


The data in the research is true and correct as it has been obtained from the national surveys and one original national survey done on the private entrepreneurship. Some of the official surveys included the All-China Federation for Industry and Commerce (ACFIC). The data is accurate as it obtained through China Economic System Reform Committee and State Administration For Industry and Commerce (1991), Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Private Economy Yearbook of China. Other than this, 317 in-depth field interviews were conducted which included researchers, bureaucrats, bankers and other private entrepreneurs.
The data has been presented accurately in the research as it is observed from the survey and other findings. There are some of the instances where the technical data has also been obtained. The technical data in the research is not used very often. All the data has been clearly explained so that it can be easily clear to the reader.
On the basis of the in-depth interviews and the original national survey which is based on the owners of the business, the book demonstrate that the capitalists of China are pragmatic and creative but they are not exactly the budding democrats.
One of the major ethical issues which have been found is related to biasing in interviews. Some interviewees did not want to publish the information given by them in a public portal. They wanted that information which is given by them should be completely hidden from the outside world. The author documented the notes later as soon as it was possible. If she has promised not to pen down the interview, she should have kept it completely secret.
A yet another ethical issue which is likely to be addressed is that most of the informal measures have been used for the research. This includes the use of some of the informal measures such as impulsive late night emails, pontifications done during the happy hours, dank massage parlors, by doing the delay in the public transportation hubs and by doing the increase in the interactions by the water fountains out the office of the author. The author believes that by doing the same, the author makes a colorful narrative related to the anthropology of fieldwork and life.

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