


为麦当劳的食品采购不同的原材料。麦当劳的产品来自世界各地。它是新开面包店最重要的客户之一,负责为加州南部的不同客户每周生产1440万个面包。该公司使用的小麦来自英国、德国、美国和加拿大。麦当劳的主要目标是,通过严格控制公司为不同供应商和供应商提供的指导方针(Gupta et al., 2000)。为了完成不同的过程,它有一个规则手册,每个人都必须遵守它。本规则手册包含与公司有关的不同过程的完整培训和指导方针。麦当劳供应链部门负责人托德•培根表示,公司最重要的要求是质量(Kane, 2008)。为了保持食品安全和质量标准,公司正在高效地工作。


与供应商签订了长期的原材料生产合同和协议(Ballou, 2007)。这些原材料仅为麦当劳生产,以确保麦当劳获得最佳的原材料价格,同时降低采购成本。在麦当劳工作的员工有一个非常简单和灵活的工作时间表。麦当劳的管理层主要关心的是对公司不同员工的责任和利益的理解。在同样的帮助下,确保员工的工作和生活平衡(Papageorgiou, 2009)。这符合员工的生活方式。公司的首要任务之一是为员工提供健康和安全的工作环境。麦当劳注意到,员工的工作场所安全计划有很多,不同的安全程序应该由各级员工来执行(Peter, 2003)。


Sourcing of different raw materials for the food products of McDonalds.McDonalds sources its products from different parts of the world. It is one of the most important client of the Fresh start bakeries which are responsible for the production of the 14.4 million buns every week for different clients belonging to Southern part of California. The wheat which is used by the company is outsourced from UK, Germany, US and Canada. The primary aim of McDonald is to stand ahead of the crowd by implementation of the strict control on the guidelines issued by the company for the different vendors and the suppliers of the company (Gupta et al., 2000). In order to do different processes, it has a rule book which has to be followed by everyone. This rule book consists of the complete training and guidelines for the different processes related to the company. The head of supply chain unit of McDonalds, Todd Bacon states that the most important requirement for the company is its quality (Kane, 2008). In order to maintain the food safety and quality standards the company is working efficiently.

It has entered into a long term contract and agreement with the suppliers for the production of raw materials (Ballou, 2007). These raw materials are produced only for McDonalds so as to ensure that McDonald’s gets the best price for obtaining the raw materials and also to reduce the costs related to procurement.The employees who work in McDonalds are provided with a very easy and a flexible schedule for work. The management of McDonalds is largely concerned for the understanding of the responsibilities and the interest of the different employees of the company. With the help of the same, a proper work and life balance is assured to the employees (Papageorgiou, 2009). This fits the life style of the employees. One of the top priorities of the company is provide healthy and safe working conditions to its employees. McDonalds take care that there are a large number of workplace safety programs for the employees and different safety procedures should be followed by the employees at all levels(Peter, 2003).