



因此,选择在菲利普岛选择Bakers Delight特许经营店作为创业企业,是一个有趣而又具有挑战性的选择。商业计划将包括提供220,000美元的建议特许经营投资。该公司提供了初步的电话交谈,然后面对面的会议和一个为期两天的入职培训计划。接下来是与特许经营招聘顾问的最后一次会议。本公司不将先前经验作为加盟商申请人的强制要求。该公司提供一个高度全面的培训计划,为期16周,重点是实用技能和业务技能,是成功经营面包房必不可少的。澳洲代写价格财务方面的问题可以由我个人的贡献和银行的商业贷款来解决。Bakers Delight是一个完善的特许经营体系,已被澳大利亚多家银行认可。因此,很容易从银行获得所需的资金。银行最多可以贷出购房总价的60%,即13.2万美元,其余8.8万美元将由个人贷款安排。获得专业财务顾问和会计师的意见,以确定项目的经济可行性和可行性。预付加盟费为5万美元,期限为与公司签订的10年《特许加盟协议》,加盟费为6.5%加净销售额的消费税,以及2%加净销售额的消费税作为每周应支付的广告费用(FAQs《2016年特许经营信息》)。

澳洲代写价格Recommendations for the entrepreneurial venture

For any new entrepreneurial venture, one must be sure about every aspect of the business that he is going to start. 澳洲代写价格Especially, when there is purchase of an existing business or franchise. The prime question that must be satisfactorily replied is about the underlying motivation of the seller to sell the business. Specially, in case of outright purchase of existing business, it is important to ascertain what is the reason that the owners want to leave the business. The timing of such decision is also crucial. The possibility of some unforeseeable threats that the business might face must be thoroughly considered. There could be possibilities that are not visible in the current situation, or some hidden motives that the sellers of the business are willing to leave the business. Possibility of future changes in the business environment could be of legal, federal or economical perspective. All such factors are important to be considered. For the choice of Bakers Delight, this question could be satisfactorily answered by the fact that the company already have more than 700 bakeries, working in a successful franchise model in the international market. For the past several years, the company is booking increased year-on-year profits and growth. The financial performance of its bakeries in the past years have been positive and satisfactory.澳洲代写价格 Also, the trend of the bakeries in Philip Island is an important deciding factor for the entrepreneurial venture I am planning to start (Terry & Di Lernia 2013).