

本研究将会特别关注论文代写价格-澳大利亚的经济和它在这个时代的经济地位,让我们了解澳大利亚经济的漏洞和它的实力。该文件将从“澳大利亚统计局”收集资料,并详细审查与澳大利亚总开支有关的不同组成部分的参与情况。支出法是学生选择2009 – 2016年学习期间的方法之一。有了这些信息,澳大利亚目前在商业周期中的地位将得到评估。分析还将结合总需求和总供给理论,以呈现宏观经济均衡。本文还将简要讨论当前经济形势的政策含义。

From the above figure, it can be concluded that Australian economy has been experiencing ups and downs throughout the chosen period of study. However, in the post 2014, the GDP’s contribution to growth has steadily increased and therefore, the country is expected to be in the recuperation or expansionary segment in the business sequence.
During the lower growth of Australia, it is beneficial to adopt the expansionary fiscal policy. This will increase the AE as there will be decrease in taxes and increase in government spending. However, this nation has faced low level of government spending and investment as compared to the private counterpart. The nation’s moderate rate of inflation that is declining and increase in contribution to growth implies that the country is in an expansionary phase(Tradingeconomics.com, 2016). It can be said that due to higher inflation in the past, the nation has faced severe fall in aggregate expenditure. This can be reflected by the figures 1; 2; 3 and 4. This has led to improve in growth rate.

The paper has defined, analysed and concluded major understandings regarding the aggregate expenditure model and how macroeconomic equilibrium is attained within an economy, with reference to Australia. After the paper focused on the Australia’s aggregate expenditure and its various component, it is concluded that the government in all sectors like general government, households and other sectors will experience a rise in their expenditure due to inflation within the nation. It has identified different components of aggregate expenditure and collected data for each component from secondary sources. It has also examined the contribution of each component on GDP growth. The analysis has found that Australian economy is currently experiencing recovery or expansionary phase in the business cycle, which is some way or the other affecting daily life of various individuals in assorted manners. The research done for completing the study also highlighted the fact that the Australian government adopted expansionary fiscal policy in last few years by increasing its consumption expenditure and public investment. Government’s fiscal policy has played a vital role in improving the overall growth of the Australian economy, which is evident from the speedy recovery of the nation in almost all sectors after being hit down by strong inflation periods.

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