

今天小编为大家分享一篇优秀的essay范文-澳洲论文代写:商业模式的有效性。本文讲述的是注意并采用一个成功的商业模式的各种含义可能并不总是富有成效的。例如,全球最知名的商人之一威廉•海内克(William Heinecke)就未能利用泰国的鸡肉市场。考虑到鸡肉产品和西方饮食文化在世界各地越来越受欢迎,他于1999年在泰国推出了快餐连锁店。然而,商业模式失败了。他列举了失败的两个特殊原因。首先,鸡肉是全球的主食,全世界都在消费。特别是在泰国,路边小吃比大品牌的产品更受欢迎,跨国食品公司提供的这类产品的价格也在这方面发挥了很大的作用。其次,尽管泰国最初接受了西方饮食文化,但人们的兴趣很快转向了更全球化的感性。就连麦当劳(McDonald’s)等中国其他大公司也推出了更本地化的口味,强调的是通过两种或两种以上文化的融合来创造一种全球口味。当地人似乎喜欢这个主意。另一方面,Chicken Treat没能看到市场上的机会,也没能跟上当地的消费趋势。对于这些正在考虑向全球扩张的特定扩张计划的母公司来说,考虑可能影响市场增长的各种文化和社会因素变得非常重要(海内克,2012)。如果需要更多更全的澳洲论文代写资料,请联系我们的客服。


鸡肉处理在快速服务行业的鸡产品,特别是中东配方一直是该公司销售的关键驱动因素。为澳大利亚人带来新口味的这种新奇感对该公司来说是成功的,品牌旗下的特许经营权也是如此。该公司成功的关键因素之一是在提供填充鸡肉产品和食品方面的独创性,坚持指导儿童食品安全的原则。为公司工作的创造力之一是公司推广产品的创新方式。1999年,该品牌强调独特的烤制方法是真正的烤鸡方式,以保持领先于竞争对手。为了与品牌形象保持一致,标语和标志进行了修改,使其具有当代风格(Adnews, 1999)。


目前,该公司正在努力抓住城市消费者的注意力,推出Roadies等产品,目标人群是那些总是在忙碌中寻找方便的零食选择的人(chickentreat, 2016)。


The effectiveness of the business model

The various implications of noting and adopting a successful business model, however, might not always be fruitful. As an instance, William Heinecke, one of the most recognized businessmen across the globe failed to capitalize on the Chicken Treat market in Thailand. Considering the growing popularity of the chicken products and the Western food culture around the world, he introduced the quick service chain in Thailand in 1999. However, the business model failed. He cites two particular reasons for the failure. Firstly, chicken being a global staple is consumed all over the world. Particularly in Thailand, the roadside delicacies are more popular than the products offered by the big brands, the price of such products offered by the multinational food companies also play a huge part in this regard. Secondly, even though Thailand embraced the Western food culture initially, the interest soon shifted towards a more global sensibility. Even the other big players in the country like McDonald’s introduced flavors that were more local, the emphasis being on creating a global flavor through the probable fusion of two or more cultures. The local people seemed to like the idea. On the other hand, Chicken Treat failed to look at the opportunity in the market and failed to keep up with the local consumer trends. For such parent companies that are looking at particular expansion plans to spread globally, it becomes important to consider the various cultural and social aspects that can impact the market growth (Heinecke, 2012).


Industry and positioning

Chicken Treat Caters in the quick service industry dealing in chicken products, prepared in particular middle-eastern recipes that have been the key driver of sales for the company. The novelty of bringing something new to the Australian palate has been successful for the company, as also for the franchises under the brand name. One of the crucial drivers for the success of the company has been the ingenuity in offering stuffed chicken products and providing food in adhering to the principles guiding the food safety for the children. One of the ingenuity that has worked for the company is the innovative way in which the company promotes its products. In 1999, the brand laid stress on the particular rotisserie method being the authentic way of roasting a chicken to stay ahead of its competitors. In keeping with the brand image, the tagline, and the logo were modified to give it a contemporary makeover (Adnews, 1999).