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Attitudinal loyalty, and brand affect alone are not factors associated with purchase intention, purchase intention is much more complex and this subsection discussed those elements. Firstly, purchase intention can be defined as individual’s intention to buy a specific brand for individuals who want to buy a specific brand which they have chosen for themselves after certain evaluation, and there are variables by which we can measure purchase intention for instance consider the brand for purchasing and expecting to purchase the brand in the future ). Doing purchase intention for a specific brand requires assessment of all brands available in market. It is shown that approaches toward a specific brand have great effect on brand purchase intention and brand attitude has positive relation with purchase intention. It is also found that a consumer’s intention is settled by attitude toward the same and other brands which are present in his consideration set. Purchase intention is composed of consumer’s feelings, thoughts, experience and external factors that he considered before making any purchase. Purchase intention of the consumers depicts and expresses their behaviour and the way they making decisions about their buying process (Lien et al., 2015). Categorization of these elements having an impact on purchase decision, reveals that product knowledge, customer knowledge, product attributes and more have an impact too (Lien et al., 2015). These are non-personal attributes.
Firstly, the product knowledge or customer knowledge plays a pivotal role in making of purchase decisions but in a more logical and factual way, than the intangible relationship oriented trust and affect variables. They are significant nevertheless. Chi & Yang (2009) conducted a research on consumer’s knowledge about the product on product evaluations. The results indicated that consumers having more knowledge about a product are able to solve their problem with lesser efforts compared to less knowledgeable consumers. Consumers with higher knowledge are not biased in making their decisions related to product purchase (Chi & Yang, 2009) Product knowledge plays a significant role in purchase intentions when the product is new or is manufactured in other countries and is distributed in rest of the countries.
The study of researchers that were reviewed therefore seems to indicate that that customer knowledge does not affect purchase intentions directly rather it has an effect on perception towards product (Lien et al., 2015). This is interesting as some of the aspects are perceived value and the final decision of purchase is based upon these perceptions (Kim & Ko, 2010). In the study, on the impact of package cues on the perception of premium quality of premium private label products, the results indicated that visuals on the package and the information provided on the package influence the quality judgment of coffee products. The indicators of higher quality of a product are the small package size, package attractiveness, soft packaging as well as the uniqueness of the package (Chi & Yang, 2009)

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