


人们清楚地认识到,限制气候变化的全球行动不仅涉及合法的国家和地区利益和强有力的科学证据,而且还涉及到伦理和公平的价值(Gardiner, 2010a)。气候系统在整个地球上都是常见的,但在全球范围内,成本和后果并不相同。为了解决代际公平问题,有一项关键的要求,即商定的决定可能会影响尚未出生的人口。


气候系统有许多内在的延迟机制。在一段时间后,温室效应会增强。由于冰雪融化,海洋对气候变化的挑战反应缓慢(Hourdequin, 2010)。当前的社会正受益于大量廉价的化石燃料的使用,同时利用自由倾倒的空气来浪费产品。然而,为了做到这一点,当代人应该应对气候的变化。所有这些事实都有助于理解气候变化的伦理问题,这实际上是非常有效和有争议的。


It is clearly understood that meaningful global action for limiting the changed climate not only involves legitimate national and regional interests and strong scientific evidence, but it also involves the value of ethics and equity (Gardiner, 2010a). The system of climate is common for the entire planet but the costs and consequences are not equal across the globe. For dealing with the problem of intergenerational equity, there is a crucial requirement of agreed decisions that may impact the population not born yet.

The system of climate has a number of delaying mechanisms in-built. The results of an enhanced greenhouse impact may take place after a time lag. Due to melting snow and ice, oceans give slow reactions to increased climate challenges (Hourdequin, 2010). The current society is benefiting from the use of abundant and cheap fossil fuels while using the free dumped atmosphere for the products wasted. However, in order to do so, the current generation should be coping with the changing climate. All of these facts help in perceiving the issue of climate change ethically that is actually highly effective and arguable.