


临床决策过程是基于对病情准确评估的认知过程。决策过程背后的基本原理如下所述。术后晕倒的病人将立即得到注意。将进行生命体征检测,以确保患者是否发生过敏性休克或心脏病发作。年龄相关和术后并发症可能导致这种情况。因此,可以计算患者体温、脉搏、血压、呼吸速率和氧饱和度的基本生命体征测试(Elliott & Coventry 2012)。患者的压力水平和患者站立的时间也会被记录下来。这些结果将与临床病例记录进行比较。当我正在收集哈特曼溶液和格洛弗辛等渗溶液时,医生会被叫来做最后的诊断。在做出此决定时,AIN服务将被请求。

在这之后,护士将负责为史密斯夫人的来访者做生命体征检查。进行基本水平的评估,以测试他们的意识水平。任何可见损伤的临床评估将立即进行。在此之后,昏厥的患者将立即接受脉搏、血压、氧饱和度、患者的呼吸频率和体温的检测(Elliott & Coventry 2012)。患者的血糖水平将被收集,因为许多昏厥发作是由于II型糖尿病(Polit, & Beck 2013)。在收集基本的重要信息时,将要求医生提供服务。立刻治疗周太太是很重要的。由于她的静脉输液已经组织,有必要检查是否有额外的静脉或浸润发生在该部位。


Clinical decision-making process is a cognitive process that is based on accurate assessment of the situation. The rationale behind the decision making process is elucidated as follows. Immediate attention would be given to the postoperative patient who had fainted. Vital signs testing would be done to ensure if the patient has anaphylactic shock or heart attack. Age related and post-operative complications could have ensued this situation. Hence basic vital sign testing of temperature of the patient, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation would be calculated (Elliott & Coventry 2012). Stress level of the patients and the time for which the patient was standing would also be noted. These results would be compared to the clinical case history documentation. Doctor will be called in to make the final diagnosis when I would be collecting Hartman solution and Gelofusine isotonic solutions in hand. AIN services would be requested while making this determination.

Following this AIN nurse would be delegated with the responsibility of taking vital sign tests for Mrs. Smith’s Visitor. Basic level of assessment would be done to test their consciousness level. Clinical assessment of any visible injury would be done immediately. Subsequent to this the patient who fainted will be immediately tested for pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, their breathing rate of the patient and temperature of the patient would be noted (Elliott & Coventry 2012). Sugar level of the patient would be collected as many fainting episodes are due to type II Diabetes (Polit, & Beck 2013). Doctor services will be requested while the basic vital information is being gathered.It is important to treat MRS Chew immediately. Since her IV fluids have tissued, there is a need to examine if it is extra venous or infiltration had occurred in the site.