




Eugenio Scaffidi是信托的指定人和受益人。Eugenio Scaffidi任命Montevento公司为信托的受托人。Giuseppe Scaffidi也是信托基金的受益人。法律上的争论是由对手的潜在受益人提出的。其理由是该公司不能作为信托的公司受托人。公司本身成为个人任命者,是唯一的股东和董事,也是信托的潜在受益人,而不是公司。因此,法院被要求根据信托契据中的条款对案件进行裁决,该条款规定,如果个人任命者是受益人,那么他们就不能成为受托人。因为作为受益人的被任命人将他拥有的公司作为信托的受托人。这项委托被认为是无效的。


There are different types of trusts. The trust that is being dealt with in this case is that of the discretionary trust. Now the discretionary trust is one which is called a family trust. They are associated with tax planning, and for the protection of assets held by the members of a family. Usually discretionary trust, true to its name, has the trustee decide at its discretion the form of interests in trust income, or capital that has to be given to the beneficiary. In the discretionary trust, the trustee usually has more control and flexibility. There are usually three parties in a trust. The first of them is called the settlor or the maker of the trust. Usually, the settlor does not have a legal interest in trust property. Secondly, there is the trustee and then the beneficiary. The offices of the trustee on who could be trustee are presented in clause 11 and 12 of trust deed. The appointor is given by clause 12 and the guardian of the trust is given by clause 14 and 15.

Eugenio Scaffidi was both the appointor and beneficiary of the trust. Eugenio Scaffidi appointed company Montevento as trustee of the trust. Giuseppe Scaffidi was also a beneficiary of the trust. The legal argument made was by the rival potential beneficiary. The argument made was that the company could not act as a corporate trustee of the trust. Company as such becomes an individual appointor who was to be the sole shareholder and director and was also a potential beneficiary under the trust and not the company. The court was hence called to adjudicate the case based on the clause in the trust deed, which states that if an individual appointor is a beneficiary then they cannot be trustee. Since the appointor who was a beneficiary had made his company which he owned as a trustee of the trust. It was this appointment in trust that was claimed to be invalid.