


理解资源冲突的三个关键概念是冲突资源、资源冲突和资源诅咒。这是通过对木材、钻石和石油三种资源的具体检查来描述的。这篇文章进一步成为了更广泛的大背景,包括高度民主化、结构调整和高公共债务,这些都是对威权主义制度的挑战。这导致了一些统治精英为了生存,通过将国家机构进行刑事化和私有化,涉及到以出口为导向的资源部门的个性化控制。大宗商品价格的大幅上涨主要是由于亚洲的增长。另一方面,在苏丹和安哥拉等冲突的影响下,一些国家的资源生产水平出现了急剧上升(Le Billon, 2014)。

这种飙升的影响源于上世纪90年代末以来的投资流动。考虑到冷战后的时期,与基于意识形态的赞助相比,武装团体在军事商业上具有较强的可靠性。因此,人们对发动战争而不是政治目的而进行的战争产生了关键的担忧。这一死亡事件明确地告知了政治意识形态,即牟取暴利战争是导致塞拉利昂和利比里亚冲突的主要因素(Le Billon, 2014)。


The three key concepts used in understanding the conflicts of resource are conflict resources, resource conflicts and resource curse. This is described by the specific examination of three resources that are timber, diamonds and oil. The article further became interesting wider context of high democratization, structural adjustments and high public debts that challenge the regimes of authoritarianism. This resulted in some ruling elites seeking survival by criminalizing and privatizing state institutions involving a personalized control upon resource sectors oriented with export. Massive increase was experienced in the price of commodity mainly due to the growth of Asia. On the other hand, there was a soaring effect in the levels of resource production across some countries under the influence of conflict such as Sudan and Angola (Le Billon, 2014).

This soaring effect was because of the flows of investment since the late years of 1990s. Considering the period after Cold War, the armed groups had heavy reliability on military commerce in comparison with ideology based sponsorship. As a result, key concerns grew regarding waged wars for financial motivation instead of the agenda of political purposes. The demise specifically informed the political ideology that profiteering war was a major dimension for protracting conflicts between Sierra Leone and Liberia (Le Billon, 2014).