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This essay discusses major influences that affect the future of the global economy to a significant extent. To elaborate and keep it succinct, the essay includes three major key influences: terrorism, rising global inequalities, and protectionism that will be discussed in detail, describing the influence extent of each on the future of the global economy.

Economic unproductivity and uncertainty rules the minds of those who are concerned the most about expanding business and economy (Cross, 2011). Authorities responsible for facilitating business expansion, trade deals, and policy reforms are enforced to consider terror costs as a new addition to its assessment and appraisal process. Terrorism was undermined until recently, but after the Arab Spring and the political and social unrest being originated by the US with its destructive policies, it has become a priority in almost all considerations of business and daily affairs. The prime reason is that increase in terror attacks, and it being linked to liberal immigration and globalization policies (Baylis, Chebel d’Appollonia and Reich, 2008).
The connection between economic terrorism, protests, rise in anti-corruption gangs and the capitalistic market system has been indefensible. Whenever a market experiences more corruption, and rising divide in the incomes of the rich and poor, the certainty of protests and aggression toward capitalists and liberal politicians is not surprising. It is to stay unless the system reverses itself and capitalism is made to scale down in its ideology imposition.
The availability of natural resources and their unregulated extraction and exploitation is nothing but pure greed having its seed in the capitalist mode of market system. Post the rise of environmentalists an activists, the investment and expansion of business in the global economy has become more assessable and open. The amount of exploitation available for natural resources is not the same as it was earlier, hence any decision of investment and market entry is restricted or delayed. In short, the system itself has been at the receiving end of restrictions in expanding itself across the world.
The more the inequality, the more the difficulty in the poor to be healthy and educate themselves. With it comes les productivity and less access to equal opportunities, soon it could take a destructive turn to violence and criminal behaviour. These aspects are interconnected and hence global inequalities are a global concern, and must be addressed as a priority, instead of working on financial matters proposed by the capitalists. This particular factor will hurt the future of global economy to an extent that is just to be imagined and out of reason. The disadvantaged can go to any extent when deprived by the capitalists, and can affect the global growth of economies.

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