

在本篇澳洲论文代写-与龙城世界公司谈判的形式和过程中,谈判形式是任何一个成功人士最重要的特征之一。因此,每个人在谈判时做出正确的决定是非常重要的。当一个人购买产品或签订合同时,与另一方谈判有助于获得更好的交易。尤其是谈判是一个复杂的过程,需要大量的讨论和思考。因此,人们对任何事情进行适当和正确的谈判是非常重要的(Alsup, 2006)。因此,可以得出结论,谈判以一种完全成功的方式结束。龙世界公司的代表不得不接受我们的大部分条件,只进行了很少的谈判。这是一次成功的谈判讨论,每一项条款都得到了恰当的讨论。本文对龙城与市长的谈判进行了反思。谈判进行得很有效,为镇上的人们带来了积极的成果,政府也将受益于收入和预付款,并将有助于进一步发展的城镇。具体的澳洲论文代写-与龙城世界公司谈判的形式和过程分析如下:

Now, this was the movement of decision making. While doing any kind of negotiation, it is very important to have proper decision making ability. It is also vital to modify your decisions. I thought a lot about the changes which have promised in the meeting. I need to think about each and every aspect before coming to the conclusion of the deal. I wanted to ensure that the things are done properly (Sluijsmans et al., 1998).
So, I asked the members for a break and the meeting had been suspended for the second time. In the meanwhile, I thought a lot about the negotiation. After the brief analysis about the different aspects, I finally came to the conclusion that I will be offering a payable amount of 0.75 million Euro instead of the payroll tax. I clearly knew that if the payment would be done in the form of the payroll tax, it will be nothing more than a game played by the company to give very little payment.
I went in the meeting room again and asked them that we can have a small negotiation in the costs which would be having a value of around .75 million Euros. I asked them that we can finalize the deal if they agree to pay this much amount other than what has been discussed and mentioned before. The Officials from dragon world again had a discussion among themselves. They discussed among themselves and stated that they offered a payment of 0.25 million Euros annually with the payroll rate increased by 1.5 %. It was also decided that the permits would be issues within 14 days after the negotiation and the Dragon world is required to be paid for the additional staff. The need for the 10 additional people was anticipated and was accepted by us.
Nevertheless, this did not change my decision and I was stuck on whatever I had finalized. After a lot of ruthless discussion and negotiation Wong et al., 2012, dragon world decided to finalize the deal at 1.1 million Euros. The contract was signed then and there and we left the meeting room after a formal discussion. I left the meeting room with an increased level of satisfaction which would not been possible if I accepted the negotiation which was done easily. In addition to this, certain other investments such as the one made in the local outsourcing and the community planned had to be paid by the dragon world. What’s more, the amount involved in the road construction is to be paid by the dragon worlds. On the contrary, it was also decided that the mayor will also discourage the road blocks done by the farmers and will motivate the people not to get involved in road blocks (Zamel & Spack, 2012)

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