


The TPP agreement should include a requirement that all countries should implement International Labour Organization’s Convention standards in their domestic law. The law will provide equal rights to the workers. The TPP agreement should also include a provision stating that weakening or failure of such policies would be considered as the violation of the trade pact provisions. The agreement should include some foreign investment terms included in CAFTA, Bust FTAs and NAFTA that will provide equal rights to the foreign investors in the market. Future trade policies of the United States should not limit the domestic policy regarding the regulation of energy, health and other necessary services (Communications Workers of America, 2017). Previous FTAs include the NAFTA agriculture style trade rules that have undermined the producers of the United States to earn fair price in the domestic and global marketplace. Food processing and multinational grain trading firms have made huge profits while the farmers always face losses. Therefore, new agriculture rules and regulations should be included TPP agreement for ensuring equal rights for farmers. The terms in CAFTA has limited access to necessary and affordable medicines. Therefore, the TPP agreement should build on the medicine patent rules on 2007 reforms.

It has been identified from the above discussion that Matthias was the self-claimed prophet that created the group of followers on the accounts of religious perfectionism. Furthermore, the Matthias had developed the community that was authoritarian and misogynist. The constant degradation of the women was one of the major concerns in the Kingdom of Matthias and it is found that the Second Great Awakening and the Market Revolution resulted in the increment in awareness to the rights of women which provided the women with rational thinking towards the freedom and equality (Johnson and Wilentz, 2012). The combination of the change in the social order and murder charge on the Matthias resulted in the demise of the Kingdom and provided with his real image. Furthermore, it is to conclude that the major changes which took place in the 19th century were the revolution of the women’s rights through the Market revolution and the Second Great Awakening.

TPP agreement will substantially benefit all its members and increasing the real income incomes by 2030. It will create more productive jobs and adjust the cost of production. It has developed comprehensive rules and regulations for the economic integration in the areas of commerce. All the members of TPP will be benefited from the new trade terms and conditions. Therefore, it is a positive response to rising trade barriers, slow growth of world trade and a major contribution towards the global economy.

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