


《怀唐伊条约》是为行使《卡瓦纳坦加条约》而制定的,并根据《瓦纳坦加条约》的精神、物质和自然资源积极保护《瓦纳坦加条约》。所有按照资源管理法行事的个人都必须考虑到条约的原则(James, 2015)。根据《2002年地方政府法案》(Local Government Act 2002),各地议会也有类似的义务。该法规定的判例法和法定义务有助于翻译条约的每一项义务如何在实践中产生效力。议会的一些法案审议了该条约的每一项原则。它在确定新西兰人的工作和新西兰的教育制度方面发挥着重要作用。条约的适用在许多不同的方面影响着新西兰的生活。毛利人在议会中的代表权得到保留席位的支持保证。毛利人人口众多,也通过一般选民成为议会成员。该群体的权利通过以下方式得到保护(Smith & Abel, 2015):接受毛利人部落组织自己的权利,控制自己的资源,保护自己的生活方式和价值。要求政府对毛利人采取合理的行动和诚意。确保政府有责任帮助解决民众的不满。按照新西兰人人在法律义务下享有平等权利的原则发展平等。


The Treaty of Waitangi is provided for exercising kawanatanga, with the active protection of tangata whenua in context of their spiritual, physical and natural resources. All individuals acting in accordance with the Act of Resource Management must take into consideration the principles of the Treaty (James, 2015). There is imposition of similar obligation across councils with the Local Government Act 2002. Case law and statutory obligations established within the act have assisted in translating how each and every obligation of the Treaty provide effectiveness within practice. Each and every principle of the Treaty is considered in a number of Acts of the Parliament. It plays an important role in defining the work of New Zealanders and the education system of New Zealand. Application of treaty impacts the life of New Zealand in a number of different ways. Representation of Maori within the parliament is supportively guaranteed with the reservation of seats. A large population of Maori also have membership in the Parliament through general electorates. The rights of this population is protected in the following ways (Smith & Abel, 2015):Accepting rights of Maori tribes for organizing themselves, controlling their own resources, and protecting their lifestyle and value.Requiring the reasonable action and good faith of the government towards the Maori population.Ensuring the responsibility of government to help in addressing grievances.Developing equality along with the principle that each and every person of New Zealand have equal rights under legal obligation.