consumption of various products which contain large amount of animal protein as well as grains, large amount of acidic by products are generated. It has been studied that the conventional western type of diet has shown a direct interlink to a variety of diseases like osteoporosis and calcium nephrolithiasis. The main reason for the same has been cited for the fact that this diet consists of a wide variety of food materials which release acidic by products. They require calcium and other nutrients thereby inhibiting the reabsorption of alkali and decreasing the overall calcium content of the bones (Maurer et al., 2002).