


The companies in these two firms need to adhere to certain tactics.
They need to ensure that the companies use virtual communication to ensure that the people communicate with each other (Baldwin, Hienerth and Von Hippel, 2006).
They need to factor in the networking and ensure that the amount paid to the advertising is reduced.
Using of innovative technologies can bolster the communication between the people.
Address the payment agreement with the customers (Lepore, 2014)
The companies need to ensure that they enter into joint partnership with the people.
Ensuring that there is transparency and accuracy of the process.
Added to this, the established firms need to ensure that there is
Need to shift agenda and have an effective change management process.
The companies need to ensure that there is cohesive flow of information between the different stakeholders (Chesbrough, 2010 a).
There must be optimization of resources to ensure that there is no wastage of processes.
The start-up firms are found to have the following recommendation.
They need to ensure that there are capital costs that are addressed (Charitou and Markides, 2002).
They need to ensure that there is sourcing through innovative crowd funding schemes.
To summarize, internationalization is a process that needs to be ensured that the companies focus on the ways to develop innovative schemes. The companies need to ensure that there is a cohesive flow of communication between the stakeholders of the firms. The established firms would face the issues of hierarchy and process control. The newer start-up firms are found to face the issues of capital costs. Added to this, there must be an effective change management and conflict resolution process. All the stakeholders need to move towards a shared vision in order to remain competitive. The companies need to ensure that the capital costs are addressed. There must be a shared vision that needs to be created in order to bring in changes. The companies in the start-up firms can develop innovative crowd funding schemes to ensure that there is capital inflow. Hence innovation is an imperative requirement for the firms, and the method to achieve this process needs to be considered.

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