


The previous literature review analysed objectives of event marketing indicated that the particular marketing is often an amalgamation of different marketing and other objectives. When event organisers ask their clients or sponsors about the key objective of the company, different sponsors highlight diverse objectives including increasing corporate awareness, enhance public perceptions, community economic development, reaching out to the target market, and differentiating it from the competitors. Hence, different organisations have a different set of objectives to be established through events. However, the most common objectives include improving company image and demonstrating the responsibility for the local community.

According to the analysis made by Gupta (2003), a mix of many marketing objectives including corporate objectives, marketing objectives, media objectives and personal objectives create intricacies for the event organiser. The event organising company needs to focus on different objectives in the planning programme for the event. Sponsorship can facilitate organisations in achieving different types of objects mentioned above. Another key objective of the event marketing is to meet the competitive threats. Event marketing reduces the competitive threat. In the 1996 Olympic Games, Reebok increased its sponsorship due to the dropping performance compared to its competitors Nike. Hoyle (2002) has identified two key objectives of the event marketing including increasing sales and market share. It can be assessed that the primary objectives of the event marketing include reaching the target market, generating awareness, building relationships, increasing sales and enhancing brand image.
Martensen et al. (2007) have argued that different corporate objectives create intricacies for the event marketers to conduct proper planning of the events marketing campaign, as the event planning organisations need to consider diverse objectives of different corporate and market. As a consequence of scattered objectives, events often fail to attract customers towards a specific brand. Based on the corporate objectives of the organisation, event management organisations in Australia identify the budget required for the event. Therefore, diverse marketing objectives would create intricacies for the planning of the event, as the event organisers may not be able to select budget appropriately. Besides this, the scattered objectives of the organisations affect the planning of the event marketing campaign due to the fact that the event organisers face intricacies in identifying target market needed for the fulfilment of the objectives.

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