



经理的角色既热情又多变。经理不断增长的职责中的唯一正规工作是包括环境,经济,政治,技术,法律和社会变革在内的变革(Child,J.,1972)。管理者必须成为最重要的催化剂,才能使这些变化持久和积极。如果我们谈论做出选择,那么十个组织中就有九个希望不变,而不是改变。上述背后的原因是由于日常活动的可预测性导致员工的效力水平更高。但是,这些组织不是静止的,他们总是不断变化,作为对组织徘徊的不同外力的回应。对于经理人;他们面临的主要挑战是预测和指导各种变化过程,从而提高组织绩效。有各种各样的外部因素可能会对企业产生影响(Julnes,P. D. L.,&Holzer,M.,2001)。管理者们要仔细衡量这些因素是主要的责任。


Change is of utmost necessity in today’s world. We can notice changes happening in every spheres of our life which predominantly is governed by the various external forces around us. This essay would discuss the different external forces that effect the organization and their importance to the managers. The transition of a business from its current state towards a more desirable state in the future with the motive of increasing its effectiveness can be defined as an organizational change. The business environment is changing continuously, and the managers of the organization have to adjust to these external forces to remain effective and pertinent. In this essay we would not only discuss the importance of the external forces to the managers but also the consistent resistance towards the organizational change that are caused by the external forces.

The role of the manager is both passionate and varied. The only regular job in the manager’s always growing responsibilities is that of transformation which includes environmental, economic, political, technological, legal and social changes (Child, J., 1972).  The manager has to be the most essential catalyst to enable the changes to be long lasting and positive. If we talk about making a choice, nine out of ten organizations would prefer constancy than change. The reason behind the above would be due to the predictability of the daily activities result in higher levels of efficacy from the employees. But, the organizations are not still; they always keep on changing as a response to the different external forces hovering the organisation. For the managers; their primary challenge is to predict and direct the various change processes so that the organizational performance can be improved. There are various external factors that can have an effect on the business (Julnes, P. D. L., & Holzer, M., 2001).  It is of primary onus for managers to measure these factors minutely.