

澳洲管理学论文代写-亚当的投资选择。亚当有很多投资选择,个人能获得的最佳回报来自股票。从长期来看,股权收益总是优于固定收益收益投资。亚当已经在房地产上投资,并从中获得租金收益。除非亚当的收入有所增加,否则他应该考虑投资股票,因为与实际投资相比,股票是相当具有流动性的投资。然而,当股票价格经历经济周期时,股票可能并不像他想象的那样具有流动性(Ince & Porter, 2006)。亚当应该考虑投资于流动性强的资产,以防在紧急情况下他可能需要钱。因此,在储蓄总额中(除去度假成本),他应该将收入的60%左右投资于股票,并将剩余部分投资于固定存款等流动资产。他应该建立一个强大的流动性基础,以备不时之需,然后再考虑在替代投资上进行更多的投资。目前,如果他在紧急情况下需要,他身边没有任何可用的东西。因此,他需要建立应急基金。

Looking at the current model of Totyota and the kilometres it has run, Adam can look to get approximately $13000 – $14000 by selling his old car. This is estimated based on the research on different websites, however for reference a screenshot of a quote on car sales for a similar car has been pasted.
New car will cost Adam approximately $40,000 which is a014 model. If the car is 2015 model it crosses $50,000 so it’s better if Adam decides to buy 2014 model.
Assuming that Adam is able to sell his Toyota in $15000 he would still be needing $25,000. It is unclear about the current bank balance of Adam. Hence assuming that the bank balance of Adam is nil he needs to fund the $25,000 through some other means.
One advice for Adam would be that he should not think of buying a new Jeep as it will increase his expenses. Toyota cars cost maintenance is less and would keep his car expenses in check. Since he already has a car he can use the existing car. If he did not have a car then one could have thought of buying a new car. Else suggestion would be to leave the idea of buying new Jeep as it would be costly for him.
Alternatively if Adam needs to buy jeep at the end of year then he starts saving on a monthly basis. He can use partly his inheritance money. He can put in $12,000 of his inheritance money in buying the car. The remaining $12000 he can get by saving $1000 monthly. This would be a huge burden on him as this will constitute 50% of his current savings which will reduce this savings
Credit Card Options and Smart Use of Credit Cards
ANZ Visa rewards has 0.75 rewards for 1$ spent based on eligible purchases. There are ANZ rewards which include options on travel, gift cards, and shopping vouchers and on entertainment. There are safety features which are present in ANZ which include the credit card insurance. It offers 25, 000 points within 3 months after the customer has made eligible purchases (Anz.com.au, 2016).
Commonwealth Bank Awards MasterCard has 0 annual for the first year. Awards credit card gives two cards in one account. For Master card there is 1 point earned per dollar spent. 55 days of interest free purchases. There is security provided in terms of award winning lock or limit lock features. He can use the bank app -CommBank (Commonwealth Bank Awards MasterCard).
NAB low fee MasterCard offers 0 fees and gives complementary insurance plan as protection. It has rewards program for events, movies and experiences which are covered in entertainment section (Commbank.com.au, 2016).
All of the cards are offering 0 fees and protection. At present ANZ Visa awards program seem to give more rewards as compared to other 2 cards. 25,000 points at the start is a big plus and it will help Adam in saving money on some expenses. Redeeming those points is also easy.

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