


离婚相关的教育项目帮助父母和他们的孩子学习如何在不产生进一步冲突的情况下彼此达成一致。在缺乏教育项目的情况下,父母的不当行为会对孩子的心理和行为产生负面影响(父母离异的孩子的项目8),这可能会进一步导致孩子的行为问题,也会影响他们的学业成绩。例如,夫妻之间的冲突经常发生在离婚期间。然而,父母应该避免在孩子面前争吵,因为“孩子会变得好斗,情绪控制能力差”(Gordon和Arbuthnot 1)。孩子们不得不面对的离婚的主要后果是搬到另一个家和一所新学校。他们还担心再也见不到父母,会失去所有的朋友。许多处于离婚边缘的夫妇意识到这种情况会伤害他们的孩子,因此,他们相信教育项目和咨询会帮助他们的孩子应对离婚。
研究表明,教育项目和干预措施有助于孩子,当父母离异时,“寻求改善孩子对家庭‘变化的情况’的适应能力”(为离异家庭的孩子提供的项目)。这是因为通过这样的项目人员的工作直接与儿童,帮助他们消除神话了解情况离婚,还鼓励他们分享他们的情感和促进儿童的应对技能(1),应对技能将帮助孩子们应对父母的分离的困境。这些教育项目不仅是为了孩子,也是为了他们的父母。许多夫妻都明白,他们的孩子正受到分居的影响。因此,离婚相关的教育对于那些无法在孩子面前与他人争吵的父母来说是必要的。除了不适当的行为外,许多父母对配偶的坏话也会造成有害的影响。学者们认为,自过去20年以来,离婚现象出现了一种新的范式(Sigal 126)。


Divorce-related educational programs help parents as well as their children to learn how they can agree with each other without creating further conflicts. In the absence of education programs, the inappropriate behavior of the parents can leave negative impact on the psychology and behavior of children (Programs for Children of Separating Parents 8). This can further lead to behavioral problems in children and can also impact their school grades. For example, conflicts between couples can often happen during divorce. However, parents should avoid fighting in front of children because “children can become aggressive and show poor control of emotions” (Gordon and Arbuthnot 1). During education, counselors can teach parents finding ways to understand and control the emotions of their children. The main consequences of the divorce that children have to face are to move to a different home and a new school. They also fear that they will not be able to see their both parents together again and that they will lose all their friends. Many couples, who are on the verge of getting divorce realize that this situation will harm their children, and thus, they believe that educational programs and counseling sessions will help their children to cope with divorce.
The study shows that educational programs and interventions help children, when their parents who are getting divorced ‘seek to improve children’s adjustment to their families’ changed situation’ (Programs for Children of Separating Parents1). This is because through such programs the professionals work directly with children, helps them to understand the dispelling myths about situation of divorce, encourage them to share their feelings and also promote coping skills in children (1). Coping skills will help children to deal with the difficult situation of parent’s separation. These education programs are not only for children but also for their parents. Many couples understand that their children are getting affected by their separation. Therefore, divorce-related education is necessary for those parents who cannot help fight with other in front of children. Besides inappropriate behavior, many parents’ bad mouth about their spouse also causes harmful effects. The scholars believe that since the last two decades a new paradigm has been introduced towards the phenomenon of divorce (Sigal 126).