


早期的定居点来自欧洲殖民者,从15世纪末开始。最初有欧洲血统的法国人和西班牙血统的人定居。他们最初在这个国家站稳了脚跟。英国殖民者在詹姆斯敦定居并开始在美国殖民。定居美国带来了一种新的经济自由。因此,最初有大量的欧洲人涌入美国(Sowell 4),因此移民到美国的人数越来越多。一些欧洲殖民者甚至以契约仆役的身份来到美国。契约仆役是指欧洲人通过为奴隶主工作一定年限而移居新大陆的概念。在固定的年限之后,这些人被允许独立工作。到1775年,有50万人被契约国家带入美国。美国在这55000人中有非自愿的囚犯。契约仆役不允许结婚或自由地生活(约翰逊142)。他们必须生活在雇主制定的规章制度下。大部分的契约仆役不是自愿来到这个国家的。契约仆役的概念不考虑雇员的意志。1790年3月26日通过的《归化法》允许居住2年、品行良好的白人仆人获得美国国籍(约翰逊142)。

这项法律不包括其他种族。在18和19世纪的美国,奴隶贸易存在于这个国家。奴隶从世界各地,特别是非洲被卖到美国。他们是被迫进入乡村的契约仆役(Holliday 28)。他们要为欧洲血统的主人服务。1850年,有谣言说加利福尼亚有黄金,而且越来越受欢迎。由于加利福尼亚有黄金存在的谣言,许多中国移民在这个国家定居下来。这些移民后来适应了这个国家,选择了做苦力。1882年,由于华人大量涌入美国,《排华法案》得以通过。这也是限制移民入境的第一条规定。在此之后,埃利斯岛移民由国家设立,以控制中国移民涌入该国。从1892年到1954年,大量移民从埃利斯岛进入美国,1200万美国移民被允许进入美国(Waldinger 1079)。埃利斯岛记录了那些想要定居美国的人。


Early settlements were from European settlers, which started from late 15th onwards. Initially there were settlements made by the European origin people of France and Spanish origin people. They had initially established themselves in the nation. British settlers settled in Jamestown and started colonizing in United States. Settling in America allowed a new form of economic freedom. Owing to this, there was initially a large influx of people from Europe into the nation (Sowell 4). There was a growing popularity to immigrate into America owing to this reason. Some European settlers even came as indentured servants into America. Indentured servant is a concept where the people from Europe moved to the new world by the working for a slave owner for a fixed number of years. After the fixed number of years the individuals were allowed to work on their own. By 1775 there were 500000 people who were brought in to the nation by indentured nations. United States Out of this 55000 there were involuntary prisoners. Indentured servants were not allowed to marry or live in freedom (Johnson 142). They had to live under the rules set by the employers. A large percentage of the indentured servants did not come into the nation voluntarily. Employee volition was not considered in the notions of indentured servants. Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 was passed which allowed white servants with two-year residence and good character to gain United States citizenship (Johnson 142).

This law did not cover other ethnicities.In 18th and 19th Century in America slave trade existed in the nation. Slaves were sold from different parts of the world esp. Africa into United States. They were indentured servants who were forced into the country (Holliday 28). They were to serve the European origin masters. In 1850 there was rumor and growing popularity to the nation that Gold existed in California. A number of Chinese settlers settled in the nation owing to rumors that gold existed in California. These settlers then adjusted to the nation and chose to work as laborers. Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 owing to the high influx of Chinese people in the nation. This was also the first rule in order to curb immigration into the country ((Holliday 30). Subsequent to this Ellis Island immigration was set up by the nation to control the influx of Chinese immigration into the country. Mass Immigration occurred in the nation from 1892 to 1954 from Ellis Island. 12 million US immigrants were allowed into the nation (Waldinger 1079). Ellis Island documented the people who wanted to settle in America.