


Teaching English as a second language is a daunting task. The teachers need to focus on the students’ needs. The needs of the student would vary based on their cultural background, native language spoken along with the subjective needs of each individual. These are continually changing. Teachers and the students have to handle the issues of the classroom and political expectations. A competent teacher would try to develop the teaching methods based on the needs of the learner in the classroom. It is documented that many challenges that the teachers need to overcome to ensure that the student makes progress. A number of researches have been developed for meeting student requirements. However, the teacher needs to work through these efforts. Currently, the learning abilities of the students and their development of cognitive development depend on the attributes of the teacher. A lot more research is needed to develop a standardized protocol that would benefit the entire student.

Ethnic boundaries have been embodied by the larger boundary of culture. It is imposed on ethnicity as a disguise for unifying groups and people. This disguise is purely nationalistic and motivated due to a need to derive a national identity. Ethnic groups always maintain their unsullied purity by remaining attached and loyal to the cuisine they eat, the thoughts they breed and share about gender, women and nature, their preference to music, opinions about other people and the likes. The judgement and principled approach within a particular ethnic group remains undiluted even when it is transcended to achieve the calling of the nation and larger culture. Ethnic boundaries have been scarcely studied as modernism and consider culture as a greater measure of nationalistic unity. However, with the discomfort and silent hatred of ethnic groups grows, they maybe dilute their inherent roots and get subsumed in a lager culture, which shall continue to show signs of unreserved resistance.

It is difficult to develop a contextual teaching model that can be standardized in this process. The dissemination of the teaching of this language requires intricate understanding of the cultures of the learner and their background. It is difficult for the teachers to develop a process given other political and academic expectations of the teacher. The teachers can use fluid methods that are described in this analysis. However, a robust methodology needs to be developed in this process to ensure that holistic growth is enabled for the learner.

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