


在美国总统大选的前几天,围绕着与希拉里·克林顿的候选人资格有关的电子邮件争议,有很多激烈的辩论。最近,FBI发现了与她有关的新邮件,这些邮件在私人电子邮件服务器上被共享。这种行为被认为是对竞选总统候选人的信任和保密的破坏。这也被认为是一个严重的国家安全问题(Eugene Scott, 2016)。在社交媒体上已经有很多关于这件事的交流。在这一点上,普通人和我的朋友们意见不一。尽管他们中的一些人对希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的行事方式感到担忧,但她并没有注意到自己的行为。在一些通过社交媒体平台就此事进行沟通的人当中,存在着严重的恐惧。
人们关心的是她的候选人资格和为人正直。可以认为,人民真的很担心,如果她被选为总统,她可能会以何种方式对国家安全构成威胁。这些担忧中的许多还没有得到证实(Al-Deen & Hendricks, 2011)。这是一个被许多人忽视的事实,但是对候选人是否适合担任总统职务的怀疑是相当强烈的。新闻频道和媒体一直在强调一个事实,即希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的不当行为尚未得到证实。这一点被许多对这类事情有看法的人忽视了。他们大多是受大众认知和情感的驱动。虽然缺乏正确的事实证明,但这并没有阻止许多人接受她的错误行为,并将其视为投票反对她的理由。


In the recent days leading up to the American Presidential elections, there has been a lot of heated debate regarding the e-mail controversy which has been associated with the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Recently, FBI unearthed fresh emails linked to her which had been shared across the private email servers. Such kind of actions was considered as breach of trust and confidentiality which is expected from candidates fighting for Presidential elections. It is also considered as a serious issue regarding national security concerns (Eugene Scott, 2016). There has been lot of communication regarding this matter on the social media.Average people and my friends have had mixed views on this point. While some of them were concerned regarding the way in Hillary Clinton had been unmindful of her actions. There has been serious fear among some of the people communicating on this matter through social media platforms.
The concerns were regarding her candidacy and integrity of the person. It can be suggested that the people were really concerned over the manner in which she might prove to be a threat to national security if she is elected as the President. Many of these concerns have still not been substantiated and proven (Al-Deen & Hendricks, 2011). This is a fact which has been overlooked by many but the doubts of the candidates’ suitability for President’s post have been quite strong. News channels and media have been highlighting the fact that wrongdoing of Hillary Clinton has not been proven, yet. This point has been overlooked by many of the people having views over such matters. They are mostly driven by popular perception and feelings. There has been lack of proper proven facts but that has not deterred many from accepting her wrongdoing and considering as a point to vote against her.