


英雄主义被认为是人类的最佳行为,或者是人类思想在行为中所能达到的最高境界。在肤浅的基础上定义英雄主义,只会澄清不顾个人风险为社会做出贡献的必要性。然而,英雄主义的定义是复杂的,存在相互关联的悖论。关于英雄的角色存在着困惑,关于英雄主义与利他主义的观点也存在着矛盾。英雄主义可以定义为为社会利益而实施个人美德或实现公民美德的行为(Drysdal et al., 2013)。能够将同情心转化为公民美德的人被称为英雄。然而,每个人都受到个人风险的限制。因此,一个英雄需要把个人的风险放在一边,为整个社会或社会中的某些个人达到一个目标。本文研究的是各种学术和文学资料中所描述的英雄主义概念(Huang, 2012)。此外,我还列举了六位英雄的例子,以及他们如何通过自己的行为来定义英雄主义。这些例子配备了每个英雄的背景设置和他们的能力。除了英雄的背景,还简要描述了每个英雄的英雄行为。这种背景分析有助于确定英雄的共同特征。

为了确定英雄的确切品质,我假设了一些假想的例子。在扩展本报告的范围之前,让我们先找出每个英雄的共同特点。英雄的行为本质上是自愿的,是为个人或整个社会服务的。英雄的意图必须是透明的,没有任何对利益和恩惠的渴望。此外,英雄主义的行为会给从事英雄主义行为的个人的个人生活灌输有害的情况。社会监督、生活质量和社会地位也受到英雄主义行为的影响(Paustian-Underdahl, Walker & Woehr, 2014)。当代世界接受的最常见的英雄形式是军事人员、民间英雄、宗教人物、政治领袖、冒险家或探险家、科学发明家、好心人、告密者、殉道者、官僚成就人士和从事危害身体健康工作的人。在这篇报道中,我们将虚构六个日常生活中的英雄,并找出成为英雄所需要的素质。本文提出的上下文分析的观察结果将有助于理解每个人都可以成为英雄。


Heroism is considered as the optimum human behaviour or the apex which a human mind can attain in behaviour. Defining heroism on a superficial basis would only clarify the necessity of contributing to the society despite any personal risk. However the definition of heroism is complicated the presence of interconnected paradoxes. There are confusions regarding the role of heroes and the contradictory opinions on heroism in relation to altruism. Heroism can be defined as an act of implementing personal virtue for the benefit of the society or realizing a civic virtue (Drysdal et al., 2013). The individuals capable of executing the process of transformation of compassion into a civic virtue are known as heroes. However every individual is bound by the limitations of personal risks. Hence a hero is required to put off the personal risks for achieving a purpose for the society as a whole or for some individual in the society. This dissertation deals with the concepts of heroism as depicted in various academic and literary sources (Huang, 2012). Furthermore, I have included examples of six heroes and how they define heroism through their acts. The examples are equipped with background setting of each hero and their capabilities. In addition to the background of the heroes, a brief description of an act of heroism committed by each of the heroes is provided. This contextual analysis will help in ascertaining the common characteristics of a hero.

I assume hypothetical examples in order to determine the exact qualities which make a hero. Before expanding the scope of this report, let us find out the characteristics which are common in every hero. A hero’s actions are voluntary in nature and are conducted for the service of an individual or a whole community. The intentions of a hero must be transparent without any desire for profits and favours.Furthermore, the actions of heroism can inculcate detrimental situations for the personal life of an individual engaged in an act of heroism. Social scrutiny as well as quality of life and stature in the society are also affected by the acts of heroism (Paustian-Underdahl, Walker & Woehr, 2014). The most common forms of heroes accepted in the contemporary world are military personnel, civil heroes, religious figures, political leaders, adventurers or explorers, scientific inventors, good Samaritans, whistleblowers, martyrs, bureaucratic achievers and people in jobs involving risk to physical health. In this report we will be fabricating six examples of heroes in everyday life and find out the qualities required to become a hero. The observations of the contextual analysis presented here will help in understanding that every person can become a hero.